
Path: lib/ruby-vpi/runner.rb
Last Update: Fri Oct 13 08:57:12 PDT 2006

A template to simplify building and running examples. This file is meant to be embedded in another Rakefile, which bears the responsibility of defining the following variables.

Required variables

SIMULATOR_SOURCES:Array of paths to source files needed by the simulator.
SIMULATOR_TARGET:Name of the Verilog module to be simulated.
SIMULATOR_ARGS:A hash containing keys for each simulator task (same as Rakefile task names) and values containing command-line arguments for each simulator.


When using one simulator after another, ensure that Ruby-VPI is properly compiled for the new simulator by invoking the clobber cleaning task.

Required files

rake/clean   ruby-vpi/rake   rbconfig  



OBJECT_PATH = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'obj')

Public Instance methods

Returns the path to the Ruby-VPI object file for the given simulator.
