require 'stringio' require 'test/unit' require 'stripe' require 'mocha/setup' include Mocha #monkeypatch request methods module Stripe @mock_rest_client = nil def self.mock_rest_client=(mock_client) @mock_rest_client = mock_client end def self.execute_request(opts) get_params = (opts[:headers] || {})[:params] post_params = opts[:payload] case opts[:method] when :get then @mock_rest_client.get opts[:url], get_params, post_params when :post then opts[:url], get_params, post_params when :delete then @mock_rest_client.delete opts[:url], get_params, post_params end end end def test_response(body, code=200) # When an exception is raised, restclient clobbers method_missing. Hence we # can't just use the stubs interface. body = MultiJson.dump(body) if !(body.kind_of? String) m = mock m.instance_variable_set('@stripe_values', { :body => body, :code => code }) def m.body; @stripe_values[:body]; end def m.code; @stripe_values[:code]; end m end def test_customer(params={}) { :subscription_history => [], :bills => [], :charges => [], :livemode => false, :object => "customer", :id => "c_test_customer", :default_card => "cc_test_card", :created => 1304114758, :cards => test_card_array('c_test_customer') }.merge(params) end def test_customer_array { :data => [test_customer, test_customer, test_customer], :object => 'list', :url => '/v1/customers' } end def test_charge(params={}) { :refunded => false, :paid => true, :amount => 100, :card => { :type => "Visa", :last4 => "4242", :exp_month => 11, :country => "US", :exp_year => 2012, :id => "cc_test_card", :object => "card" }, :id => "ch_test_charge", :reason => "execute_charge", :livemode => false, :currency => "usd", :object => "charge", :created => 1304114826 }.merge(params) end def test_charge_array { :data => [test_charge, test_charge, test_charge], :object => 'list', :url => '/v1/charges' } end def test_card_array(customer_id) { :data => [test_card, test_card, test_card], :object => 'list', :url => '/v1/customers/' + customer_id + '/cards' } end def test_card(params={}) { :type => "Visa", :last4 => "4242", :exp_month => 11, :country => "US", :exp_year => 2012, :id => "cc_test_card", :customer => 'c_test_customer', :object => "card" }.merge(params) end def test_coupon(params={}) { :duration => 'repeating', :duration_in_months => 3, :percent_off => 25, :id => "co_test_coupon", :object => "coupon" }.merge(params) end #FIXME nested overrides would be better than hardcoding plan_id def test_subscription(plan_id="gold") { :current_period_end => 1308681468, :status => "trialing", :plan => { :interval => "month", :amount => 7500, :trial_period_days => 30, :object => "plan", :identifier => plan_id }, :current_period_start => 1308595038, :start => 1308595038, :object => "subscription", :trial_start => 1308595038, :trial_end => 1308681468, :customer => "c_test_customer" } end def test_invoice { :id => 'in_test_invoice', :object => 'invoice', :livemode => false, :amount_due => 1000, :attempt_count => 0, :attempted => false, :closed => false, :currency => 'usd', :customer => 'c_test_customer', :date => 1349738950, :lines => { "invoiceitems" => [ { :id => 'ii_test_invoice_item', :object => '', :livemode => false, :amount => 1000, :currency => 'usd', :customer => 'c_test_customer', :date => 1349738950, :description => "A Test Invoice Item", :invoice => 'in_test_invoice' }, ], }, :paid => false, :period_end => 1349738950, :period_start => 1349738950, :starting_balance => 0, :subtotal => 1000, :total => 1000, :charge => nil, :discount => nil, :ending_balance => nil, :next_payemnt_attempt => 1349825350, } end def test_paid_invoice test_invoice.merge({ :attempt_count => 1, :attempted => true, :closed => true, :paid => true, :charge => 'ch_test_charge', :ending_balance => 0, :next_payment_attempt => nil, }) end def test_invoice_customer_array { :data => [test_invoice], :object => 'list', :url => '/v1/invoices?customer=test_customer' } end def test_recipient(params={}) { :name => "Stripe User", :type => "individual", :livemode => false, :object => "recipient", :id => "rp_test_recipient", :active_account => { :last4 => "6789", :bank_name => "STRIPE TEST BANK", :country => "US", :object => "bank_account" }, :created => 1304114758, :verified => true }.merge(params) end def test_recipient_array { :data => [test_recipient, test_recipient, test_recipient], :object => 'list', :url => '/v1/recipients' } end def test_transfer(params={}) { :status => 'pending', :amount => 100, :account => { :object => 'bank_account', :country => 'US', :bank_name => 'STRIPE TEST BANK', :last4 => '6789' }, :recipient => 'test_recipient', :fee => 0, :fee_details => [], :id => "tr_test_transfer", :livemode => false, :currency => "usd", :object => "transfer", :date => 1304114826 }.merge(params) end def test_transfer_array { :data => [test_transfer, test_transfer, test_transfer], :object => 'list', :url => '/v1/transfers' } end def test_invalid_api_key_error { "error" => { "type" => "invalid_request_error", "message" => "Invalid API Key provided: invalid" } } end def test_invalid_exp_year_error { "error" => { "code" => "invalid_expiry_year", "param" => "exp_year", "type" => "card_error", "message" => "Your card's expiration year is invalid" } } end def test_missing_id_error { :error => { :param => "id", :type => "invalid_request_error", :message => "Missing id" } } end def test_api_error { :error => { :type => "api_error" } } end def test_delete_discount_response { :deleted => true, :id => "di_test_coupon" } end