module GOVUKDesignSystemFormBuilder module Elements class Date < Base using PrefixableArray include Traits::Error include Traits::Hint include Traits::Supplemental include Traits::HTMLClasses SEGMENTS = { day: '3i', month: '2i', year: '1i' }.freeze MULTIPARAMETER_KEY = { day: 3, month: 2, year: 1 }.freeze def initialize(builder, object_name, attribute_name, legend:, caption:, hint:, omit_day:, maxlength_enabled:, form_group:, wildcards:, date_of_birth: false, **kwargs, &block) super(builder, object_name, attribute_name, &block) @legend = legend @caption = caption @hint = hint @date_of_birth = date_of_birth @omit_day = omit_day @maxlength_enabled = maxlength_enabled @form_group = form_group @wildcards = wildcards @html_attributes = kwargs end def html*bound, **@form_group, **@html_attributes).html do*bound, **fieldset_options).html do safe_join([supplemental_content, hint_element, error_element, date]) end end end private def fieldset_options { legend: @legend, caption: @caption, described_by: [error_id, hint_id, supplemental_id] } end def date tag.div(class: %(#{brand}-date-input)) do safe_join([day, month, year]) end end def omit_day? @omit_day end def maxlength_enabled? @maxlength_enabled end def day return if omit_day? date_part(:day, width: 2, link_errors: true) end def month date_part(:month, width: 2, link_errors: omit_day?) end def year date_part(:year, width: 4) end def date_part(segment, width:, link_errors: false) tag.div(class: %(#{brand}-date-input__item)) do tag.div(class: %(#{brand}-form-group)) do safe_join([label(segment, link_errors), input(segment, link_errors, width, value(segment))]) end end end def value(segment) attribute = @builder.object.try(@attribute_name) return unless attribute if attribute.respond_to?(segment) attribute.send(segment) elsif attribute.respond_to?(:fetch) attribute.fetch(MULTIPARAMETER_KEY[segment]) do warn("No key '#{segment}' found in MULTIPARAMETER_KEY hash. Expected to find #{MULTIPARAMETER_KEY.values}") nil end else fail(ArgumentError, "invalid Date-like object: must be a Date, Time, DateTime or Hash in MULTIPARAMETER_KEY format") end end def label(segment, link_errors) tag.label( segment.capitalize, class: label_classes, for: id(segment, link_errors) ) end def input(segment, link_errors, width, value) tag.input( id: id(segment, link_errors), class: classes(width), name: name(segment), type: 'text', pattern: pattern(segment), inputmode: 'numeric', value: value, autocomplete: date_of_birth_autocomplete_value(segment), maxlength: (width if maxlength_enabled?), ) end def pattern(segment) return '[0-9X]*' if @wildcards && month)) '[0-9]*' end def classes(width) build_classes( %(input), %(date-input__input), %(input--width-#{width}), %(input--error) => has_errors?, ).prefix(brand) end # if the field has errors we want the govuk_error_summary to # be able to link to the day field. Otherwise, generate IDs # in the normal fashion def id(segment, link_errors) if has_errors? && link_errors field_id(link_errors: link_errors) else [@object_name, @attribute_name, SEGMENTS.fetch(segment)].join("_") end end def name(segment) format( "%s[%s(%s)]", object_name: @object_name, input_name: @attribute_name, segment: SEGMENTS.fetch(segment) ) end def date_of_birth_autocomplete_value(segment) return unless @date_of_birth { day: 'bday-day', month: 'bday-month', year: 'bday-year' }.fetch(segment) end def label_classes build_classes(%(label), %(date-input__label)).prefix(brand) end end end end