require 'spec_helper' describe RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel do class Cassandra class OrderedHash < Hash def keys super.sort end end end def init_app_state(column_family,keyspace,server,env) ENV["RACK_ENV"] = env RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.column_family = column_family RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.keyspace = keyspace RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.config = {"#{env}" => {"server" => server}} end context "initialization" do # This method determines the current keyspace based on the return value of the CassandraModel.keyspace method # which looks at the value of @@current_keyspace or @@default_keyspace to determine the keyspace it is operating # under. If a connection already exists for the keyspace it will re-use it. If a connection does not exist, # it will create a new persistent connection for that keyspace that can be re-used with future requests context :conn do let(:column_family) { 'column_family' } let(:env) { 'test' } let(:server) { 'localhost:9160' } let(:keyspace) { 'SatelliteService_1' } let(:default_keyspace) { 'SatelliteService' } let(:current_keyspace_connection) { flexmock('cassandra') } let(:default_keyspace_connection) { flexmock('cassandra') } before(:each) do ENV["RACK_ENV"] = env RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.column_family = column_family RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.keyspace = default_keyspace RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.config = {env => {"server" => server}} current_keyspace_connection.should_receive(:disable_node_auto_discovery!).and_return(true) current_keyspace_connection.should_receive(:name).and_return('connection1') default_keyspace_connection.should_receive(:disable_node_auto_discovery!).and_return(true) default_keyspace_connection.should_receive(:name).and_return('connection2') flexmock(Cassandra).should_receive(:new).with(keyspace + '_' + (ENV['RACK_ENV'] || 'development') + "_testns", "localhost:9160", {:timeout=>10}).and_return(current_keyspace_connection) flexmock(Cassandra).should_receive(:new).with(default_keyspace + '_' + (ENV['RACK_ENV'] || 'development') + "_testns", "localhost:9160", {:timeout=>10}).and_return(default_keyspace_connection) end it 'raises a meaningful exception when a config stanza is missing' do old_rack_env = ENV['RACK_ENV'] begin ENV['RACK_ENV'] = 'foobar_12345' bad_proc = lambda { RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.reconnect } bad_proc.should raise_error(RightSupport::DB::MissingConfiguration) # This must be the very first attempt to call #conn during the execution of this spec bad_proc = lambda { RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.conn } bad_proc.should raise_error(RightSupport::DB::MissingConfiguration) ensure ENV['RACK_ENV'] = old_rack_env end end # This method assumes that keyspaces being requested to connect to already exist. # If they do not exist, it should NOT create them. If the connection is able # to be successfully established then it should be stored in a pool of connections it 'creates a new connection if no connection exists for provided keyspace' do == end # If a connection has already been opened for a keyspace it should be re-used it 're-uses an existing connection if it exists for provided keyspace' do == end # The keyspace being used for the connection should be either the current keyspace or the default keyspace it 'uses the connection that corresponds to the provided keyspace' do RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.with_keyspace(keyspace) do == end end end end context "use" do before(:each) do @column_family = "TestApp" @keyspace = "TestAppService" @server = "localhost:9160" @env = "test" @timeout = {:timeout => RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel::DEFAULT_TIMEOUT} init_app_state(@column_family, @keyspace, @server, @env) @key = 'key' @value = 'foo' @offset = 'bar' @attrs = {@offset => @value} @opt = {} @get_opt = {:count => RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel::DEFAULT_COUNT} @instance =, @attrs) @conn = flexmock(:connection) flexmock(RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel).should_receive(:conn).and_return(@conn) @conn.should_receive(:insert).with(@column_family, @key, @attrs,@opt).and_return(true) @conn.should_receive(:remove).with(@column_family, @key).and_return(true) @conn.should_receive(:get).with(@column_family, @key, @get_opt).and_return(@attrs).by_default @conn.should_receive(:multi_get).with(@column_family, [1,2], @opt).and_return( end describe "instance methods" do context :save do it 'saves the row' do be_true end end context :destroy do it 'destroys the row' do @instance.destroy.should be_true end end context :reload do it 'returns a new object for the row' do @instance.reload.should be_a_kind_of(RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel) @instance.reload!.should be_a_kind_of(RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel) end end end describe "class methods" do # We want to remain backward-compatible for existing services so we expect this call to be made # as such: RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.keyspace = "SatelliteService" and CassandraModel # will append the RACK_ENV to the end of it. Ex: "SatelliteService_development" context :keyspace= do let(:keyspace) { 'SatelliteService' } it 'appends the environment to the keyspace provided' do RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.keyspace = keyspace RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.send(:class_variable_get, :@@default_keyspace).should == (keyspace + "_" + (ENV['RACK_ENV'] || 'development') + "_testns") end end # If a current keyspace is provided it takes precedence over the default keyspace. If none is # provided, the default keyspace should be returned. context :keyspace do let(:keyspace) { 'SatelliteService_' + ENV['RACK_ENV'] + "_testns"} it 'returns the default keyspace if no current keyspace is set' do RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.send(:class_variable_set, :@@current_keyspace, nil) RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.send(:class_variable_set, :@@default_keyspace, keyspace) RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.keyspace.should == keyspace end it 'returns the current keyspace if a current keyspace is set' do RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.send(:class_variable_set, :@@current_keyspace, keyspace) RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.send(:class_variable_set, :@@default_keyspace, nil) RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.keyspace.should == keyspace end end # This method assumes that a valid keyspace is passed in. If the keyspace does not exist we do NOT # want to create it. CassandraModel should use the keyspace provided for the duration of the code # executed within the block. Any requests processed outside of the block should execute using the # default keyspace. context :with_keyspace do let(:keyspace) { 'SatelliteService_1' } let(:default_keyspace) { 'SatelliteService' } before(:each) do RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.keyspace = default_keyspace end it 'sets the current keyspace to the keyspace provided for execution within the block' do RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.with_keyspace(keyspace) do RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.keyspace.should == keyspace + "_test_testns" end end it 'resets back to the default keyspace for execution outside of the block' do RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.with_keyspace(keyspace) {} RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.keyspace.should == default_keyspace + "_test_testns" end context 'append_env parameter' do it 'appends the environment by default' do RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.with_keyspace('Monkey') do RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.keyspace.should == 'Monkey_test_testns' end end it 'appends the environment when append_env == true' do RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.with_keyspace('Monkey', true) do RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.keyspace.should == 'Monkey_test_testns' end end it 'does NOT append the environment when append_env == false' do RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.with_keyspace('Monkey_notatest', false) do RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.keyspace.should == 'Monkey_notatest' end end it 'avoids double-appending the environment' do RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.with_keyspace('Monkey_test_testns') do RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.keyspace.should == 'Monkey_test_testns' end end end end context :insert do it 'inserts a row by using the class method' do RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.insert(@key, @attrs, @opt).should be_true end end context :remove do it 'removes a row by using the class method' do RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.remove(@key).should be_true end end context :all do it 'returns all existing rows for the specified array of keys' do RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.all([1, 2]).should be_a_kind_of(Hash) end end context :get do it 'returns row for the specified key' do RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.get(@key).should be_a_kind_of(RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel) end it 'returns only number of columns requested' do attrs = {@offset + '1' => @value, @offset + '2' => @value} get_opt = {:count => 2} @conn.should_receive(:get).with(@column_family, @key, get_opt).and_return(attrs).once RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.get(@key, get_opt).attributes.should == attrs end it 'returns all columns for the specified key if no count specified' do pending "Unpredictable behavior on ruby < 1.9" unless RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9" default_count = RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel::DEFAULT_COUNT RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.instance_eval { remove_const :DEFAULT_COUNT } RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.const_set(:DEFAULT_COUNT, 2) begin attrs1 = {@offset + '1' => @value, @offset + '2' => @value} attrs2 = {@offset + '3' => @value} attrs = attrs1.merge(attrs2) get_opt1 = {:count => 2} get_opt2 = {:count => 2, :start => @offset + '2'} @conn.should_receive(:get).with(@column_family, @key, get_opt1).and_return(attrs1).once @conn.should_receive(:get).with(@column_family, @key, get_opt2).and_return(attrs2).once RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.get(@key).attributes.should == attrs ensure RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.instance_eval { remove_const :DEFAULT_COUNT } RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.const_set(:DEFAULT_COUNT, default_count) end end it 'returns nil if key not found' do @conn.should_receive(:get).with(@column_family, @key, @get_opt).and_return({}) RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.get(@key).should be_nil end end def real_get_indexed(index, key, columns = nil, opt = {}) rows = {} start = "" count = DEFAULT_COUNT expr = do_op(:create_idx_expr, index, key, "EQ") opt = opt[:consistency] ? {:consistency => opt[:consistency]} : {} while true clause = do_op(:create_idx_clause, [expr], start, count) chunk = do_op(:get_indexed_slices, column_family, clause, columns, opt) rows.merge!(chunk) if chunk.size == count # Assume there are more chunks, use last key as start of next get start = chunk.keys.last else # This must be the last chunk break end end rows end context :get_indexed do before(:each) do @column = flexmock(:column, :name => 'foo', :value => 'bar') @column_or_super = flexmock(:column_or_super, :column => @column) @rows = {@key => [@column_or_super]} @index = 'index' @index_key = 'index_key' @start = "" @count = RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel::DEFAULT_COUNT @expr = flexmock(:expr) @conn.should_receive(:create_idx_expr).and_return(@expr) @clause = flexmock(:clause) @conn.should_receive(:create_idx_clause).with([@expr], @start, @count).and_return(@clause).by_default @conn.should_receive(:get_indexed_slices).with(@column_family, @clause, nil, {}).and_return(@rows).by_default end it 'returns row for the specified key' do rows = RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.get_indexed(@index, @index_key) rows.should be_a_kind_of(Array) rows.size.should == 1 rows.first.should be_a_kind_of(RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel) end it 'returns all rows for the specified key if no count specified' do pending "Unpredictable behavior on ruby < 1.9" unless RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9" default_count = RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel::DEFAULT_COUNT RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.instance_eval { remove_const :DEFAULT_COUNT } RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.const_set(:DEFAULT_COUNT, 2) begin key1 = @key + '8' key2 = @key + '12' key3 = @key + '13' cols = {'foo' => 'bar'} rows1 = {key1 => [@column_or_super], key2 => [@column_or_super]} rows2 = {key3 => [@column_or_super]} @conn.should_receive(:create_idx_clause).with([@expr], @start, 2).and_return(@clause).once @conn.should_receive(:get_indexed_slices).with(@column_family, @clause, nil, {}).and_return(rows1).once @conn.should_receive(:create_idx_clause).with([@expr], key2, 2).and_return(@clause).once @conn.should_receive(:get_indexed_slices).with(@column_family, @clause, nil, {}).and_return(rows2).once rows = RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.get_indexed(@index, @index_key) rows.size.should == 3 rows.inject({}) { |s, r| s[r.key] = r.attributes; s }.should == {key1 => cols, key2 => cols, key3 => cols} ensure RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.instance_eval { remove_const :DEFAULT_COUNT } RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.const_set(:DEFAULT_COUNT, default_count) end end it 'returns empty array if no rows found for key' do @conn.should_receive(:get_indexed_slices).with(@column_family, @clause, nil, {}).and_return({}).once RightSupport::DB::CassandraModel.get_indexed(@index, @index_key).should == [] end end end end context '.calculate_random_partitioner_token' do it 'works' do expected = 73001115008341200964825964898370608784 described_class.calculate_random_partitioner_token('71:foomonkeys').should == expected end end end