module Misc ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH = 1000 STRING_MAX_LENGTH = ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH * 100 def self.break_lines(text, char_size=80) text = text.gsub("\n", " ") lines = [] line = [] text.split(/([\s\-]+)/).each do |part| if line.join("").length + part.length > char_size lines << line * "" line = [] end line << part end lines << line * "" lines.flatten.collect{|l| l.strip} * "\n" end def self.name2basename(file) sanitize_filename(file.gsub("/",'>').gsub("~", '-')) end def self.sanitize_filename(filename, length = 254) if filename.length > length if filename =~ /(\..{2,9})$/ extension = $1 else extension = '' end post_fix = "--#{filename.length}@#{length}_#{Misc.digest(filename)[0..4]}" + extension filename = filename[0..(length - post_fix.length - 1)] << post_fix else filename end filename end def self.fingerprint(obj) case obj when nil "nil" when (defined? Step and Step) "" when TrueClass "true" when FalseClass "false" when Symbol ":" << obj.to_s when String if obj.length > 100 "'" << obj.slice(0,30) << "<...#{obj.length}...>" << obj.slice(-10,30)<< "'" else "'" << obj << "'" end when (defined? AnnotatedArray and AnnotatedArray) "" when (defined? TSV and TSV::Parser) filename = obj.filename filename = "STDIN(#{rand})" if filename == '-' "" when IO (obj.respond_to?(:filename) and obj.filename ) ? "" : obj.inspect when File "" when NamedArray "[ 10 "[#{length}--" << (obj.values_at(0,1, length / 2, -2, -1).collect{|e| fingerprint(e)} * ",") << "]" else "[" << (obj.collect{|e| fingerprint(e) } * ", ") << "]" end when (defined? TSV and TSV) obj.with_unnamed do "TSV:{"<< fingerprint(obj.all_fields|| []).inspect << ";" << fingerprint(obj.keys).inspect << "}" end when Hash if obj.length > 10 "H:{"<< fingerprint(obj.keys) << ";" << fingerprint(obj.values) << "}" else new = "{" obj.each do |k,v| new << fingerprint(k) << '=>' << fingerprint(v) << ' ' end if new.length > 1 new[-1] = "}" else new << '}' end new end when Float if obj.abs > 10 "%.1f" % obj elsif obj.abs > 1 "%.3f" % obj else "%.6f" % obj end else obj.to_s end end def self.remove_long_items(obj) case when IO === obj remove_long_items("IO: " + (obj.respond_to?(:filename) ? (obj.filename || obj.inspect) : obj.inspect )) when obj.respond_to?(:path) remove_long_items("File: " + obj.path) when TSV::Parser === obj filename = obj.filename filename = "STDIN(rand-#{rand(10000000)})" if filename == '-' remove_long_items("TSV Stream: " + filename + " -- " << Misc.fingerprint(obj.options)) when TSV === obj remove_long_items((obj.all_fields || []) + obj.keys.sort) when (Array === obj and obj.length > ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH) remove_long_items(obj[0..ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH-2] << "TRUNCATED at #{ ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH }/#{obj.length}") when (Hash === obj and obj.length > ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH) remove_long_items(obj.collect.compact[0..ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH-2] << ["TRUNCATED", "at #{ ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH }/#{obj.length}"]) when (String === obj and obj.length > STRING_MAX_LENGTH) obj[0..STRING_MAX_LENGTH-1] << " TRUNCATED at #{STRING_MAX_LENGTH}/#{obj.length}" when Hash === obj new = {} obj.each do |k,v| new[k] = remove_long_items(v) end new when Array === obj obj.collect do |e| remove_long_items(e) end else obj end end def self.digest(text) Digest::MD5.hexdigest(text) end def self.sample_large_obj(obj, max = 100) length = obj.length head = obj[0..max/2] tail = obj[-max/2..-1] middle = (1..9).to_a.collect{|i| pos = (length / 10) * i + i; obj[pos-1..pos+1]}.flatten if Array === obj head + middle + tail + ["LENGTH: #{obj.length}"] else head << "..." << middle*"," << "..." << tail << "(#{obj.length})" end end HASH2MD5_MAX_STRING_LENGTH = 1000 HASH2MD5_MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH = 100 def self.hash2md5(hash) return "" if hash.nil? or hash.empty? str = "" keys = hash.keys keys = keys.clean_annotations if keys.respond_to? :clean_annotations keys = keys.sort_by{|k| k.to_s} if hash.respond_to? :unnamed unnamed = hash.unnamed hash.unnamed = true end keys.each do |k| next if k == :monitor or k == "monitor" or k == :in_situ_persistence or k == "in_situ_persistence" _v = hash[k] _k = k v = Annotated.purge(_v) k = Annotated.purge(k) case when TrueClass === v str << k.to_s << "=>true" when FalseClass === v str << k.to_s << "=>false" when Hash === v str << k.to_s << "=>" << hash2md5(v) when Symbol === v str << k.to_s << "=>" << v.to_s when (String === v and v.length > HASH2MD5_MAX_STRING_LENGTH) #str << k.to_s << "=>" << v[0..HASH2MD5_MAX_STRING_LENGTH] << v[v.length-3..v.length+3] << v[-3..-1] << "; #{ v.length }" str << k.to_s << "=>" << v[0..HASH2MD5_MAX_STRING_LENGTH] << "; #{ v.length }" when String === v str << k.to_s << "=>" << v when (Array === v and v.length > HASH2MD5_MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH) #str << k.to_s << "=>[" << (v[0..HASH2MD5_MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH] + v[v.length-3..v.length+3] + v[-3..-1]) * "," << "; #{ v.length }]" str << k.to_s << "=>[" << v[0..HASH2MD5_MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH] * "," << "; #{ v.length }]" when TSV::Parser === v str << remove_long_items(v) when Array === v str << k.to_s << "=>[" << v * "," << "]" when File === v str << k.to_s << "=>[File:" << v.path << "]" else begin v_ins = v.inspect rescue v_ins = "#Object:" << v.object_id.to_s end case when v_ins =~ /:0x0/ str << k.to_s << "=>" << v_ins.sub(/:0x[a-f0-9]+@/,'') else str << k.to_s << "=>" << v_ins end end if _v and defined? Annotated and Annotated === _v and not (defined? AssociationItem and AssociationItem === _v) info = info = Annotated.purge(info) str << "_" << hash2md5(info) end end hash.unnamed = unnamed if hash.respond_to? :unnamed if str.empty? "" else digest(str) end end def self.txt_digest_str(txt) "digest: " << digest(txt) end def self.mtime_str(path) path = path.find if Path === path if File.exists? path "mtime: " << File.mtime(path).to_s else "mtime: not present" end end def self.obj2str(obj) _obj = obj obj = Annotated.purge(obj) if Annotated === obj str = case obj when TrueClass 'true' when FalseClass 'false' when Hash "{"<< obj.collect{|k,v| obj2str(k) + '=>' << obj2str(v)}*"," << "}" when Symbol obj.to_s when (defined? Path and Path) if obj.exists? if "directory: #{obj.glob("**/*")}" else "file: " << obj << "--" << mtime_str(obj) end else obj + " (file missing)" end when String if Misc.is_filename?(obj) obj2str Path.setup(obj.dup) else obj = obj.chomp if String === obj if obj.length > HASH2MD5_MAX_STRING_LENGTH sample_large_obj(obj, HASH2MD5_MAX_STRING_LENGTH) << "--" << txt_digest_str(obj) else obj end end when Array if obj.length > HASH2MD5_MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH "[" << sample_large_obj(obj, HASH2MD5_MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH).collect{|v| obj2str(v)} * "," << "]" else "[" << obj.collect{|v| obj2str(v)} * "," << "]" end when TSV::Parser remove_long_items(obj) when File if obj.respond_to? :filename and obj.filename "" else "" end when (defined? Step and Step) "" when IO if obj.respond_to? :filename and obj.filename "" else obj.inspect + rand(1000000).to_s end else if obj.respond_to? :filename and obj.filename "" else obj_ins = obj.inspect obj_str = if obj_ins =~ /:0x0/ obj_ins.gsub(/:0x[a-f0-9]+/,'') else obj_ins end end end if defined? Annotated and Annotated === _obj and not (defined? AssociationItem and AssociationItem === _obj) info = Annotated.purge( str << "_" << obj2str(info) end str end def self.obj2digest(obj) str = obj2str(obj) if str.empty? "" else digest(str) end end def self.obj2md5(obj) obj2digest(obj) end def self.get_filename(obj) if obj.respond_to? :filename obj.filename elsif obj.respond_to? :path obj.path elsif (Path === obj || (String === obj && Misc.is_filename?(obj))) obj else nil end end end