require File.expand_path('../../../load_paths', __FILE__) require 'test/unit' require 'rack/test' require 'rack' require 'uuid' require 'shoulda' require 'mocha' require 'webrat' require 'grit' require 'thor/group' require 'fakeweb' require 'padrino-gen' require 'padrino-core/support_lite' unless defined?(SupportLite) Padrino::Generators.load_components! class Test::Unit::TestCase include Rack::Test::Methods include Webrat::Methods include Webrat::Matchers Webrat.configure do |config| config.mode = :rack end def stop_time_for_test time = Time.stubs(:now).returns(time) return time end # generate(:controller, 'DemoItems', '-r=/tmp/sample_project') def generate(name, *params) "Padrino::Generators::#{name.to_s.camelize}".constantize.start(params) end # assert_has_tag(:h1, :content => "yellow") { "


" } # In this case, block is the html to evaluate def assert_has_tag(name, attributes = {}, &block) html = block && matcher =, attributes) raise "Please specify a block!" if html.blank? assert matcher.matches?(html), matcher.failure_message end # assert_has_no_tag, tag(:h1, :content => "yellow") { "


" } # In this case, block is the html to evaluate def assert_has_no_tag(name, attributes = {}, &block) html = block && attributes.merge!(:count => 0) matcher =, attributes) raise "Please specify a block!" if html.blank? assert matcher.matches?(html), matcher.failure_message end # assert_file_exists('/tmp/app') def assert_file_exists(file_path) assert File.exist?(file_path), "File at path '#{file_path}' does not exist!" end alias :assert_dir_exists :assert_file_exists # assert_no_file_exists('/tmp/app') def assert_no_file_exists(file_path) assert !File.exist?(file_path), "File should not exist at path '#{file_path}' but was found!" end alias :assert_no_dir_exists :assert_no_file_exists # Asserts that a file matches the pattern def assert_match_in_file(pattern, file) File.exist?(file) ? assert_match(pattern, : assert_file_exists(file) end def assert_no_match_in_file(pattern, file) File.exists?(file) ? assert_no_match(pattern, : assert_file_exists(file) end # expects_generated :model, "post title:string body:text" def expects_generated(generator, params="") Padrino.expects(:bin_gen).with(generator, *params.split(' ')).returns(true) end # expects_generated_project :test => :shoulda, :orm => :activerecord, :dev => true def expects_generated_project(options={}) project_root = options[:root] project_name = options[:name] settings = options.slice!(:name, :root) components = settings.sort_by { |k, v| k.to_s }.map { |component, value| "--#{component}=#{value}" } params = [project_name, *components].push("-r=#{project_root}") Padrino.expects(:bin_gen).with(*params.unshift('project')).returns(true) end # expects_dependencies 'nokogiri' def expects_dependencies(name) instance = mock instance.expects(:invoke!).once include_text = "gem '#{name}'\n" Thor::Actions::InjectIntoFile.expects(:new).with(anything,'Gemfile', include_text, anything).returns(instance) end # expects_initializer :test, "# Example" def expects_initializer(name, body,options={}) #options.reverse_merge!(:root => "/tmp/sample_project") path = File.join(options[:root],'lib',"#{name}_init.rb") instance = mock instance.expects(:invoke!).at_least_once include_text = " register #{name.to_s.camelize}Initializer\n" Thor::Actions::InjectIntoFile.expects(:new).with(anything,anything, include_text, anything).returns(instance) Thor::Actions::CreateFile.expects(:new).with(anything, path, kind_of(Proc), anything).returns(instance) end def expects end # expects_rake "custom" def expects_rake(command,options={}) #options.reverse_merge!(:root => '/tmp') Padrino.expects(:bin).with("rake", command, "-c=#{options[:root]}").returns(true) end # expects_git :commit, "hello world" def expects_git(command,options={}) FileUtils.mkdir_p(options[:root]) if command.to_s == 'init' args = options[:arguments] || options[:root] ::Grit::Repo.expects(:init).with(args).returns(true) else base =[:root]) ::Grit::Repo.stubs(:new).with(options[:root]).returns(base) ::Grit::Git.any_instance.expects(command.to_sym).with(options[:arguments]).returns(true) end end end class Object # Silences the output by redirecting to stringIO # silence_logger { ...commands... } => "...output..." def silence_logger(&block) orig_stdout = $stdout $stdout = log_buffer = $stdout = orig_stdout log_buffer.rewind && end end module Webrat module Logging def logger # # @private @logger = nil end end end