module Globalize2 module PageExtensions module InstanceMethods def self.included(base) base.validate.delete_if { |v| v.options[:scope] == :parent_id } base.send(:validate, :unique_slug) base.reflections[:children].options[:order] = 'pages.virtual DESC' base.class_eval do def self.locale I18n.locale end #eigenclass = class << self; self; end translates :title, :slug, :breadcrumb, :description, :keywords attr_accessor :reset_translations alias_method_chain 'tag:link', :globalize alias_method_chain 'tag:children:each', :globalize alias_method_chain :path, :globalize alias_method_chain :save_translations!, :reset def self.scope_locale(locale, &block) with_scope(:find => { :joins => "INNER JOIN page_translations ptrls ON ptrls.page_id =", :conditions => ['ptrls.locale = ?', locale] }) do yield end end end end def unique_slug options = { "pages.parent_id = ?" => self.parent_id, "ptrls.slug = ?" => self.slug, "ptrls.locale = ?" => self.class.locale.to_s, "ptrls.page_id <> ?" => } conditions_str = [] conditions_arg = [] options.each do |key, value| if value != nil conditions_str << key conditions_arg << value else conditions_str << "ptrls.page_id IS NOT NULL" end end conditions = [conditions_str.join(" AND "), *conditions_arg] if self.class.find(:first, :joins => "INNER JOIN page_translations ptrls ON ptrls.page_id =", :conditions => conditions ) errors.add('slug', "must be unique") end end def save_translations_with_reset! if reset_translations && I18n.locale.to_s != Globalize2Extension.default_language self.translations.find_by_locale(I18n.locale.to_s).destroy parts.each do |part| part.translations.find_by_locale(I18n.locale.to_s).destroy end else save_translations_without_reset! end end def path_with_globalize unless parent || Globalize2Extension.locales.size <= 1 '/' + I18n.locale.to_s + path_without_globalize else path_without_globalize end end def clone new_page = super translations.each do |t| new_page.translations << t.clone end new_page end end end end