## v0.6.0 * added KyotoTycoon::Cursor for cursor support * always close socket at script exit ## v0.5.6 * fixed for ruby 1.8.7 ## v0.5.5 * fixed bulk methods. [Thanks rickyrobinson!](https://github.com/uu59/kyototycoon-ruby/pull/1/files) ## v0.5.4 * Added bin/kyototycoon-console. it's like as Sequel's `sequel` script ## v0.5.3 * fixed bug using base64 encoding * regenerate socket when that closed ## v0.5.2 * fixed encoded response handling * fixed miss named method ## v0.5.1 * changing server dicision logic * added KT::Stream.run ## v0.5.0 * Always Keep-Alive connection * remove Tsvrpc::Nethttp, and KT#agent= * default KT#colenc = :B (Base64) * modified benchmark/*.rb ## v0.1.2 * added KT#configure, KT#create * added KT#incr, KT#decr, KT#decrement * rspec connect to localhost:19999 for safety ## v0.1.1 * fixed always xt=0 ## v0.1.0 * first release