require "http" require "cgi" require "gerencianet/constants" require "gerencianet/status" require "gerencianet/version" module Gerencianet # Given the constants file, with the endpoints signatures, # this class maps each one of them to a concerning function class Endpoints attr_accessor :token attr_reader :endpoints attr_reader :urls attr_reader :base_url attr_reader :options def initialize(options) @token = nil @options = options @endpoints = Constants::ENDPOINTS @urls = Constants::URL @base_url = current_base_url create_methods end private def create_methods @endpoints.each do |key, settings| self.class.send(:define_method, key) do |args = {}| create(args[:params], args[:body], settings) end end end def create(params, body, settings) authenticate unless @token response = make_request(params, body, settings) if response.status.to_s == STATUS::UNAUTHORIZED authenticate response = make_request(params, body, settings) end respond(response) end def make_request(params, body, settings) url = get_url(params, settings[:route]) headers = { "accept" => "application/json", "api-sdk" => "ruby-#{Gerencianet::VERSION}" } HTTP .headers(headers) .auth("Bearer #{@token['access_token']}") .method(settings[:method]) .call(url, json: body) end def authenticate url = get_url({}, @endpoints[:authorize][:route]) response = HTTP .basic_auth(auth_headers) .post(url, json: auth_body) if response.status.to_s == STATUS::UNAUTHORIZED fail "unable to authenticate" else @token = respond(response) end end def auth_headers { user: @options[:client_id], pass: @options[:client_secret], "api-sdk" => "ruby-#{Gerencianet::VERSION}" } end def auth_body {grant_type: :client_credentials} end def get_url(params, route) params = {} if params.nil? route = remove_placeholders(params, route) full_url(params, route) end def remove_placeholders(params, route) regex = /\:(\w+)/ route.scan(regex).each do |key| key = key[0] value = params[key.to_sym].to_s route = route.gsub(":#{key}", value) params.delete(key.to_sym) end route end def full_url(params, route) mapped = map_params(params) if !mapped.empty? "#{@base_url}#{route}?#{mapped}" else "#{@base_url}#{route}" end end def map_params(params) do |key| "#{key[0]}=#{CGI.escape(key[1].to_s)}" end.join("&") end def current_base_url @options[:sandbox] ? @urls[:sandbox] : @urls[:production] end def respond(response) JSON.parse(response) rescue JSON::ParserError raise "unable to parse server response, not a valid json" end end end