# ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2020, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission from the respective party. # # (4) Other than as required in clauses (1) and (2), distributions in any form # of modifications or other derivative works may not use the "OpenStudio" # trademark, "OS", "os", or any other confusingly similar designation without # specific prior written permission from Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) AND ANY CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S), ANY CONTRIBUTORS, THE # UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, OR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR ANY OF # THEIR EMPLOYEES, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ******************************************************************************* # see the URL below for information on how to write OpenStudio measures # http://nrel.github.io/OpenStudio-user-documentation/measures/measure_writing_guide/ # load OpenStudio measure libraries from openstudio-extension gem require 'openstudio-extension' require 'openstudio/extension/core/os_lib_helper_methods' # start the measure class TariffSelectionFlat < OpenStudio::Measure::EnergyPlusMeasure # human readable name def name return 'Tariff Selection-Flat' end # human readable description def description return 'This measure sets flat rates for electricity, gas, water, district heating, and district cooling.' end # human readable description of modeling approach def modeler_description return 'Will add the necessary UtilityCost objects into the model.' end # define the arguments that the user will input def arguments(workspace) args = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector.new # make choice argument for facade choices = OpenStudio::StringVector.new choices << 'QuarterHour' choices << 'HalfHour' choices << 'FullHour' # don't want to offer Day or Week even though valid E+ options # choices << "Day" # choices << "Week" demand_window_length = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('demand_window_length', choices, true) demand_window_length.setDisplayName('Demand Window Length.') demand_window_length.setDefaultValue('QuarterHour') args << demand_window_length # adding argument for elec_rate elec_rate = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('elec_rate', true) elec_rate.setDisplayName('Electric Rate') elec_rate.setUnits('$/kWh') elec_rate.setDefaultValue(0.12) args << elec_rate # adding argument for electric demand rate elec_demand_rate = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('elec_demand_rate', true) elec_demand_rate.setDisplayName('Electric Demand Rate') elec_demand_rate.setUnits('$/kW') elec_demand_rate.setDefaultValue(12.00) args << elec_demand_rate # adding argument for electric monthly charge elec_monthly_rate = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('elec_monthly_rate', true) elec_monthly_rate.setDisplayName('Electric Monthly Rate') elec_monthly_rate.setUnits('$/month') elec_monthly_rate.setDefaultValue(120.0) args << elec_monthly_rate # adding argument for gas_rate gas_rate = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('gas_rate', true) gas_rate.setDisplayName('Gas Rate') gas_rate.setUnits('$/therm') gas_rate.setDefaultValue(0.5) args << gas_rate # adding argument for gas monthly rate gas_monthly_rate = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('gas_monthly_rate', true) gas_monthly_rate.setDisplayName('Gas Montly Rate') gas_monthly_rate.setUnits('$/month') gas_monthly_rate.setDefaultValue(50) args << gas_monthly_rate # adding argument for water_rate water_rate = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('water_rate', true) water_rate.setDisplayName('Water Rate') water_rate.setUnits('$/gal') water_rate.setDefaultValue(0.005) args << water_rate # adding argument for disthtg_rate disthtg_rate = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('disthtg_rate', true) disthtg_rate.setDisplayName('District Heating Rate') disthtg_rate.setUnits('$/therm') disthtg_rate.setDefaultValue(0.2) args << disthtg_rate # adding argument for distclg_rate distclg_rate = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('distclg_rate', true) distclg_rate.setDisplayName('District Cooling Rate') distclg_rate.setUnits('$/therm') distclg_rate.setDefaultValue(0.2) args << distclg_rate return args end # define what happens when the measure is run def run(workspace, runner, user_arguments) super(workspace, runner, user_arguments) # assign the user inputs to variables args = OsLib_HelperMethods.createRunVariables(runner, workspace, user_arguments, arguments(workspace)) if !args then return false end # reporting initial condition of model starting_tariffs = workspace.getObjectsByType('UtilityCost:Tariff'.to_IddObjectType) runner.registerInitialCondition("The model started with #{starting_tariffs.size} tariff objects.") # map demand window length to integer demand_window_per_hour = nil if args['demand_window_length'] == 'QuarterHour' demand_window_per_hour = 4 elsif args['demand_window_length'] == 'HalfHour' demand_window_per_hour = 2 elsif args['demand_window_length'] == 'FullHour' demand_window_per_hour = 1 end # make sure demand window length is is divisible by timestep if !workspace.getObjectsByType('Timestep'.to_IddObjectType).empty? initial_timestep = workspace.getObjectsByType('Timestep'.to_IddObjectType)[0].getString(0).get if initial_timestep.to_f / demand_window_per_hour.to_f == (initial_timestep.to_f / demand_window_per_hour.to_f).truncate # checks if remainder of divided numbers is > 0 runner.registerInfo("The demand window length of a #{args['demand_window_length']} is compatible with the current setting of #{initial_timestep} timesteps per hour.") else workspace.getObjectsByType('Timestep'.to_IddObjectType)[0].setString(0, demand_window_per_hour.to_s) runner.registerInfo("Updating the timesteps per hour in the model from #{initial_timestep} to #{demand_window_per_hour} to be compatible with the demand window length of a #{args['demand_window_length']}") end else # add a timestep object to the workspace new_object_string = " Timestep, 4; !- Number of Timesteps per Hour " idfObject = OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string) object = idfObject.get wsObject = workspace.addObject(object) new_object = wsObject.get runner.registerInfo('No timestep object found. Added a new timestep object set to 4 timesteps per hour') end # elec tariff object if args['elec_rate'] > 0 new_object_string = " UtilityCost:Tariff, Electricity Tariff, !- Name ElectricityPurchased:Facility, !- Output Meter Name kWh, !- Conversion Factor Choice , !- Energy Conversion Factor , !- Demand Conversion Factor , !- Time of Use Period Schedule Name , !- Season Schedule Name , !- Month Schedule Name Day, !- Demand Window Length #{args['elec_monthly_rate']}; !- Monthly Charge or Variable Name " elec_tariff = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get # make UtilityCost:Charge:Simple objects for electricity new_object_string = " UtilityCost:Charge:Simple, ElectricityTariffEnergyCharge, !- Name Electricity Tariff, !- Tariff Name totalEnergy, !- Source Variable Annual, !- Season EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name #{args['elec_rate']}; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name " elec_utility_cost = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get if args['elec_demand_rate'] > 0 new_object_string = " UtilityCost:Charge:Simple, ElectricityTariffDemandCharge, !- Name Electricity Tariff, !- Tariff Name totalDemand, !- Source Variable Annual, !- Season DemandCharges, !- Category Variable Name #{args['elec_demand_rate']}; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name " elec_utility_cost = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get end end # gas tariff object if args['gas_rate'] > 0 new_object_string = " UtilityCost:Tariff, Gas Tariff, !- Name Gas:Facility, !- Output Meter Name Therm, !- Conversion Factor Choice , !- Energy Conversion Factor , !- Demand Conversion Factor , !- Time of Use Period Schedule Name , !- Season Schedule Name , !- Month Schedule Name Day, !- Demand Window Length #{args['gas_monthly_rate']}; !- Monthly Charge or Variable Name " gas_tariff = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get # make UtilityCost:Charge:Simple objects for gas new_object_string = " UtilityCost:Charge:Simple, GasTariffEnergyCharge, !- Name Gas Tariff, !- Tariff Name totalEnergy, !- Source Variable Annual, !- Season EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name #{args['gas_rate']}; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name " gas_utility_cost = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get end # conversion for water tariff rate dollars_per_gallon = args['water_rate'] dollars_per_meter_cubed = OpenStudio.convert(dollars_per_gallon, '1/gal', '1/m^3').get # water tariff object if args['water_rate'] > 0 new_object_string = " UtilityCost:Tariff, Water Tariff, !- Name Water:Facility, !- Output Meter Name UserDefined, !- Conversion Factor Choice 1, !- Energy Conversion Factor , !- Demand Conversion Factor , !- Time of Use Period Schedule Name , !- Season Schedule Name , !- Month Schedule Name , !- Demand Window Length 0.0; !- Monthly Charge or Variable Name " water_tariff = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get # make UtilityCost:Charge:Simple objects for water new_object_string = " UtilityCost:Charge:Simple, WaterTariffEnergyCharge, !- Name Water Tariff, !- Tariff Name totalEnergy, !- Source Variable Annual, !- Season EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name #{dollars_per_meter_cubed}; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name " water_utility_cost = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get end # disthtg tariff object if args['disthtg_rate'] > 0 new_object_string = " UtilityCost:Tariff, DistrictHeating Tariff, !- Name DistrictHeating:Facility, !- Output Meter Name Therm, !- Conversion Factor Choice , !- Energy Conversion Factor , !- Demand Conversion Factor , !- Time of Use Period Schedule Name , !- Season Schedule Name , !- Month Schedule Name Day, !- Demand Window Length 0.0; !- Monthly Charge or Variable Name " disthtg_tariff = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get # make UtilityCost:Charge:Simple objects for disthtg new_object_string = " UtilityCost:Charge:Simple, DistrictHeatingTariffEnergyCharge, !- Name DistrictHeating Tariff, !- Tariff Name totalEnergy, !- Source Variable Annual, !- Season EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name #{args['disthtg_rate']}; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name " disthtg_utility_cost = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get end # distclg tariff object if args['distclg_rate'] > 0 new_object_string = " UtilityCost:Tariff, DistrictCooling Tariff, !- Name DistrictCooling:Facility, !- Output Meter Name Therm, !- Conversion Factor Choice , !- Energy Conversion Factor , !- Demand Conversion Factor , !- Time of Use Period Schedule Name , !- Season Schedule Name , !- Month Schedule Name Day, !- Demand Window Length 0.0; !- Monthly Charge or Variable Name " distclg_tariff = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get # make UtilityCost:Charge:Simple objects for distclg new_object_string = " UtilityCost:Charge:Simple, DistrictCoolingTariffEnergyCharge, !- Name DistrictCooling Tariff, !- Tariff Name totalEnergy, !- Source Variable Annual, !- Season EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name #{args['distclg_rate']}; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name " distclg_utility_cost = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get end # report final condition of model finishing_tariffs = workspace.getObjectsByType('UtilityCost:Tariff'.to_IddObjectType) runner.registerFinalCondition("The model finished with #{finishing_tariffs.size} tariff objects.") return true end end # register the measure to be used by the application TariffSelectionFlat.new.registerWithApplication