module ByStar module ByMonth # For reasoning why I use *args rather than variables here, # please see the by_year method comments in lib/by_star/by_year.rb def by_month(*args) options = args.extract_options! time = args.first || send("by_month_#{time_klass(time)}", time, options) end private def by_month_Time(time, options={}) between(time.beginning_of_month, time.end_of_month, options) end def by_month_String_or_Fixnum(month, options={}) if valid_month?(month) year = options[:year] || by_month_Time("#{year}-#{month}-01".to_time, options) else raise ParseError, "Month must be a number between 1 and 12 or the full month name (e.g. 'January', 'Feburary', etc.)" end end alias_method :by_month_String, :by_month_String_or_Fixnum alias_method :by_month_Fixnum, :by_month_String_or_Fixnum def valid_month?(month) (1..12).include?(month) || Date::MONTHNAMES.include?(month) end end end