SET train=..\windows\mf-train SET predict=..\windows\mf-predict ::######################################################################### :: Real-valued matrix factorization (RVMF) ::######################################################################### echo "Real-valued matrix factorization" :: In-memory training with holdout valudation %train% -f 0 -l2 0.05 -k 100 -t 10 -p real_matrix.te.txt rvmf_model.txt :: Do prediction and show MAE %predict% -e 1 real_matrix.te.txt rvmf_model.txt rvmf_output.txt ::######################################################################### :: Binary matrix factorization (BMF) ::######################################################################### echo "binary matrix factorization" :: In-memory training with holdout valudation %train% -f 5 -l2 0.01 -k 64 -p binary_matrix.te.txt bmf_model.txt :: Do prediction and show accuracy %predict% -e 6 binary_matrix.te.txt bmf_model.txt bmf_output.txt ::######################################################################### :: One-class matrix factorization (OCMF) ::######################################################################### echo "one-class matrix factorization using a stochastic gradient method" :: In-memory training with holdout validation %train% -f 10 -l2 0.01 -k 32 -p all_one_matrix.te.txt ocmf_model.txt :: Do prediction and show row-oriented MPR %predict% -e 10 all_one_matrix.te.txt ocmf_model.txt ocmf_output.txt :: Do prediction and show row-oriented AUC %predict% -e 12 all_one_matrix.te.txt ocmf_model.txt ocmf_output.txt echo "one-class matrix factorization using a coordinate descent method" :: In-memory training with holdout validation %train% -f 12 -l2 0.01 -k 32 -a 0.001 -c 0.0001 -p all_one_matrix.te.txt ocmf_model.txt :: Do prediction and show row-oriented MPR %predict% -e 10 all_one_matrix.te.txt ocmf_model.txt ocmf_output.txt :: Do prediction and show row-oriented AUC %predict% -e 12 all_one_matrix.te.txt ocmf_model.txt ocmf_output.txt )