--- title: ConversationsApi --- ## PureCloud::ConversationsApi All URIs are relative to *https://api.mypurecloud.com* Method | Description ------------- | ------------- | ------------- [**delete_conversation_participant_code**](ConversationsApi.html#delete_conversation_participant_code) | Delete a code used to add a communication to this participant [**delete_conversations_call_participant_consult**](ConversationsApi.html#delete_conversations_call_participant_consult) | Cancel the transfer [**delete_conversations_email_messages_draft_attachment**](ConversationsApi.html#delete_conversations_email_messages_draft_attachment) | Delete attachment from draft [**get_analytics_conversation_details**](ConversationsApi.html#get_analytics_conversation_details) | Get a conversation by id [**get_conversation**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversation) | Get conversation [**get_conversation_participant_secureivrsession**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversation_participant_secureivrsession) | Fetch info on a secure session [**get_conversation_participant_secureivrsessions**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversation_participant_secureivrsessions) | Get a list of secure sessions for this participant. [**get_conversation_participant_wrapup**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversation_participant_wrapup) | Get the wrap-up for this conversation participant. [**get_conversation_participant_wrapupcodes**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversation_participant_wrapupcodes) | Get list of wrapup codes for this conversation participant [**get_conversations**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversations) | Get conversations [**get_conversations_call**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversations_call) | Get call conversation [**get_conversations_call_participant_wrapup**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversations_call_participant_wrapup) | Get the wrap-up for this conversation participant. [**get_conversations_call_participant_wrapupcodes**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversations_call_participant_wrapupcodes) | Get list of wrapup codes for this conversation participant [**get_conversations_callback**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversations_callback) | Get callback conversation [**get_conversations_callback_participant_wrapup**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversations_callback_participant_wrapup) | Get the wrap-up for this conversation participant. [**get_conversations_callback_participant_wrapupcodes**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversations_callback_participant_wrapupcodes) | Get list of wrapup codes for this conversation participant [**get_conversations_callbacks**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversations_callbacks) | Get callback conversations [**get_conversations_calls**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversations_calls) | Get recent conversations [**get_conversations_calls_history**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversations_calls_history) | Get call history [**get_conversations_calls_maximumconferenceparties**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversations_calls_maximumconferenceparties) | Get the maximum number of participants that this user can have on a conference [**get_conversations_chat**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversations_chat) | Get chat conversation [**get_conversations_chat_participant_wrapup**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversations_chat_participant_wrapup) | Get the wrap-up for this conversation participant. [**get_conversations_chat_participant_wrapupcodes**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversations_chat_participant_wrapupcodes) | Get list of wrapup codes for this conversation participant [**get_conversations_chats**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversations_chats) | Get recent chat conversations [**get_conversations_cobrowsesession**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversations_cobrowsesession) | Get cobrowse conversation [**get_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant_wrapup**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant_wrapup) | Get the wrap-up for this conversation participant. [**get_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant_wrapupcodes**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant_wrapupcodes) | Get list of wrapup codes for this conversation participant [**get_conversations_cobrowsesessions**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversations_cobrowsesessions) | Get recent cobrowse conversations [**get_conversations_email**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversations_email) | Get email conversation [**get_conversations_email_message**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversations_email_message) | Get conversation message [**get_conversations_email_messages**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversations_email_messages) | Get conversation messages [**get_conversations_email_messages_draft**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversations_email_messages_draft) | Get conversation draft reply [**get_conversations_email_participant_wrapup**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversations_email_participant_wrapup) | Get the wrap-up for this conversation participant. [**get_conversations_email_participant_wrapupcodes**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversations_email_participant_wrapupcodes) | Get list of wrapup codes for this conversation participant [**get_conversations_emails**](ConversationsApi.html#get_conversations_emails) | Get recent email conversations [**patch_conversation_participant**](ConversationsApi.html#patch_conversation_participant) | Update a participant. [**patch_conversation_participant_attributes**](ConversationsApi.html#patch_conversation_participant_attributes) | Update the attributes on a conversation participant. [**patch_conversations_call**](ConversationsApi.html#patch_conversations_call) | Update a conversation by setting it's recording state, merging in other conversations to create a conference, or disconnecting all of the participants [**patch_conversations_call_participant**](ConversationsApi.html#patch_conversations_call_participant) | Update conversation participant [**patch_conversations_call_participant_attributes**](ConversationsApi.html#patch_conversations_call_participant_attributes) | Update the attributes on a conversation participant. [**patch_conversations_call_participant_communication**](ConversationsApi.html#patch_conversations_call_participant_communication) | Update conversation participant's communication by disconnecting it. [**patch_conversations_call_participant_consult**](ConversationsApi.html#patch_conversations_call_participant_consult) | Change who can speak [**patch_conversations_callback**](ConversationsApi.html#patch_conversations_callback) | Update a conversation by disconnecting all of the participants [**patch_conversations_callback_participant**](ConversationsApi.html#patch_conversations_callback_participant) | Update conversation participant [**patch_conversations_callback_participant_attributes**](ConversationsApi.html#patch_conversations_callback_participant_attributes) | Update the attributes on a conversation participant. [**patch_conversations_callback_participant_communication**](ConversationsApi.html#patch_conversations_callback_participant_communication) | Update conversation participant's communication by disconnecting it. [**patch_conversations_chat**](ConversationsApi.html#patch_conversations_chat) | Update a conversation by disconnecting all of the participants [**patch_conversations_chat_participant**](ConversationsApi.html#patch_conversations_chat_participant) | Update conversation participant [**patch_conversations_chat_participant_attributes**](ConversationsApi.html#patch_conversations_chat_participant_attributes) | Update the attributes on a conversation participant. [**patch_conversations_chat_participant_communication**](ConversationsApi.html#patch_conversations_chat_participant_communication) | Update conversation participant's communication by disconnecting it. [**patch_conversations_cobrowsesession**](ConversationsApi.html#patch_conversations_cobrowsesession) | Update a conversation by disconnecting all of the participants [**patch_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant**](ConversationsApi.html#patch_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant) | Update conversation participant [**patch_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant_attributes**](ConversationsApi.html#patch_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant_attributes) | Update the attributes on a conversation participant. [**patch_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant_communication**](ConversationsApi.html#patch_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant_communication) | Update conversation participant's communication by disconnecting it. [**patch_conversations_email**](ConversationsApi.html#patch_conversations_email) | Update a conversation by disconnecting all of the participants [**patch_conversations_email_participant**](ConversationsApi.html#patch_conversations_email_participant) | Update conversation participant [**patch_conversations_email_participant_attributes**](ConversationsApi.html#patch_conversations_email_participant_attributes) | Update the attributes on a conversation participant. [**patch_conversations_email_participant_communication**](ConversationsApi.html#patch_conversations_email_participant_communication) | Update conversation participant's communication by disconnecting it. [**post_analytics_conversation_details_properties**](ConversationsApi.html#post_analytics_conversation_details_properties) | Index conversation properties [**post_analytics_conversations_aggregates_query**](ConversationsApi.html#post_analytics_conversations_aggregates_query) | Query for conversation aggregates [**post_analytics_conversations_details_query**](ConversationsApi.html#post_analytics_conversations_details_query) | Query for conversation details [**post_conversation_participant_callbacks**](ConversationsApi.html#post_conversation_participant_callbacks) | Create a new callback for the specified participant on the conversation. [**post_conversation_participant_digits**](ConversationsApi.html#post_conversation_participant_digits) | Sends DTMF to the participant [**post_conversation_participant_replace**](ConversationsApi.html#post_conversation_participant_replace) | Replace this participant with the specified user and/or address [**post_conversation_participant_secureivrsessions**](ConversationsApi.html#post_conversation_participant_secureivrsessions) | Create secure IVR session. Only a participant in the conversation can invoke a secure IVR. [**post_conversations_call**](ConversationsApi.html#post_conversations_call) | Place a new call as part of a callback conversation. [**post_conversations_call_participant_consult**](ConversationsApi.html#post_conversations_call_participant_consult) | Initiate and update consult transfer [**post_conversations_call_participant_monitor**](ConversationsApi.html#post_conversations_call_participant_monitor) | Listen in on the conversation from the point of view of a given participant. [**post_conversations_call_participant_replace**](ConversationsApi.html#post_conversations_call_participant_replace) | Replace this participant with the specified user and/or address [**post_conversations_call_participants**](ConversationsApi.html#post_conversations_call_participants) | Add participants to a conversation [**post_conversations_callback_participant_replace**](ConversationsApi.html#post_conversations_callback_participant_replace) | Replace this participant with the specified user and/or address [**post_conversations_callbacks**](ConversationsApi.html#post_conversations_callbacks) | Create a Callback [**post_conversations_calls**](ConversationsApi.html#post_conversations_calls) | Create a call conversation [**post_conversations_chat_participant_replace**](ConversationsApi.html#post_conversations_chat_participant_replace) | Replace this participant with the specified user and/or address [**post_conversations_chats**](ConversationsApi.html#post_conversations_chats) | Create a web chat conversation [**post_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant_replace**](ConversationsApi.html#post_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant_replace) | Replace this participant with the specified user and/or address [**post_conversations_email_inboundmessages**](ConversationsApi.html#post_conversations_email_inboundmessages) | Send an email to an external conversation. An external conversation is one where the provider is not PureCloud based. This endpoint allows the sender of the external email to reply or send a new message to the existing conversation. The new message will be treated as part of the existing conversation and chained to it. [**post_conversations_email_messages**](ConversationsApi.html#post_conversations_email_messages) | Send an email reply [**post_conversations_email_participant_replace**](ConversationsApi.html#post_conversations_email_participant_replace) | Replace this participant with the specified user and/or address [**post_conversations_emails**](ConversationsApi.html#post_conversations_emails) | Create an email conversation [**post_conversations_faxes**](ConversationsApi.html#post_conversations_faxes) | Create Fax Conversation [**put_conversations_call_participant_communication_uuidata**](ConversationsApi.html#put_conversations_call_participant_communication_uuidata) | Set uuiData to be sent on future commands. [**put_conversations_email_messages_draft**](ConversationsApi.html#put_conversations_email_messages_draft) | Update conversation draft reply {: class="table table-striped"} ## - delete_conversation_participant_code(conversation_id, participant_id, add_communication_code) Delete a code used to add a communication to this participant Wraps DELETE /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/codes/{addCommunicationCode} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversation ID participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participant ID add_communication_code = "add_communication_code_example" # String | addCommunicationCode begin #Delete a code used to add a communication to this participant api_instance.delete_conversation_participant_code(conversation_id, participant_id, add_communication_code) rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->delete_conversation_participant_code: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversation ID | | **participant_id** | **String**| participant ID | | **add_communication_code** | **String**| addCommunicationCode | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## - delete_conversations_call_participant_consult(conversation_id, participant_id) Cancel the transfer Wraps DELETE /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/consult ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId begin #Cancel the transfer api_instance.delete_conversations_call_participant_consult(conversation_id, participant_id) rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->delete_conversations_call_participant_consult: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## - delete_conversations_email_messages_draft_attachment(conversation_id, attachment_id) Delete attachment from draft Wraps DELETE /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/messages/draft/attachments/{attachmentId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId attachment_id = "attachment_id_example" # String | attachmentId begin #Delete attachment from draft api_instance.delete_conversations_email_messages_draft_attachment(conversation_id, attachment_id) rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->delete_conversations_email_messages_draft_attachment: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **attachment_id** | **String**| attachmentId | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**AnalyticsConversation**](AnalyticsConversation.html) get_analytics_conversation_details(conversation_id) Get a conversation by id Wraps GET /api/v2/analytics/conversations/{conversationId}/details ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId begin #Get a conversation by id result = api_instance.get_analytics_conversation_details(conversation_id) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_analytics_conversation_details: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**AnalyticsConversation**](AnalyticsConversation.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Conversation**](Conversation.html) get_conversation(conversation_id) Get conversation Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversation ID begin #Get conversation result = api_instance.get_conversation(conversation_id) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversation: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversation ID | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Conversation**](Conversation.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**SecureSession**](SecureSession.html) get_conversation_participant_secureivrsession(conversation_id, participant_id, secure_session_id) Fetch info on a secure session Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/secureivrsessions/{secureSessionId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversation ID participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participant ID secure_session_id = "secure_session_id_example" # String | secure IVR session ID begin #Fetch info on a secure session result = api_instance.get_conversation_participant_secureivrsession(conversation_id, participant_id, secure_session_id) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversation_participant_secureivrsession: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversation ID | | **participant_id** | **String**| participant ID | | **secure_session_id** | **String**| secure IVR session ID | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**SecureSession**](SecureSession.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**SecureSessionEntityListing**](SecureSessionEntityListing.html) get_conversation_participant_secureivrsessions(conversation_id, participant_id) Get a list of secure sessions for this participant. Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/secureivrsessions ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversation ID participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participant ID begin #Get a list of secure sessions for this participant. result = api_instance.get_conversation_participant_secureivrsessions(conversation_id, participant_id) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversation_participant_secureivrsessions: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversation ID | | **participant_id** | **String**| participant ID | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**SecureSessionEntityListing**](SecureSessionEntityListing.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**WrapupCode**](WrapupCode.html) get_conversation_participant_wrapup(conversation_id, participant_id, opts) Get the wrap-up for this conversation participant. Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/wrapup ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversation ID participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participant ID opts = { provisional: false # BOOLEAN | Indicates if the wrap-up code is provisional. } begin #Get the wrap-up for this conversation participant. result = api_instance.get_conversation_participant_wrapup(conversation_id, participant_id, opts) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversation_participant_wrapup: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversation ID | | **participant_id** | **String**| participant ID | | **provisional** | **BOOLEAN**| Indicates if the wrap-up code is provisional. | [optional] [default to false] | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**WrapupCode**](WrapupCode.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Array<WrapupCode>**](WrapupCode.html) get_conversation_participant_wrapupcodes(conversation_id, participant_id) Get list of wrapup codes for this conversation participant Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/wrapupcodes ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversation ID participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participant ID begin #Get list of wrapup codes for this conversation participant result = api_instance.get_conversation_participant_wrapupcodes(conversation_id, participant_id) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversation_participant_wrapupcodes: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversation ID | | **participant_id** | **String**| participant ID | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Array<WrapupCode>**](WrapupCode.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**ConversationEntityListing**](ConversationEntityListing.html) get_conversations(opts) Get conversations Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new opts = { communication_type: "communication_type_example" # String | Call or Chat communication filtering } begin #Get conversations result = api_instance.get_conversations(opts) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversations: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **communication_type** | **String**| Call or Chat communication filtering | [optional] | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**ConversationEntityListing**](ConversationEntityListing.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**CallConversation**](CallConversation.html) get_conversations_call(conversation_id) Get call conversation Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId begin #Get call conversation result = api_instance.get_conversations_call(conversation_id) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversations_call: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**CallConversation**](CallConversation.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Wrapup**](Wrapup.html) get_conversations_call_participant_wrapup(conversation_id, participant_id, opts) Get the wrap-up for this conversation participant. Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/wrapup ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId opts = { provisional: false # BOOLEAN | Indicates if the wrap-up code is provisional. } begin #Get the wrap-up for this conversation participant. result = api_instance.get_conversations_call_participant_wrapup(conversation_id, participant_id, opts) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversations_call_participant_wrapup: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **provisional** | **BOOLEAN**| Indicates if the wrap-up code is provisional. | [optional] [default to false] | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Wrapup**](Wrapup.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Array<WrapupCode>**](WrapupCode.html) get_conversations_call_participant_wrapupcodes(conversation_id, participant_id) Get list of wrapup codes for this conversation participant Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/wrapupcodes ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId begin #Get list of wrapup codes for this conversation participant result = api_instance.get_conversations_call_participant_wrapupcodes(conversation_id, participant_id) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversations_call_participant_wrapupcodes: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Array<WrapupCode>**](WrapupCode.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**CallbackConversation**](CallbackConversation.html) get_conversations_callback(conversation_id) Get callback conversation Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/callbacks/{conversationId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId begin #Get callback conversation result = api_instance.get_conversations_callback(conversation_id) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversations_callback: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**CallbackConversation**](CallbackConversation.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Wrapup**](Wrapup.html) get_conversations_callback_participant_wrapup(conversation_id, participant_id, opts) Get the wrap-up for this conversation participant. Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/callbacks/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/wrapup ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId opts = { provisional: false # BOOLEAN | Indicates if the wrap-up code is provisional. } begin #Get the wrap-up for this conversation participant. result = api_instance.get_conversations_callback_participant_wrapup(conversation_id, participant_id, opts) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversations_callback_participant_wrapup: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **provisional** | **BOOLEAN**| Indicates if the wrap-up code is provisional. | [optional] [default to false] | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Wrapup**](Wrapup.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Array<WrapupCode>**](WrapupCode.html) get_conversations_callback_participant_wrapupcodes(conversation_id, participant_id) Get list of wrapup codes for this conversation participant Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/callbacks/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/wrapupcodes ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId begin #Get list of wrapup codes for this conversation participant result = api_instance.get_conversations_callback_participant_wrapupcodes(conversation_id, participant_id) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversations_callback_participant_wrapupcodes: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Array<WrapupCode>**](WrapupCode.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**CallbackConversationEntityListing**](CallbackConversationEntityListing.html) get_conversations_callbacks Get callback conversations Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/callbacks ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new begin #Get callback conversations result = api_instance.get_conversations_callbacks p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversations_callbacks: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters This endpoint does not need any parameter. {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**CallbackConversationEntityListing**](CallbackConversationEntityListing.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**CallConversationEntityListing**](CallConversationEntityListing.html) get_conversations_calls Get recent conversations Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/calls ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new begin #Get recent conversations result = api_instance.get_conversations_calls p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversations_calls: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters This endpoint does not need any parameter. {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**CallConversationEntityListing**](CallConversationEntityListing.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**CallHistoryConversationEntityListing**](CallHistoryConversationEntityListing.html) get_conversations_calls_history(opts) Get call history Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/calls/history ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new opts = { page_size: 25, # Integer | Page size, maximum 50 page_number: 1, # Integer | Page number interval: "interval_example", # String | Interval string; format is ISO-8601. Separate start and end times with forward slash '/' expand: ["expand_example"] # Array | Which fields, if any, to expand. } begin #Get call history result = api_instance.get_conversations_calls_history(opts) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversations_calls_history: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **page_size** | **Integer**| Page size, maximum 50 | [optional] [default to 25] | **page_number** | **Integer**| Page number | [optional] [default to 1] | **interval** | **String**| Interval string; format is ISO-8601. Separate start and end times with forward slash '/' | [optional] | **expand** | [**Array<String>**](String.html)| Which fields, if any, to expand. | [optional]
**Values**: externalorganization, externalcontact, user, queue, group | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**CallHistoryConversationEntityListing**](CallHistoryConversationEntityListing.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**MaxParticipants**](MaxParticipants.html) get_conversations_calls_maximumconferenceparties Get the maximum number of participants that this user can have on a conference Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/calls/maximumconferenceparties ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new begin #Get the maximum number of participants that this user can have on a conference result = api_instance.get_conversations_calls_maximumconferenceparties p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversations_calls_maximumconferenceparties: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters This endpoint does not need any parameter. {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**MaxParticipants**](MaxParticipants.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**ChatConversation**](ChatConversation.html) get_conversations_chat(conversation_id) Get chat conversation Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/chats/{conversationId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId begin #Get chat conversation result = api_instance.get_conversations_chat(conversation_id) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversations_chat: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**ChatConversation**](ChatConversation.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Wrapup**](Wrapup.html) get_conversations_chat_participant_wrapup(conversation_id, participant_id, opts) Get the wrap-up for this conversation participant. Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/chats/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/wrapup ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId opts = { provisional: false # BOOLEAN | Indicates if the wrap-up code is provisional. } begin #Get the wrap-up for this conversation participant. result = api_instance.get_conversations_chat_participant_wrapup(conversation_id, participant_id, opts) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversations_chat_participant_wrapup: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **provisional** | **BOOLEAN**| Indicates if the wrap-up code is provisional. | [optional] [default to false] | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Wrapup**](Wrapup.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Array<WrapupCode>**](WrapupCode.html) get_conversations_chat_participant_wrapupcodes(conversation_id, participant_id) Get list of wrapup codes for this conversation participant Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/chats/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/wrapupcodes ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId begin #Get list of wrapup codes for this conversation participant result = api_instance.get_conversations_chat_participant_wrapupcodes(conversation_id, participant_id) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversations_chat_participant_wrapupcodes: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Array<WrapupCode>**](WrapupCode.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**ChatConversationEntityListing**](ChatConversationEntityListing.html) get_conversations_chats Get recent chat conversations Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/chats ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new begin #Get recent chat conversations result = api_instance.get_conversations_chats p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversations_chats: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters This endpoint does not need any parameter. {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**ChatConversationEntityListing**](ChatConversationEntityListing.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**CobrowseConversation**](CobrowseConversation.html) get_conversations_cobrowsesession(conversation_id) Get cobrowse conversation Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/cobrowsesessions/{conversationId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId begin #Get cobrowse conversation result = api_instance.get_conversations_cobrowsesession(conversation_id) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversations_cobrowsesession: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**CobrowseConversation**](CobrowseConversation.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Wrapup**](Wrapup.html) get_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant_wrapup(conversation_id, participant_id, opts) Get the wrap-up for this conversation participant. Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/cobrowsesessions/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/wrapup ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId opts = { provisional: false # BOOLEAN | Indicates if the wrap-up code is provisional. } begin #Get the wrap-up for this conversation participant. result = api_instance.get_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant_wrapup(conversation_id, participant_id, opts) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant_wrapup: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **provisional** | **BOOLEAN**| Indicates if the wrap-up code is provisional. | [optional] [default to false] | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Wrapup**](Wrapup.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Array<WrapupCode>**](WrapupCode.html) get_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant_wrapupcodes(conversation_id, participant_id) Get list of wrapup codes for this conversation participant Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/cobrowsesessions/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/wrapupcodes ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId begin #Get list of wrapup codes for this conversation participant result = api_instance.get_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant_wrapupcodes(conversation_id, participant_id) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant_wrapupcodes: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Array<WrapupCode>**](WrapupCode.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**CobrowseConversationEntityListing**](CobrowseConversationEntityListing.html) get_conversations_cobrowsesessions Get recent cobrowse conversations Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/cobrowsesessions ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new begin #Get recent cobrowse conversations result = api_instance.get_conversations_cobrowsesessions p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversations_cobrowsesessions: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters This endpoint does not need any parameter. {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**CobrowseConversationEntityListing**](CobrowseConversationEntityListing.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**EmailConversation**](EmailConversation.html) get_conversations_email(conversation_id) Get email conversation Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId begin #Get email conversation result = api_instance.get_conversations_email(conversation_id) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversations_email: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**EmailConversation**](EmailConversation.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**EmailMessage**](EmailMessage.html) get_conversations_email_message(conversation_id, message_id) Get conversation message Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/messages/{messageId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId message_id = "message_id_example" # String | messageId begin #Get conversation message result = api_instance.get_conversations_email_message(conversation_id, message_id) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversations_email_message: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **message_id** | **String**| messageId | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**EmailMessage**](EmailMessage.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**EmailMessageListing**](EmailMessageListing.html) get_conversations_email_messages(conversation_id) Get conversation messages Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/messages ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId begin #Get conversation messages result = api_instance.get_conversations_email_messages(conversation_id) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversations_email_messages: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**EmailMessageListing**](EmailMessageListing.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**EmailMessage**](EmailMessage.html) get_conversations_email_messages_draft(conversation_id) Get conversation draft reply Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/messages/draft ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId begin #Get conversation draft reply result = api_instance.get_conversations_email_messages_draft(conversation_id) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversations_email_messages_draft: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**EmailMessage**](EmailMessage.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Wrapup**](Wrapup.html) get_conversations_email_participant_wrapup(conversation_id, participant_id, opts) Get the wrap-up for this conversation participant. Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/wrapup ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId opts = { provisional: false # BOOLEAN | Indicates if the wrap-up code is provisional. } begin #Get the wrap-up for this conversation participant. result = api_instance.get_conversations_email_participant_wrapup(conversation_id, participant_id, opts) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversations_email_participant_wrapup: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **provisional** | **BOOLEAN**| Indicates if the wrap-up code is provisional. | [optional] [default to false] | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Wrapup**](Wrapup.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Array<WrapupCode>**](WrapupCode.html) get_conversations_email_participant_wrapupcodes(conversation_id, participant_id) Get list of wrapup codes for this conversation participant Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/wrapupcodes ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId begin #Get list of wrapup codes for this conversation participant result = api_instance.get_conversations_email_participant_wrapupcodes(conversation_id, participant_id) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversations_email_participant_wrapupcodes: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Array<WrapupCode>**](WrapupCode.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**EmailConversationEntityListing**](EmailConversationEntityListing.html) get_conversations_emails Get recent email conversations Wraps GET /api/v2/conversations/emails ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new begin #Get recent email conversations result = api_instance.get_conversations_emails p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->get_conversations_emails: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters This endpoint does not need any parameter. {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**EmailConversationEntityListing**](EmailConversationEntityListing.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## - patch_conversation_participant(conversation_id, participant_id, body) Update a participant. Update conversation participant. Wraps PATCH /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversation ID participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participant ID body = PureCloud::MediaParticipantRequest.new # MediaParticipantRequest | Update request begin #Update a participant. api_instance.patch_conversation_participant(conversation_id, participant_id, body) rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->patch_conversation_participant: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversation ID | | **participant_id** | **String**| participant ID | | **body** | [**MediaParticipantRequest**](MediaParticipantRequest.html)| Update request | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## - patch_conversation_participant_attributes(conversation_id, participant_id, body) Update the attributes on a conversation participant. Wraps PATCH /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/attributes ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversation ID participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participant ID body = PureCloud::ParticipantAttributes.new # ParticipantAttributes | Participant attributes begin #Update the attributes on a conversation participant. api_instance.patch_conversation_participant_attributes(conversation_id, participant_id, body) rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->patch_conversation_participant_attributes: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversation ID | | **participant_id** | **String**| participant ID | | **body** | [**ParticipantAttributes**](ParticipantAttributes.html)| Participant attributes | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Conversation**](Conversation.html) patch_conversations_call(conversation_id, body) Update a conversation by setting it's recording state, merging in other conversations to create a conference, or disconnecting all of the participants Wraps PATCH /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId body = PureCloud::Conversation.new # Conversation | Conversation begin #Update a conversation by setting it's recording state, merging in other conversations to create a conference, or disconnecting all of the participants result = api_instance.patch_conversations_call(conversation_id, body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->patch_conversations_call: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **body** | [**Conversation**](Conversation.html)| Conversation | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Conversation**](Conversation.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## - patch_conversations_call_participant(conversation_id, participant_id, body) Update conversation participant Wraps PATCH /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId body = PureCloud::MediaParticipantRequest.new # MediaParticipantRequest | Participant request begin #Update conversation participant api_instance.patch_conversations_call_participant(conversation_id, participant_id, body) rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->patch_conversations_call_participant: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **body** | [**MediaParticipantRequest**](MediaParticipantRequest.html)| Participant request | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## - patch_conversations_call_participant_attributes(conversation_id, participant_id, body) Update the attributes on a conversation participant. Wraps PATCH /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/attributes ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId body = PureCloud::ParticipantAttributes.new # ParticipantAttributes | Participant attributes begin #Update the attributes on a conversation participant. api_instance.patch_conversations_call_participant_attributes(conversation_id, participant_id, body) rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->patch_conversations_call_participant_attributes: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **body** | [**ParticipantAttributes**](ParticipantAttributes.html)| Participant attributes | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Empty**](Empty.html) patch_conversations_call_participant_communication(conversation_id, participant_id, communication_id, body) Update conversation participant's communication by disconnecting it. Wraps PATCH /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/communications/{communicationId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId communication_id = "communication_id_example" # String | communicationId body = PureCloud::MediaParticipantRequest.new # MediaParticipantRequest | Participant begin #Update conversation participant's communication by disconnecting it. result = api_instance.patch_conversations_call_participant_communication(conversation_id, participant_id, communication_id, body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->patch_conversations_call_participant_communication: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **communication_id** | **String**| communicationId | | **body** | [**MediaParticipantRequest**](MediaParticipantRequest.html)| Participant | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Empty**](Empty.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**ConsultTransferResponse**](ConsultTransferResponse.html) patch_conversations_call_participant_consult(conversation_id, participant_id, body) Change who can speak Wraps PATCH /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/consult ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId body = PureCloud::ConsultTransferUpdate.new # ConsultTransferUpdate | new speak to begin #Change who can speak result = api_instance.patch_conversations_call_participant_consult(conversation_id, participant_id, body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->patch_conversations_call_participant_consult: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **body** | [**ConsultTransferUpdate**](ConsultTransferUpdate.html)| new speak to | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**ConsultTransferResponse**](ConsultTransferResponse.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Conversation**](Conversation.html) patch_conversations_callback(conversation_id, body) Update a conversation by disconnecting all of the participants Wraps PATCH /api/v2/conversations/callbacks/{conversationId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId body = PureCloud::Conversation.new # Conversation | Conversation begin #Update a conversation by disconnecting all of the participants result = api_instance.patch_conversations_callback(conversation_id, body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->patch_conversations_callback: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **body** | [**Conversation**](Conversation.html)| Conversation | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Conversation**](Conversation.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## - patch_conversations_callback_participant(conversation_id, participant_id, body) Update conversation participant Wraps PATCH /api/v2/conversations/callbacks/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId body = PureCloud::MediaParticipantRequest.new # MediaParticipantRequest | Participant begin #Update conversation participant api_instance.patch_conversations_callback_participant(conversation_id, participant_id, body) rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->patch_conversations_callback_participant: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **body** | [**MediaParticipantRequest**](MediaParticipantRequest.html)| Participant | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## - patch_conversations_callback_participant_attributes(conversation_id, participant_id, body) Update the attributes on a conversation participant. Wraps PATCH /api/v2/conversations/callbacks/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/attributes ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId body = PureCloud::ParticipantAttributes.new # ParticipantAttributes | Attributes begin #Update the attributes on a conversation participant. api_instance.patch_conversations_callback_participant_attributes(conversation_id, participant_id, body) rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->patch_conversations_callback_participant_attributes: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **body** | [**ParticipantAttributes**](ParticipantAttributes.html)| Attributes | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Empty**](Empty.html) patch_conversations_callback_participant_communication(conversation_id, participant_id, communication_id, body) Update conversation participant's communication by disconnecting it. Wraps PATCH /api/v2/conversations/callbacks/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/communications/{communicationId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId communication_id = "communication_id_example" # String | communicationId body = PureCloud::MediaParticipantRequest.new # MediaParticipantRequest | Participant begin #Update conversation participant's communication by disconnecting it. result = api_instance.patch_conversations_callback_participant_communication(conversation_id, participant_id, communication_id, body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->patch_conversations_callback_participant_communication: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **communication_id** | **String**| communicationId | | **body** | [**MediaParticipantRequest**](MediaParticipantRequest.html)| Participant | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Empty**](Empty.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Conversation**](Conversation.html) patch_conversations_chat(conversation_id, body) Update a conversation by disconnecting all of the participants Wraps PATCH /api/v2/conversations/chats/{conversationId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId body = PureCloud::Conversation.new # Conversation | Conversation begin #Update a conversation by disconnecting all of the participants result = api_instance.patch_conversations_chat(conversation_id, body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->patch_conversations_chat: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **body** | [**Conversation**](Conversation.html)| Conversation | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Conversation**](Conversation.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## - patch_conversations_chat_participant(conversation_id, participant_id, body) Update conversation participant Wraps PATCH /api/v2/conversations/chats/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId body = PureCloud::MediaParticipantRequest.new # MediaParticipantRequest | Update request begin #Update conversation participant api_instance.patch_conversations_chat_participant(conversation_id, participant_id, body) rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->patch_conversations_chat_participant: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **body** | [**MediaParticipantRequest**](MediaParticipantRequest.html)| Update request | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## - patch_conversations_chat_participant_attributes(conversation_id, participant_id, body) Update the attributes on a conversation participant. Wraps PATCH /api/v2/conversations/chats/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/attributes ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId body = PureCloud::ParticipantAttributes.new # ParticipantAttributes | Participant attributes begin #Update the attributes on a conversation participant. api_instance.patch_conversations_chat_participant_attributes(conversation_id, participant_id, body) rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->patch_conversations_chat_participant_attributes: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **body** | [**ParticipantAttributes**](ParticipantAttributes.html)| Participant attributes | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Empty**](Empty.html) patch_conversations_chat_participant_communication(conversation_id, participant_id, communication_id, body) Update conversation participant's communication by disconnecting it. Wraps PATCH /api/v2/conversations/chats/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/communications/{communicationId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId communication_id = "communication_id_example" # String | communicationId body = PureCloud::MediaParticipantRequest.new # MediaParticipantRequest | Participant begin #Update conversation participant's communication by disconnecting it. result = api_instance.patch_conversations_chat_participant_communication(conversation_id, participant_id, communication_id, body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->patch_conversations_chat_participant_communication: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **communication_id** | **String**| communicationId | | **body** | [**MediaParticipantRequest**](MediaParticipantRequest.html)| Participant | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Empty**](Empty.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Conversation**](Conversation.html) patch_conversations_cobrowsesession(conversation_id, body) Update a conversation by disconnecting all of the participants Wraps PATCH /api/v2/conversations/cobrowsesessions/{conversationId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId body = PureCloud::Conversation.new # Conversation | Conversation begin #Update a conversation by disconnecting all of the participants result = api_instance.patch_conversations_cobrowsesession(conversation_id, body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->patch_conversations_cobrowsesession: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **body** | [**Conversation**](Conversation.html)| Conversation | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Conversation**](Conversation.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## - patch_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant(conversation_id, participant_id, opts) Update conversation participant Wraps PATCH /api/v2/conversations/cobrowsesessions/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId opts = { body: PureCloud::MediaParticipantRequest.new # MediaParticipantRequest | } begin #Update conversation participant api_instance.patch_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant(conversation_id, participant_id, opts) rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->patch_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **body** | [**MediaParticipantRequest**](MediaParticipantRequest.html)| | [optional] | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## - patch_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant_attributes(conversation_id, participant_id, opts) Update the attributes on a conversation participant. Wraps PATCH /api/v2/conversations/cobrowsesessions/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/attributes ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId opts = { body: PureCloud::ParticipantAttributes.new # ParticipantAttributes | } begin #Update the attributes on a conversation participant. api_instance.patch_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant_attributes(conversation_id, participant_id, opts) rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->patch_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant_attributes: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **body** | [**ParticipantAttributes**](ParticipantAttributes.html)| | [optional] | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Empty**](Empty.html) patch_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant_communication(conversation_id, participant_id, communication_id, body) Update conversation participant's communication by disconnecting it. Wraps PATCH /api/v2/conversations/cobrowsesessions/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/communications/{communicationId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId communication_id = "communication_id_example" # String | communicationId body = PureCloud::MediaParticipantRequest.new # MediaParticipantRequest | Participant begin #Update conversation participant's communication by disconnecting it. result = api_instance.patch_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant_communication(conversation_id, participant_id, communication_id, body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->patch_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant_communication: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **communication_id** | **String**| communicationId | | **body** | [**MediaParticipantRequest**](MediaParticipantRequest.html)| Participant | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Empty**](Empty.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Conversation**](Conversation.html) patch_conversations_email(conversation_id, body) Update a conversation by disconnecting all of the participants Wraps PATCH /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId body = PureCloud::Conversation.new # Conversation | Conversation begin #Update a conversation by disconnecting all of the participants result = api_instance.patch_conversations_email(conversation_id, body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->patch_conversations_email: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **body** | [**Conversation**](Conversation.html)| Conversation | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Conversation**](Conversation.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## - patch_conversations_email_participant(conversation_id, participant_id, body) Update conversation participant Wraps PATCH /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId body = PureCloud::MediaParticipantRequest.new # MediaParticipantRequest | Update request begin #Update conversation participant api_instance.patch_conversations_email_participant(conversation_id, participant_id, body) rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->patch_conversations_email_participant: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **body** | [**MediaParticipantRequest**](MediaParticipantRequest.html)| Update request | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## - patch_conversations_email_participant_attributes(conversation_id, participant_id, body) Update the attributes on a conversation participant. Wraps PATCH /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/attributes ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId body = PureCloud::ParticipantAttributes.new # ParticipantAttributes | Participant attributes begin #Update the attributes on a conversation participant. api_instance.patch_conversations_email_participant_attributes(conversation_id, participant_id, body) rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->patch_conversations_email_participant_attributes: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **body** | [**ParticipantAttributes**](ParticipantAttributes.html)| Participant attributes | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Empty**](Empty.html) patch_conversations_email_participant_communication(conversation_id, participant_id, communication_id, body) Update conversation participant's communication by disconnecting it. Wraps PATCH /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/communications/{communicationId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId communication_id = "communication_id_example" # String | communicationId body = PureCloud::MediaParticipantRequest.new # MediaParticipantRequest | Participant begin #Update conversation participant's communication by disconnecting it. result = api_instance.patch_conversations_email_participant_communication(conversation_id, participant_id, communication_id, body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->patch_conversations_email_participant_communication: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **communication_id** | **String**| communicationId | | **body** | [**MediaParticipantRequest**](MediaParticipantRequest.html)| Participant | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Empty**](Empty.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**PropertyIndexRequest**](PropertyIndexRequest.html) post_analytics_conversation_details_properties(conversation_id, body) Index conversation properties Wraps POST /api/v2/analytics/conversations/{conversationId}/details/properties ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId body = PureCloud::PropertyIndexRequest.new # PropertyIndexRequest | request begin #Index conversation properties result = api_instance.post_analytics_conversation_details_properties(conversation_id, body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->post_analytics_conversation_details_properties: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **body** | [**PropertyIndexRequest**](PropertyIndexRequest.html)| request | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**PropertyIndexRequest**](PropertyIndexRequest.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**AggregateQueryResponse**](AggregateQueryResponse.html) post_analytics_conversations_aggregates_query(body) Query for conversation aggregates Wraps POST /api/v2/analytics/conversations/aggregates/query ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new body = PureCloud::AggregationQuery.new # AggregationQuery | query begin #Query for conversation aggregates result = api_instance.post_analytics_conversations_aggregates_query(body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->post_analytics_conversations_aggregates_query: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **body** | [**AggregationQuery**](AggregationQuery.html)| query | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**AggregateQueryResponse**](AggregateQueryResponse.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**AnalyticsConversationQueryResponse**](AnalyticsConversationQueryResponse.html) post_analytics_conversations_details_query(body) Query for conversation details Wraps POST /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/query ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new body = PureCloud::ConversationQuery.new # ConversationQuery | query begin #Query for conversation details result = api_instance.post_analytics_conversations_details_query(body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->post_analytics_conversations_details_query: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **body** | [**ConversationQuery**](ConversationQuery.html)| query | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**AnalyticsConversationQueryResponse**](AnalyticsConversationQueryResponse.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## - post_conversation_participant_callbacks(conversation_id, participant_id, opts) Create a new callback for the specified participant on the conversation. Wraps POST /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/callbacks ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversation ID participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participant ID opts = { body: PureCloud::CreateCallbackOnConversationCommand.new # CreateCallbackOnConversationCommand | } begin #Create a new callback for the specified participant on the conversation. api_instance.post_conversation_participant_callbacks(conversation_id, participant_id, opts) rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->post_conversation_participant_callbacks: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversation ID | | **participant_id** | **String**| participant ID | | **body** | [**CreateCallbackOnConversationCommand**](CreateCallbackOnConversationCommand.html)| | [optional] | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## - post_conversation_participant_digits(conversation_id, participant_id, opts) Sends DTMF to the participant Wraps POST /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/digits ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversation ID participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participant ID opts = { body: PureCloud::Digits.new # Digits | Digits } begin #Sends DTMF to the participant api_instance.post_conversation_participant_digits(conversation_id, participant_id, opts) rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->post_conversation_participant_digits: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversation ID | | **participant_id** | **String**| participant ID | | **body** | [**Digits**](Digits.html)| Digits | [optional] | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## - post_conversation_participant_replace(conversation_id, participant_id, body) Replace this participant with the specified user and/or address Wraps POST /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/replace ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversation ID participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participant ID body = PureCloud::TransferRequest.new # TransferRequest | Transfer request begin #Replace this participant with the specified user and/or address api_instance.post_conversation_participant_replace(conversation_id, participant_id, body) rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->post_conversation_participant_replace: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversation ID | | **participant_id** | **String**| participant ID | | **body** | [**TransferRequest**](TransferRequest.html)| Transfer request | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**SecureSession**](SecureSession.html) post_conversation_participant_secureivrsessions(conversation_id, participant_id, opts) Create secure IVR session. Only a participant in the conversation can invoke a secure IVR. Wraps POST /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/secureivrsessions ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversation ID participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participant ID opts = { body: PureCloud::CreateSecureSession.new # CreateSecureSession | } begin #Create secure IVR session. Only a participant in the conversation can invoke a secure IVR. result = api_instance.post_conversation_participant_secureivrsessions(conversation_id, participant_id, opts) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->post_conversation_participant_secureivrsessions: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversation ID | | **participant_id** | **String**| participant ID | | **body** | [**CreateSecureSession**](CreateSecureSession.html)| | [optional] | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**SecureSession**](SecureSession.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Conversation**](Conversation.html) post_conversations_call(conversation_id, body) Place a new call as part of a callback conversation. Wraps POST /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId body = PureCloud::CallCommand.new # CallCommand | Conversation begin #Place a new call as part of a callback conversation. result = api_instance.post_conversations_call(conversation_id, body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->post_conversations_call: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **body** | [**CallCommand**](CallCommand.html)| Conversation | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Conversation**](Conversation.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**ConsultTransferResponse**](ConsultTransferResponse.html) post_conversations_call_participant_consult(conversation_id, participant_id, body) Initiate and update consult transfer Wraps POST /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/consult ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId body = PureCloud::ConsultTransfer.new # ConsultTransfer | Destination address & initial speak to begin #Initiate and update consult transfer result = api_instance.post_conversations_call_participant_consult(conversation_id, participant_id, body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->post_conversations_call_participant_consult: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **body** | [**ConsultTransfer**](ConsultTransfer.html)| Destination address & initial speak to | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**ConsultTransferResponse**](ConsultTransferResponse.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## - post_conversations_call_participant_monitor(conversation_id, participant_id) Listen in on the conversation from the point of view of a given participant. Wraps POST /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/monitor ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId begin #Listen in on the conversation from the point of view of a given participant. api_instance.post_conversations_call_participant_monitor(conversation_id, participant_id) rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->post_conversations_call_participant_monitor: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## - post_conversations_call_participant_replace(conversation_id, participant_id, body) Replace this participant with the specified user and/or address Wraps POST /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/replace ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId body = PureCloud::TransferRequest.new # TransferRequest | Transfer request begin #Replace this participant with the specified user and/or address api_instance.post_conversations_call_participant_replace(conversation_id, participant_id, body) rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->post_conversations_call_participant_replace: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **body** | [**TransferRequest**](TransferRequest.html)| Transfer request | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Conversation**](Conversation.html) post_conversations_call_participants(conversation_id, body) Add participants to a conversation Wraps POST /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}/participants ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId body = PureCloud::Conversation.new # Conversation | Conversation begin #Add participants to a conversation result = api_instance.post_conversations_call_participants(conversation_id, body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->post_conversations_call_participants: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **body** | [**Conversation**](Conversation.html)| Conversation | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Conversation**](Conversation.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## - post_conversations_callback_participant_replace(conversation_id, participant_id, body) Replace this participant with the specified user and/or address Wraps POST /api/v2/conversations/callbacks/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/replace ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId body = PureCloud::TransferRequest.new # TransferRequest | Transfer request begin #Replace this participant with the specified user and/or address api_instance.post_conversations_callback_participant_replace(conversation_id, participant_id, body) rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->post_conversations_callback_participant_replace: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **body** | [**TransferRequest**](TransferRequest.html)| Transfer request | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**CreateCallbackResponse**](CreateCallbackResponse.html) post_conversations_callbacks(body) Create a Callback Wraps POST /api/v2/conversations/callbacks ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new body = PureCloud::CreateCallbackCommand.new # CreateCallbackCommand | Callback begin #Create a Callback result = api_instance.post_conversations_callbacks(body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->post_conversations_callbacks: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **body** | [**CreateCallbackCommand**](CreateCallbackCommand.html)| Callback | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**CreateCallbackResponse**](CreateCallbackResponse.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**CreateCallResponse**](CreateCallResponse.html) post_conversations_calls(body) Create a call conversation Wraps POST /api/v2/conversations/calls ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new body = PureCloud::CreateCallRequest.new # CreateCallRequest | Call request begin #Create a call conversation result = api_instance.post_conversations_calls(body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->post_conversations_calls: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **body** | [**CreateCallRequest**](CreateCallRequest.html)| Call request | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**CreateCallResponse**](CreateCallResponse.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## - post_conversations_chat_participant_replace(conversation_id, participant_id, body) Replace this participant with the specified user and/or address Wraps POST /api/v2/conversations/chats/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/replace ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId body = PureCloud::TransferRequest.new # TransferRequest | Transfer request begin #Replace this participant with the specified user and/or address api_instance.post_conversations_chat_participant_replace(conversation_id, participant_id, body) rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->post_conversations_chat_participant_replace: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **body** | [**TransferRequest**](TransferRequest.html)| Transfer request | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**ChatConversation**](ChatConversation.html) post_conversations_chats(body) Create a web chat conversation Wraps POST /api/v2/conversations/chats ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new body = PureCloud::CreateWebChatRequest.new # CreateWebChatRequest | Create web chat request begin #Create a web chat conversation result = api_instance.post_conversations_chats(body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->post_conversations_chats: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **body** | [**CreateWebChatRequest**](CreateWebChatRequest.html)| Create web chat request | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**ChatConversation**](ChatConversation.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## - post_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant_replace(conversation_id, participant_id, opts) Replace this participant with the specified user and/or address Wraps POST /api/v2/conversations/cobrowsesessions/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/replace ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId opts = { body: PureCloud::TransferRequest.new # TransferRequest | } begin #Replace this participant with the specified user and/or address api_instance.post_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant_replace(conversation_id, participant_id, opts) rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->post_conversations_cobrowsesession_participant_replace: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **body** | [**TransferRequest**](TransferRequest.html)| | [optional] | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**EmailConversation**](EmailConversation.html) post_conversations_email_inboundmessages(conversation_id, body) Send an email to an external conversation. An external conversation is one where the provider is not PureCloud based. This endpoint allows the sender of the external email to reply or send a new message to the existing conversation. The new message will be treated as part of the existing conversation and chained to it. Wraps POST /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/inboundmessages ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId body = PureCloud::InboundMessageRequest.new # InboundMessageRequest | Send external email reply begin #Send an email to an external conversation. An external conversation is one where the provider is not PureCloud based. This endpoint allows the sender of the external email to reply or send a new message to the existing conversation. The new message will be treated as part of the existing conversation and chained to it. result = api_instance.post_conversations_email_inboundmessages(conversation_id, body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->post_conversations_email_inboundmessages: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **body** | [**InboundMessageRequest**](InboundMessageRequest.html)| Send external email reply | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**EmailConversation**](EmailConversation.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**EmailMessage**](EmailMessage.html) post_conversations_email_messages(conversation_id, body) Send an email reply Wraps POST /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/messages ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId body = PureCloud::EmailMessage.new # EmailMessage | Reply begin #Send an email reply result = api_instance.post_conversations_email_messages(conversation_id, body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->post_conversations_email_messages: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **body** | [**EmailMessage**](EmailMessage.html)| Reply | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**EmailMessage**](EmailMessage.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## - post_conversations_email_participant_replace(conversation_id, participant_id, body) Replace this participant with the specified user and/or address Wraps POST /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/replace ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId body = PureCloud::TransferRequest.new # TransferRequest | Transfer request begin #Replace this participant with the specified user and/or address api_instance.post_conversations_email_participant_replace(conversation_id, participant_id, body) rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->post_conversations_email_participant_replace: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **body** | [**TransferRequest**](TransferRequest.html)| Transfer request | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**EmailConversation**](EmailConversation.html) post_conversations_emails(body) Create an email conversation If the direction of the request is INBOUND, this will create an external conversation with a third party provider. If the direction of the the request is OUTBOUND, this will create a conversation to send outbound emails on behalf of a queue. Wraps POST /api/v2/conversations/emails ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new body = PureCloud::CreateEmailRequest.new # CreateEmailRequest | Create email request begin #Create an email conversation result = api_instance.post_conversations_emails(body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->post_conversations_emails: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **body** | [**CreateEmailRequest**](CreateEmailRequest.html)| Create email request | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**EmailConversation**](EmailConversation.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**FaxSendResponse**](FaxSendResponse.html) post_conversations_faxes(body) Create Fax Conversation Wraps POST /api/v2/conversations/faxes ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new body = PureCloud::FaxSendRequest.new # FaxSendRequest | Fax begin #Create Fax Conversation result = api_instance.post_conversations_faxes(body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->post_conversations_faxes: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **body** | [**FaxSendRequest**](FaxSendRequest.html)| Fax | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**FaxSendResponse**](FaxSendResponse.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Empty**](Empty.html) put_conversations_call_participant_communication_uuidata(conversation_id, participant_id, communication_id, body) Set uuiData to be sent on future commands. Wraps PUT /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/communications/{communicationId}/uuidata ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId participant_id = "participant_id_example" # String | participantId communication_id = "communication_id_example" # String | communicationId body = PureCloud::SetUuiDataRequest.new # SetUuiDataRequest | UUIData Request begin #Set uuiData to be sent on future commands. result = api_instance.put_conversations_call_participant_communication_uuidata(conversation_id, participant_id, communication_id, body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->put_conversations_call_participant_communication_uuidata: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **participant_id** | **String**| participantId | | **communication_id** | **String**| communicationId | | **body** | [**SetUuiDataRequest**](SetUuiDataRequest.html)| UUIData Request | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Empty**](Empty.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**EmailMessage**](EmailMessage.html) put_conversations_email_messages_draft(conversation_id, body) Update conversation draft reply Wraps PUT /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/messages/draft ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::ConversationsApi.new conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId body = PureCloud::EmailMessage.new # EmailMessage | Draft begin #Update conversation draft reply result = api_instance.put_conversations_email_messages_draft(conversation_id, body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling ConversationsApi->put_conversations_email_messages_draft: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | | **body** | [**EmailMessage**](EmailMessage.html)| Draft | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**EmailMessage**](EmailMessage.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json