- in_section :dashboard = render :partial => 'layouts/admin_messages' - if @mailchimp_kit - content_for :custom_js do :javascript $(document).on("close", ".alert.mailchimp-alert", function() { $.post("#{hide_alert_mailchimp_kit_path(@mailchimp_kit)}") }); - if @show_default_list_nag .alert.mailchimp-alert %button.close(type="button" data-dismiss="alert") × Please set your MailChimp default list. You can do that #{link_to "here", lists_mailchimp_kit_path(@mailchimp_kit)}. .row .span4 .well#dashboard-user-info .row-fluid .span4 = gravatar_image_tag(current_user.email, :alt => 'User icon', :class => 'dashboard-grav', :gravatar => { :size => 64 }) .span8 - if current_user.is_in_organization? .email %b= "#{truncate(current_user.email, :length => 28, :separator => ' ', :omission => '...')}" =current_role .link= link_to "Account Administration", organization_path(current_user.current_organization) .link= link_to "Sign Out", destroy_user_session_path - else You are not in an organization yet. Ask your organization administrator to add you, or =link_to "create your own.", new_organization_path %h3 Events - unless @events.blank? %ul#event-list.row-fluid - @events.each do |event| %li.row-fluid.event-list-item{:style => "margin-left: 0px; margin-right:10px'"} .span12 .row-fluid .span4.event-icon-container = render :partial => 'shared/event_image_icon', :locals => { :event => event } .span8 %h4.event-link= link_to truncate(event.name, :length => 35), event_path(event), :title => 'event-name' %ul.mini-stats %li= "#{pluralize event.sold, 'ticket'} sold" %li= "#{pluralize event.on_sale, 'ticket'} on sale" %li= "#{number_as_cents(event.sales_total)} total sales" -if current_user.can? :manage, Event -if @events.blank? .no-image#add-a-description #text =link_to 'Create a new event', new_event_path %p Creating an event is the first step toward scheduling shows and selling tickets. -else = link_to "Create Event", new_event_path, :class => "btn btn-primary" %span.pull-right =icon_link_to("View All Events", events_path, 'fa-arrow-right', 'btn', '') .span8 =render :partial => 'recent_activity'