// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`InsightsTable selectors should return API error 1`] = `"Request failed with status code 503"`; exports[`InsightsTable selectors should return API has token 1`] = `true`; exports[`InsightsTable selectors should return API hits 1`] = ` Array [ Object { "host_id": 1, "hostname": "foo.example.com", "id": 16, "last_seen": "2020-11-01T15:55:14.280+02:00", "likelihood": 1, "publish_date": "2017-11-02T14:00:00.000+02:00", "results_url": "https://cloud.redhat.com/insights/advisor/recommendations/hardening_yum%7CHARDENING_YUM_GPG_3RD_6/716306d2-b4f8-446f-82c8-a45af30110bd/", "solution_url": "", "title": "Decreased security: Yum GPG verification disabled", "total_risk": 1, }, Object { "host_id": 1, "hostname": "foo.example.com", "id": 17, "last_seen": "2020-11-01T15:55:14.280+02:00", "likelihood": 3, "publish_date": "2019-07-12T02:08:00.000+03:00", "results_url": "https://cloud.redhat.com/insights/advisor/recommendations/packages_across_major_release%7CPACKAGES_ACROSS_MAJOR_RELEASE/716306d2-b4f8-446f-82c8-a45af30110bd/", "solution_url": "https://access.redhat.com/node/54483", "title": "Installation of packages across major releases is not supported", "total_risk": 2, }, ] `; exports[`InsightsTable selectors should return API item count 1`] = `2`; exports[`InsightsTable selectors should return API status 1`] = `"RESOLVED"`; exports[`InsightsTable selectors should return insights isAllSelected 1`] = `false`; exports[`InsightsTable selectors should return insights selectedIds 1`] = ` Object { "51": true, } `; exports[`InsightsTable selectors should return insights showSelectAllAlert 1`] = `true`; exports[`InsightsTable selectors should return insights table 1`] = ` Object { "isAllSelected": false, "selectedIds": Object { "51": true, }, "showSelectAllAlert": true, } `; exports[`InsightsTable selectors should return queryParams 1`] = ` Object { "isSelectAll": false, "page": 1, "perPage": 7, "query": "total_risk < 3", "sortBy": "total_risk", "sortOrder": "asc", } `; exports[`InsightsTable selectors should return router page 1`] = `1`; exports[`InsightsTable selectors should return router perPage 1`] = `7`; exports[`InsightsTable selectors should return router query 1`] = ` Object { "page": "1", "per_page": "7", "search": "total_risk+%3C+3", "sort_by": "total_risk", "sort_order": "asc", } `; exports[`InsightsTable selectors should return router search 1`] = `"total_risk < 3"`; exports[`InsightsTable selectors should return router sort by 1`] = `"total_risk"`; exports[`InsightsTable selectors should return router sort order 1`] = `"asc"`;