Feature: Reading and Creating a card In order to do anything on the site As a user I want to be able to read and edit cards #expand to CRUD? Background: Given I log in as Joe User #test authentication separately # @javascript Scenario: Home page visit When I go to the homepage Then I should see "Home" And I should see "Joe User" And I should see "Sign out" Then In the main card header I should see a link with class "ui-icon-circle-triangle-s" Then In the main card header I click "close Home" Then In the main card header I should see a link with class "ui-icon-circle-triangle-e" Then In the main card header I click "open Home" Then In the main card header I should see a link with class "ui-icon-circle-triangle-s" Scenario: Create a Card Given I log in as Joe User When I create Phrase card "Buffalo" with content "Me and Me" # And I go to card "Buffalo" Then In the main card header I should see "Buffalo" And In the main card content I should see "Me and Me"