require 'active_support/inflector' require 'yaml' module SerialSpec module RequestResponse module ProvideMatcher def provide(expected,options={}), expected, options) end def build_serializer(serializer, object, options) object, options end class Provide class SerializerNotFound < StandardError ; end extend Forwardable attr_reader :as_serializer attr_reader :expected attr_reader :actual def_delegator :@build_context, :build_serializer HYPERMEDIA_ATTRIBUTES = ["links", "includes"] def initialize(build_context, expected, options={}) @build_context = build_context @expected = expected @as_serializer = options[:as] if @as_serializer and not @as_serializer.instance_methods.include?(:serializable_hash) raise ArgumentError, 'must be an active model serializer' end end def actual_to_hash(actual) actual.kind_of?(SerialSpec::ParsedBody) ? actual.execute : actual end def resource_serializer if as_serializer build_serializer as_serializer, expected, root: nil else unless expected.respond_to?(:active_model_serializer) throw(:failed, :serializer_not_specified_on_class) end build_serializer expected.active_model_serializer, expected, root: nil end end def collection_serializer if as_serializer build_serializer ActiveModel::ArraySerializer, expected, serializer: as_serializer, root: nil else build_serializer ActiveModel::ArraySerializer, expected, root: nil end end # to_json first to normalize hash and all it's members # the parse into JSON to compare to ParsedBody hash def expected_to_hash if expected.kind_of?(Array) #hack JSON.parse(collection_serializer.as_json.to_json) else JSON.parse(resource_serializer.to_json) end end def normalize_data(data) if data.kind_of?(Array) data.each_with_index do |el, index| data[index] = normalize_data(el) end elsif data.kind_of?(Hash) data.deep_stringify_keys!.to_hash end end def strip_hypermedia(actual) (actual || {}) end def matches?(actual) failure = catch(:failed) do unless actual.kind_of?(Hash) || actual.kind_of?(Array) || actual.kind_of?(ParsedBody) throw(:failed, :response_not_valid) end @actual = actual_to_hash(actual) @expected = expected_to_hash if @actual == @expected #noop - specs pass else throw(:failed, :response_and_model_dont_match) end end @failure_message = failed_message(failure) if failure !failure end # when rspec asserts eq alias == matches? def failed_message(msg) case msg when :response_and_model_dont_match "Actual and Expected do not match.\nActual #{actual}\nExpected #{expected}" when :serializer_not_specified_on_class "'active_model_serializer' not implemented on expected, see e" when :response_not_valid "Actual not valid Hash or Array.\nActual: #{actual}" else "no failed_message found for #{msg}" end end def failure_message @failure_message || "error should TO implement" end def failure_message_when_negated @failure_message || "error should not TO implement" end end end end end