#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'yaml' require 'fileutils' include FileUtils def prompt_for(question, suggestion, required, validation = "") newanswer = "X" if required while not File.exists? newanswer + validation print "JDK path (required) (#{suggestion}): " newanswer = gets.chomp! newanswer = suggestion if newanswer == "" puts "Invalid JDK path" unless File.exists? newanswer + validation end else while newanswer != "" and not File.exists? newanswer + validation print "#{question} (blank to skip) (#{suggestion}): " newanswer = gets.chomp! puts "Invalid #{question}" if newanswer != "" and not File.exists? newanswer + validation end end suggestion = newanswer unless newanswer == "" File.expand_path(suggestion) unless suggestion == "" end rhobuildyml = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../") + "/rhobuild.yml" puts "We will ask you a few questions below about your dev environment.\n\n" #first try and find java java = "" if ENV['JAVA_HOME'] java = ENV['JAVA_HOME'] elsif File.exists? "/Library/Java/Home" java = "/Library/Java/Home" elsif File.exists? "/Program Files/Java" start = pwd chdir "/Program Files/Java" Dir.glob("**/jdk1.6*") { |f| java = File.expand_path(f) } chdir start end java = java.gsub(/\\/,"/") java = "" unless File.exists? java + "/lib/dt.jar" java = prompt_for("JDK Path", java, true, "/lib/dt.jar") java = java + "/bin" #now try and find android android = "" if ENV['ANDROID_HOME'] android = ENV['ANDROID_HOME'] end android = prompt_for("Android SDK path", android, false) # try to detect android ndk ndk = "" unless android.nil? ndks = Dir.glob(File.dirname(android) + "/android-ndk-*").sort ndk = ndks.last if ndks.size > 0 end androidndk = prompt_for("Android NDK path", ndk, false) #now cabwiz cabwiz = "" cabwiz = "/Program Files/Windows Mobile 6 SDK/Tools/CabWiz" if File.exists? "/Program Files/Windows Mobile 6 SDK/Tools/CabWiz" cabwiz = "C:/Program Files/Windows Mobile 6 SDK/Tools/CabWiz" if File.exists? "C:/Program Files/Windows Mobile 6 SDK/Tools/CabWiz" cabwiz = prompt_for("Windows Mobile 6 SDK CabWiz", cabwiz, false) #now blackberry jde46 = "" jde46 = File.expand_path("/Program Files/Research In Motion/BlackBerry JDE 4.6.0") if File.exists? "/Program Files/Research In Motion/BlackBerry JDE 4.6.0" jde46 = File.expand_path("C:/Program Files/Research In Motion/BlackBerry JDE 4.6.0") if File.exists? "C:/Program Files/Research In Motion/BlackBerry JDE 4.6.0" jde46 = prompt_for("BlackBerry JDE 4.6", jde46, false) jde46mds = "" jde46mds = File.expand_path("/Program Files/Research In Motion/BlackBerry JDE 4.6.0/MDS") if File.exists? "/Program Files/Research In Motion/BlackBerry JDE 4.6.0/MDS" jde46mds = File.expand_path("C:/Program Files/Research In Motion/BlackBerry JDE 4.6.0/MDS") if File.exists? "C:/Program Files/Research In Motion/BlackBerry JDE 4.6.0/MDS" jde46mds = prompt_for("BlackBerry JDE 4.6 MDS", jde46mds, false) jde42 = "" jde42 = File.expand_path("/Program Files/Research In Motion/BlackBerry JDE 4.2.0") if File.exists? "/Program Files/Research In Motion/BlackBerry JDE 4.2.0" jde42 = File.expand_path("/Program Files/Research In Motion/BlackBerry JDE 4.2.0") if File.exists? "C:/Program Files/Research In Motion/BlackBerry JDE 4.2.0" jde42 = prompt_for("BlackBerry JDE 4.2", jde42, false) jde42mds = "" jde42mds = File.expand_path("/Program Files/Research In Motion/BlackBerry Email and MDS Services Simulators 4.1.2/MDS") if File.exists? "/Program Files/Research In Motion/BlackBerry Email and MDS Services Simulators 4.1.2/MDS" jde42mds = File.expand_path("C:/Program Files/Research In Motion/BlackBerry Email and MDS Services Simulators 4.1.2/MDS") if File.exists? "C:/Program Files/Research In Motion/BlackBerry Email and MDS Services Simulators 4.1.2/MDS" jde42mds = prompt_for("BlackBerry JDE 4.2 MDS", jde42mds, false) puts "\nIf you want to build with other BlackBerry SDK versions edit: #{rhobuildyml}\n\n" if File.exists? rhobuildyml config = YAML::load_file(rhobuildyml) else config = YAML::load_file(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../") + "/rhobuild.yml.example") end config["env"]["paths"]["java"] = java config["env"]["paths"]["android"] = android config["env"]["paths"]["android-ndk"] = androidndk config["env"]["paths"]["cabwiz"] = cabwiz config["env"]["paths"][4.2] = {} if config["env"]["paths"][4.2].nil? config["env"]["paths"][4.6] = {} if config["env"]["paths"][4.6].nil? config["env"]["paths"][4.6]["jde"] = jde46 config["env"]["paths"][4.6]["mds"] = jde46mds config["env"]["paths"][4.2]["jde"] = jde42 config["env"]["paths"][4.2]["mds"] = jde42mds File.open( rhobuildyml, 'w' ) do |out| YAML.dump( config, out ) end