locales['foreman_templates'] = locales['foreman_templates'] || {}; locales['foreman_templates']['es'] = { "domain": "foreman_templates", "locale_data": { "foreman_templates": { "": { "Project-Id-Version": "foreman_templates 10.0.3", "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": "", "PO-Revision-Date": "2019-10-14 12:27+0000", "Last-Translator": "Bryan Kearney , 2023", "Language-Team": "Spanish (https://app.transifex.com/foreman/teams/114/es/)", "MIME-Version": "1.0", "Content-Type": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8", "Content-Transfer-Encoding": "8bit", "Language": "es", "Plural-Forms": "nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;", "lang": "es", "domain": "foreman_templates", "plural_forms": "nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;" }, "Action type": [ "" ], "Always": [ "总是" ], "Associate": [ "Associate" ], "Associate templates to OS, organization and location": [ "将模板与操作系统,机构和位置相关联" ], "Associate to OS's, Locations & Organizations. Options are: always, new or never.": [ "与操作系统,位置和机构相关。选项为:总是,新的或永不。" ], "Back to sync form": [ "返回到同步表单" ], "Branch": [ "分支" ], "Branch in Git repo.": [ "Git 仓库中的分支。" ], "Choose verbosity for Rake task importing templates": [ "为 Rake 任务导入模板选择详细程度" ], "Commit message": [ "提交消息" ], "Custom HTTP proxy": [ "" ], "Custom commit message for templates export": [ "模板导出的自定义提交消息" ], "Default branch in Git repo": [ "Git 仓库中的默认分支" ], "Default metadata export mode, refresh re-renders metadata, keep will keep existing metadata, remove exports template without metadata": [ "默认元数据导出模式,刷新后重新渲染元数据,保留将保留现有元数据,删除不包含元数据的导出模板" ], "Directory within Git repo containing the templates.": [ "" ], "Dirname": [ "Dirname" ], "Export": [ "Exportar" ], "Export templates with names matching this regex (case-insensitive; snippets are not filtered).": [ "导出名称与此正则表达式匹配的模板(不区分大小写;不过滤代码段)。" ], "Filter": [ "Filtro" ], "Force import": [ "强制导入" ], "Global default HTTP proxy": [ "" ], "HTTP proxy": [ "" ], "HTTP proxy policy": [ "" ], "HTTP proxy policy for template sync. If you choose 'selected', provide the `http_proxy_id` parameter.": [ "" ], "How to handle lock for imported templates?": [ "如何处理导入的模板锁定?" ], "ID of an HTTP proxy to use for template sync. Use this parameter together with `'http_proxy_policy':'selected'`": [ "" ], "Import": [ "Importar" ], "Import or Export Templates": [ "导入或导出模板" ], "Import/export names matching this regex (case-insensitive; snippets are not filtered)": [ "导入/导出与该正则表达式匹配的名称(不区分大小写;不过滤代码段)" ], "Initiate Export": [ "启动导出" ], "Initiate Import": [ "启动导入" ], "Invalid repo format, must start with one of: ": [ "" ], "Keep": [ "保持" ], "Keep, do not lock new": [ "keep,不锁定新的" ], "Keep, lock new": [ "keep, 锁定新的" ], "Lock": [ "Bloqueo" ], "Lock imported templates": [ "锁定导入的模板" ], "Lock templates": [ "锁定模板" ], "Metadata export mode": [ "元数据导出模式" ], "Negate": [ "否定" ], "Negate the filter for import/export": [ "导入/导出的负过滤器" ], "Negate the prefix (for purging).": [ "否定前缀(用于清除)。" ], "Never": [ "Nunca" ], "New": [ "Nuevo" ], "No HTTP proxy": [ "" ], "Override the default repo from settings.": [ "覆盖设置中的默认仓库。" ], "Page Not Found": [ "页没有找到" ], "Permission Denied": [ "Permiso negado" ], "Please check the access permissions/SELinux and make sure it is readable/writable for the web application user account, typically '%s'.": [ "请检查访问权限/ SELinux,确保 Web 应用程序用户帐户(通常为 '%s')可读写。" ], "Please request one of the required permissions listed below from a Foreman administrator:": [ "Solicite uno de los permisos requeridos que aparecen a continuación a un administrador de Foreman:" ], "Prefix": [ "前缀" ], "Refresh": [ "Actualizar" ], "Remove": [ "Eliminar" ], "Repo": [ "仓库" ], "Select an HTTP proxy to use for template sync. You can add HTTP proxies on the Infrastructure > HTTP proxies page.": [ "" ], "Should an HTTP proxy be used for template sync? If you select Custom HTTP proxy, you will be prompted to select one.": [ "" ], "Should importing overwrite locked templates?": [ "是否应该导入覆盖锁定的模板?" ], "Show template diff in response": [ "显示模板差异作为响应" ], "Specify how to handle metadata": [ "指定如何处理元数据" ], "Sync Templates": [ "同步模板" ], "Target path to import/export. Different protocols can be used, for example /tmp/dir, git://example.com, https://example.com, ssh://example.com. When exporting to /tmp, note that production deployments may be configured to use private tmp.": [ "要导入/导出的目标路径。可以使用不同的协议,如 /tmp/dir、git://example.com、https://example.com、ssh://example.com. 当导出至 /tmp 时,请注意,生产部署可能被配置为使用私有 tmp。" ], "Template Sync": [ "模板同步" ], "The directory within the Git repo containing the templates": [ "Git 仓库中包含模板的目录" ], "The page you are looking for does not exist": [ "您查找的页面不存在" ], "The string all imported templates should begin with.": [ "所有导入的模板应以字符串开头。" ], "The string that will be added as prefix to imported templates": [ "将作为前缀添加到导入模板的字符串" ], "Unlock": [ "Desbloquear" ], "Update templates that are locked": [ "更新锁定的模板" ], "Use default value from settings": [ "使用设置中的默认值" ], "Using file-based synchronization, but couldn't access %s. ": [ "使用基于文件的同步,但无法访问 %s。 " ], "Verbosity": [ "详细度" ], "You are not authorized to perform this action.": [ "No está autorizado para realizar esta acción." ] } } };