require 'thor/shell' require 'docker-sync/execution' require 'open3' require 'socket' require 'terminal-notifier' module DockerSync module SyncStrategy class Unison include Thor::Shell include Execution @options @sync_name @watch_thread @local_server_pid UNISON_CONTAINER_PORT = '5000'.freeze def initialize(sync_name, options) @options = options @sync_name = sync_name # if a custom image is set, apply it @docker_image = @options.key?('image') ? @options['image'] : '' begin Dependencies::Unison.ensure! Dependencies::Unox.ensure! if Environment.mac? rescue StandardError => e say_status 'error', "#{@sync_name} has been configured to sync with unison, but no unison available", :red say_status 'error', e.message, :red exit 1 end end def run increase_watcher_limit if @options.key?('max_inotify_watches') start_container sync end def increase_watcher_limit current_max_files_per_proc = `sysctl kern.maxfilesperproc | awk '{print $2}'` if current_max_files_per_proc.to_f < @options['max_inotify_watches'] cmd = 'sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfilesperproc=' + @options['max_inotify_watches'].to_s say_status 'command', cmd, :white `#{cmd}` || raise('Unable to increase maxfilesperproc') else say_status 'command', 'Current maxfilesperproc set to ' + current_max_files_per_proc.to_s, :white end current_max_files = `sysctl kern.maxfiles | awk '{print $2}'` if current_max_files.to_f < @options['max_inotify_watches'] cmd = 'sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfiles=' + @options['max_inotify_watches'].to_s say_status 'command', cmd, :white `#{cmd}` || raise('Unable to increase maxfiles') else say_status 'command', 'Current maxfiles set to ' + current_max_files.to_s, :white end end def watch args = sync_options args.push('-repeat watch') cmd = '' cmd = cmd + 'ulimit -n ' + @options['max_inotify_watches'].to_s + ' && ' if @options.key?('max_inotify_watches') cmd = cmd + 'unison ' + args.join(' ') say_status 'command', cmd, :white if @options['verbose'] fork_exec(cmd, "Sync #{@sync_name}", :blue) end def sync args = sync_options cmd = 'unison ' + args.join(' ') say_status 'command', cmd, :white if @options['verbose'] stdout, stderr, exit_status = Open3.capture3(cmd) if !exit_status.success? error_msg = "Error starting sync, exit code #{$?.exitstatus}" say_status 'error', error_msg, :red say_status 'message', stdout say_status 'message', stderr if @options['notify_terminal'] TerminalNotifier.notify( "#{error_msg}", :title => @sync_name, :subtitle => @options['src'], group: 'docker-sync' ) end else if @options['notify_terminal'] && @options['notify_terminal'] != 'errors_only' TerminalNotifier.notify( "Synced #{@options['src']}", title: @sync_name, group: 'docker-sync' ) end say_status 'ok', "Synced #{@options['src']}", :white say_status 'output', stdout if @options['verbose'] end end def expand_ignore_strings expanded_ignore_strings = [] exclude_type = 'Name' exclude_type = @options['sync_excludes_type'] unless @options['sync_excludes_type'].nil? # use the 'Name' exclude type for all default ignores # to prevent conflicts with the sync_excludes_type settings unless Environment.default_ignores.nil? expanded_ignore_strings = do |pattern| "-ignore='Name #{pattern}'" end end unless @options['sync_excludes'].nil? expanded_ignore_strings = @options['sync_excludes'].map do |pattern| ignore_string = if exclude_type == 'none' # the ignore type like Name / Path are part of the pattern pattern.to_s else "#{exclude_type} #{pattern}" end "-ignore='#{ignore_string}'" end end expanded_ignore_strings end def sync_options args = [] args = expand_ignore_strings + args args.push("'#{@options['src']}'") args.push('-auto') args.push('-batch') args.push(sync_prefer) args.push(@options['sync_args']) if @options.key?('sync_args') sync_host_port = get_host_port(get_container_name, UNISON_CONTAINER_PORT) args.push("socket://#{@options['sync_host_ip']}:#{sync_host_port}") if @options.key?('sync_group') || @options.key?('sync_groupid') raise('Unison does not support sync_group, sync_groupid - please use rsync if you need that') end args end # cares about conflict resolution def sync_prefer sync_host_port = get_host_port(get_container_name, UNISON_CONTAINER_PORT) case @options.fetch('sync_prefer', 'default') when 'default' then "-prefer '#{@options['src']}' -copyonconflict" # thats our default, if nothing is set when 'src' then "-prefer '#{@options['src']}'" when 'dest' then "-prefer 'socket://#{@options['sync_host_ip']}:#{sync_host_port}'" else "-prefer '#{@options['sync_prefer']}'" end end def start_container say_status 'ok', "Starting unison for sync #{@sync_name}", :white container_name = get_container_name volume_name = get_volume_name env = {} if @options.key?('sync_user') raise 'sync_user is no longer supported, since it ise no needed, use sync_userid only please' end env['UNISON_SRC'] = '-socket 5000' env['UNISON_DEST'] = '/app_sync' env['MONIT_ENABLE'] = 'false' env['MONIT_INTERVAL'] = '' env['MONIT_HIGH_CPU_CYCLES'] = '' env['UNISON_ARGS'] = '' ignore_strings = expand_ignore_strings env['UNISON_ARGS'] << ignore_strings.join(' ') env['UNISON_WATCH_ARGS'] = '' env['MAX_INOTIFY_WATCHES'] = @options['max_inotify_watches'] if @options.key?('max_inotify_watches') if @options['sync_userid'] == 'from_host' env['OWNER_UID'] = Process.uid else env['OWNER_UID'] = @options['sync_userid'] if @options.key?('sync_userid') end # start unison-image in unison socket mode mode env['HOSTSYNC_ENABLE'] = 0 env['UNISONSOCKET_ENABLE'] = 1 additional_docker_env = { |key, value| "-e #{key}=\"#{value}\"" }.join(' ') running = `docker ps --filter 'status=running' --filter 'name=#{container_name}' --format "{{.Names}}" | grep '^#{container_name}$'` if running == '' say_status 'ok', "#{container_name} container not running", :white if @options['verbose'] exists = `docker ps --filter "status=exited" --filter "name=#{container_name}" --format "{{.Names}}" | grep '^#{container_name}$'` if exists == '' run_privileged = '' if @options.key?('max_inotify_watches') run_privileged = '--privileged' end # TODO: replace by the minimum capabilities required tz_expression = '-e TZ=$(basename $(dirname `readlink /etc/localtime`))/$(basename `readlink /etc/localtime`)' say_status 'ok', 'Starting precopy', :white if @options['verbose'] # we just run the precopy script and remove the container cmd = "docker run --rm -v \"#{volume_name}:#{@options['dest']}\" -e APP_VOLUME=#{@options['dest']} #{tz_expression} #{additional_docker_env} #{run_privileged} --name #{container_name} #{@docker_image} /usr/local/bin/precopy_appsync" say_status 'precopy', cmd, :white if @options['verbose'] system(cmd) || raise('Precopy failed') say_status 'ok', "creating #{container_name} container", :white if @options['verbose'] cmd = "docker run -p '#{@options['sync_host_ip']}::#{UNISON_CONTAINER_PORT}' -v #{volume_name}:#{@options['dest']} -e APP_VOLUME=#{@options['dest']} #{tz_expression} #{additional_docker_env} #{run_privileged} --name #{container_name} -d #{@docker_image}" else say_status 'ok', "starting #{container_name} container", :white if @options['verbose'] cmd = "docker start #{container_name} && docker exec #{container_name} supervisorctl restart unison" end else say_status 'ok', "#{container_name} container still running, restarting unison in container", :blue cmd = "docker exec #{container_name} supervisorctl restart unison" end say_status 'command', cmd, :white if @options['verbose'] `#{cmd}` || raise('Start failed') say_status 'ok', "starting initial sync of #{container_name}", :white if @options['verbose'] # wait until container is started, then sync: sync_host_port = get_host_port(get_container_name, UNISON_CONTAINER_PORT) cmd = "unison -testserver \"#{@options['src']}\" \"socket://#{@options['sync_host_ip']}:#{sync_host_port}\"" say_status 'command', cmd, :white if @options['verbose'] attempt = 0 max_attempt = @options['max_attempt'] || 5 loop do # noinspection RubyUnusedLocalVariable stdout, stderr, exit_status = Open3.capture3(cmd) break if exit_status == 0 attempt += 1 if attempt > max_attempt raise "Failed to start unison container in time, try to increase max_attempt (currently #{max_attempt}) in your configuration. See for more informations" end sleep 1 end sync say_status 'success', 'Unison server started', :green end # noinspection RubyUnusedLocalVariable def get_host_port(container_name, _container_port) cmd = 'docker inspect --format=\'{{(index (index .NetworkSettings.Ports "5000/tcp") 0).HostPort}}\' ' + container_name say_status 'command', cmd, :white if @options['verbose'] stdout, stderr, exit_status = Open3.capture3(cmd) unless exit_status.success? say_status 'command', cmd say_status 'error', "Error getting mapped port, exit code #{$?.exitstatus}", :red say_status 'message', stderr end stdout.gsub("\n", '') end def get_container_name @sync_name.to_s end def get_volume_name @sync_name end def stop_container `docker ps | grep #{get_container_name} && docker stop #{get_container_name} && docker wait #{get_container_name}` end def reset_container stop_container `docker ps -a | grep #{get_container_name} && docker rm #{get_container_name}` `docker volume ls -q | grep #{get_volume_name} && docker volume rm #{get_volume_name}` end def clean reset_container end def stop say_status 'ok', "Stopping sync container #{get_container_name}" begin stop_container rescue StandardError => e say_status 'error', "Stopping failed of #{get_container_name}:", :red puts e.message end end end end end