# Copyright 2011-2013 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. module AWS class CloudFormation # # Stack Summaries # # Stack summaries contain information about CloudFormation # stacks. You can filter the stacks you want summary information # for by one or more statuses. You can even get information # about deleted stacks for up to 90 days. # # ## Enumerating Stack Summaries # # You can enumerate all available summaries using enumerable # methods. Yielded summaries are simple hashes. # # cfm = AWS::CloudFormation.new # cfm.stack_summaries.each do |summary| # puts summary.to_yaml # end # # ## Filtering Stack Summaries # # You can optionally provide one or more stack stasus values # to filter the results by. Only stacks with the given status(es) # will be enumerated. # # cfm.stack_summaries.with_status(:create_failed).each do |summary| # # ... # end # # # enumerate stacks with various delete statuses # statuses = %w(delete_in_progress delete_failed delete_complete) # cf.stack_summaries.with_status(statuses).each do |summary| # # ... # end class StackSummaryCollection include Core::Collection::WithNextToken # @api private def initialize options = {} @filters = options[:filters] super end # Limits the stacks summaries that are enumerated. # # cfm.stack_summaries.with_status(:create_complete).each do |summary| # puts summary[:stack_name] # end # # You can provide multiple statuses: # # statuses = [:create_failed, :rollback_failed] # cfm.stack_summaries.with_status(statuses).each do |summary| # puts summary[:stack_name] # end # # Status names may be symbolized (snake-cased) or upper-cased strings # (e.g. :create_in_progress, 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS'). # # @param [Symbol,String] status_filters One or more statuses to filter # stacks with. Valid values include: # # * `:create_in_progress` # * `:create_failed` # * `:create_complete` # * `:rollback_in_progress` # * `:rollback_failed` # * `:rollback_complete` # * `:delete_in_progress` # * `:delete_failed` # * `:delete_complete` # * `:update_in_progress` # * `:update_complete_cleanup_in_progress` # * `:update_complete` # * `:update_rollback_in_progress` # * `:update_rollback_failed` # * `:update_rollback_complete_cleanup_in_progress` # * `:update_rollback_complete` # # @return [StackSummaryCollection] Returns a new stack summary # collection that restricts what stack summariess will be # enumerated. # def with_status *status_filters StackSummaryCollection.new( :filters => status_filters.flatten.map(&:to_s).map(&:upcase), :config => config) end protected def _each_item next_token, options = {}, &block options[:next_token] = next_token if next_token options[:stack_status_filter] = @filters if @filters resp = client.list_stacks(options) resp.data[:stack_summaries].each do |summary| yield(summary) end resp.data[:next_token] end end end end