[{ "episode": { "s3": true, "artist": "Adam Stacoviak and Wynn Netherland", "updated_at": "2009-12-17T10:33:18-05:00", "size": 19880469, "title": "Episode 0.0.7 - Mike Dirolf from 10gen and MongoDB", "tags": "mongodb, ruby, python, nosql, javascript, 10gen, jobs", "date": "2009-12-17", "podcast_id": 105, "live": true, "id": 1959, "description": "Adam and Wynn spoke with Mike Dirolf from 10gen about their fast-growing MongoDB project. Mike gave us insight on how MongoDB came about, design decisions, and the future of this cool NoSQL server.", "duration": 2485, "created_at": "2009-12-17T10:25:27-05:00" } }]