require 'systemu' module Irbcp Version = '0.0.4' def Irbcp.version() Irbcp::Version end case RUBY_PLATFORM when /darwin/ Copy = 'pbcopy' Paste = 'pbpaste' when /linux/ Copy = 'xsel -clipboard -input' Paste = 'xsel -clipboard -output' when /windoze/ ## Windows Server 2003 , Windows Vista , Windows 7. Anything else don t have and don t matter anymore :) # Copy = 'clip.exe' ## download paste.exe from # Paste = 'paste.exe' end def copy(*args) stdin = args.join systemu(Copy, :stdin => stdin) stdin end def paste(*args) stdout = '' systemu(Paste, :stdout => stdout) stdout end def cp(*args) args.size==0 ? paste(*args) : copy(*args) end extend(self) end IrbCp = Irbcp module Kernel private %w( copy paste cp ).each do |method| module_eval <<-__ def #{ method }(*args, &block) Irbcp.#{ method }(*args, &block) end __ end end