require_dependency "renalware/pd" module Renalware module PD class Regime < ApplicationRecord extend Enumerize enumerize :assistance_type, in: %i(none setup connect disconnect connect_and_disconnect) belongs_to :patient, class_name: "Renalware::Patient", touch: true belongs_to :system has_many :bags, class_name: "Renalware::PD::RegimeBag" has_many :bag_types, through: :bags has_one :termination, class_name: "RegimeTermination", dependent: :delete, inverse_of: :regime accepts_nested_attributes_for :bags, allow_destroy: true validates :patient, presence: true validates :start_date, presence: true, timeliness: { type: :date } validates :end_date, timeliness: { type: :date, on_or_after: ->(regime) { regime.start_date } }, allow_blank: true, allow_nil: true validates :treatment, presence: true validate :min_one_bag scope :current, -> { eager_load(:termination).where(terminated_on: nil).first } scope :with_bags, -> { eager_load(bags: [:bag_type]) } def self.current Regime.order("pd_regimes.created_at DESC").limit(1).with_bags.first end def current? Regime.current == self end def terminated? termination.present? end def self.policy_class RegimePolicy end def apd? pd_type == :apd end def capd? pd_type == :capd end def pd_type raise NotImplementedError end def has_additional_manual_exchange_bag? false end def deep_dup regime = dup regime.bags = regime end def deep_restore_attributes restore_attributes bags.reload with_bag_destruction_marks_removed end # changed_for_autosave? is an AR method that will recursively check the in-memory # regime and its bags for changes or any bags marked for destruction. def anything_changed? changed_for_autosave? end def with_bag_destruction_marks_removed self end def terminate(by:, terminated_on: Date.current) build_termination(by: by, terminated_on: terminated_on) self end attr_accessor :total_potential_fluid_available_for_overnight_exchanges private def min_one_bag bags_marked_for_destruction = remaining_bags = bags - bags_marked_for_destruction errors.add(:regime, "must be assigned at least one bag") if remaining_bags.empty? end end end end