require File.expand_path('../../test/shared_helper', __FILE__) test_tasks = [ 'test_mysql', 'test_sqlite3', 'test_postgresql_with_hint' ] if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) test_tasks.push :test_derby, :test_hsqldb, :test_h2 test_tasks.push :test_jndi, :test_jdbc end desc "Run \"most\" available test_xxx tasks" task :test => test_tasks task 'test_postgresql_with_hint' do if PostgresHelper.have_postgres?(false) Rake::Task['test_postgresql'].invoke else puts "NOTE: won't run test_postgresql" end end def set_test_task_compat_version(task) task.ruby_opts << '-v' if RUBY_VERSION =~ /1\.8/ if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) task.ruby_opts << "--#{RUBY_VERSION[/^(\d+\.\d+)/, 1]}" end end def set_task_description(task, desc) unless task.is_a?(Rake::Task) task = if task.is_a?(Rake::TestTask) task = Rake::Task[task] end # reset the description set-up by TestTask : if task.instance_variable_defined? :@full_comment task.instance_variable_set(:@full_comment, nil) else task.instance_variable_get(:@comments).clear end task.add_description(desc) end task 'test_appraisal_hint' do next if File.exists?('.disable-appraisal-hint') unless (ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] || '') =~ /gemfiles\/.*?\.gemfile/ appraisals = []; Appraisal::File.each { |file| appraisals << } puts "HINT: specify AR version with `rake appraisal:{version} test_{adapter}'" + " where version=(#{appraisals.join('|')}) (`touch .disable-appraisal-hint' to disable)" end end Rake::TestTask.class_eval { attr_reader :test_files } def test_task_for(adapter, options = {}) desc = options[:desc] || options[:comment] || "Run tests against #{options[:database_name] || adapter}" adapter = adapter.to_s.downcase driver = adapter if ( driver = options[:driver] ).nil? prereqs = options[:prereqs] || [] unless prereqs.frozen? prereqs = [ prereqs ].flatten; prereqs << 'test_appraisal_hint' end name = options[:name] || "test_#{adapter}" test_task = => prereqs) do |test_task| files = options[:files] || begin FileList["test/#{adapter}*_test.rb"] + FileList["test/db/#{adapter}/*_test.rb"] end test_task.test_files = files test_task.libs = [] if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) test_task.libs << 'lib' test_task.libs << "jdbc-#{driver}/lib" if driver && File.exists?("jdbc-#{driver}/lib") test_task.libs.push *FileList["activerecord-jdbc#{adapter}*/lib"] end test_task.libs << 'test' set_test_task_compat_version test_task test_task.verbose = true if $VERBOSE yield(test_task) if block_given? end set_task_description name, desc test_task end test_task_for :Derby, :desc => 'Run tests against (embedded) DerbyDB' test_task_for :H2, :desc => 'Run tests against H2 database engine' test_task_for :HSQLDB, :desc => 'Run tests against HyperSQL (Java) database' test_task_for :MSSQL, :driver => :jtds, :database_name => 'MS-SQL (SQLServer)' test_task_for :MySQL, :prereqs => 'db:mysql' test_task_for :PostgreSQL, :driver => 'postgres', :prereqs => 'db:postgresql' task :test_postgres => :test_postgresql # alias test_task_for :SQLite3, :driver => ENV['JDBC_SQLITE_VERSION'] task :test_sqlite => :test_sqlite3 # alias test_task_for :Firebird test_task_for :MariaDB, :prereqs => 'db:mysql', :files => FileList["test/db/mysql/*_test.rb"] # ensure driver for these DBs is on your class-path [ :Oracle, :DB2, :Informix, :CacheDB ].each do |adapter| test_task_for adapter, :desc => "Run tests against #{adapter} (ensure driver is on class-path)" end #test_task_for :MSSQL, :name => 'test_sqlserver', :driver => nil, :database_name => 'MS-SQL using SQLJDBC' test_task_for :AS400, :desc => "Run tests against AS400 (DB2) (ensure driver is on class-path)", :files => FileList["test/db2*_test.rb"] + FileList["test/db/db2/*_test.rb"] test_task_for 'JDBC', :desc => 'Run tests against plain JDBC adapter (uses MySQL and Derby)', :files => FileList['test/*jdbc_*test.rb'] do |test_task| test_task.libs << 'jdbc-mysql/lib' << 'jdbc-derby/lib' end test_task_for 'JNDI', :desc => 'Run tests against a JNDI connection (uses Derby)', :prereqs => 'tomcat-jndi:check', :files => FileList['test/*jndi_*test.rb'] do |test_task| test_task.libs << 'jdbc-derby/lib' end test_task_for :MySQL, :name => 'test_jdbc_mysql', :prereqs => 'db:mysql', :database_name => 'MySQL (using adapter: jdbc)' do |test_task| test_task.ruby_opts << '-rdb/jdbc_mysql' # replaces require 'db/mysql' end test_task_for :PostgreSQL, :name => 'test_jdbc_postgresql', :driver => 'postgres', :prereqs => 'db:postgresql', :database_name => 'PostgreSQL (using adapter: jdbc)' do |test_task| test_task.ruby_opts << '-rdb/jdbc_postgres' # replaces require 'db/postgres' end # TODO Sybase testing is currently broken, please fix it if you're on Sybase : #test_task_for :Sybase, :desc => "Run tests against Sybase (using jTDS driver)" #task :test_sybase_jtds => :test_sybase # alias #test_task_for :Sybase, :name => 'sybase_jconnect', # :desc => "Run tests against Sybase (ensure jConnect driver is on class-path)"