module Futest module Helpers CMD = { :a? => 'is', :a => 'is', :eq => '==', :ne => '!=', :gt => '>', :gte => '>=', :lt => '<', :lte => '<=', :in => 'in', :nin => 'nin', :has => 'has' } ############## # TEST METHODS ############## # Prints error message and stops execution def stop(str, model = nil, n = line(caller)) m = "#{n}: #{str}" # Support for errors when using Object DB ORM if model and model.errors and model.errors.any? q = model.errors.messages rescue model.errors m += ":\n=> " + q.each{|k, v| q[k] = v.join(', ')}.to_json[1..-2].gsub('","', '", "') end puts red(%{#{m}\n}); exit(0) end # Prints the test and runs setup methods def test(*args) n = args[-1].is_a?(Integer) ? args[-1] : line(caller){|r| r.is_a?(Symbol)}.each{|k| send(k)} puts green("#{n}: #{args[0]}") end # Equality tester def is(v1, v2 = :udef, n = line(caller)) # Use :a? if v2 is not a string and looks like a class v2 = {:a? => v2} if !v2.is_a?(String) and v2.to_s[0] =~ /[A-Z]/ # Use :eq if v2 is defined and it's not a Hash v2 = {:eq => v2} if v2 != :udef and !v2.is_a?(Hash) # Symbolize keys k, v = (v2.is_a?(Hash) ? v2 : {}).inject({}){|q,(k,v)|q[k.to_sym] = v; q}.to_a.flatten # Extract values s = ["#{v1.class} #{v1} #{CMD[k]} #{v.class} #{v}", nil, n] # Set @debug = true to print info puts s.join('-') if @debug # Stop unless true stop(*s) unless case k when nil then !!v1 when :eq then v1 == v when :ne then v1 != v when :gt then v1 > v when :gte then v1 >= v when :lt then v1 < v when :lte then v1 <= v when :in then v2[:in].include?(v1) when :nin then !v2[:nin].include?(v1) when :has then v1.has_key?(v2[:has]) when :a?, :a then v1.is_a?(v) else false end end ############## # REQUEST HELPERS ############## # Pulls any data source and returns the response def pull(*args) # Define $host in your test helper # or @host before you call pull # set @base to add paths to @host @host ||= $host @base ||= ($base || '') stop('@host not defined') unless @host @method = args[0].is_a?(Symbol) ? args.delete_at(0) : :get @path = (args[0] || '/') @params = (args[1] || {}) @headers = (args[2] || {}) @headers.merge!(:cookies => @cookies) if @cookies args.each do |a| @params.merge!(a) if a.is_a?(Hash) @method = a if a.is_a?(Symbol) @path = a if a.is_a?(String) end # Add host and base to url @url = @host + (@base || '') + @path o = { :method => @method, :url => @url, :timeout => 2, :payload => @params, :headers => @headers } RestClient::Request.execute(o){|z| @page = z} # Make result available in instance variables [:code, :cookies, :headers, :history].each{|i| instance_variable_set("@#{i}", @page.send(i))} @raw = @page.raw_headers @body = @page.body end # Show the last @body in the browser def show stop('@body is not defined') unless @body # Add @host and @base to all links in HTML to fetch CSS and images @body.scan(/(<.*(src|href)=["'](\/?.+)["'].*>)/).each do |m| @body.gsub!(m[0], m[0].gsub(m[2], "#{@host}#{@base}#{m[2][0] == '/' ? m[2] : "/#{m[2]}"}")) unless %w[ht //].include?(m[2][0..1]) end # Write body to tmp file name = "/tmp/#{}_fushow.html", 'w'){|f| f.write(@body)} # Open with default browser, set to change this `#{} #{name}` end ############## # HELPER METHODS ############## # Colorize output, 33 is :green (default), 31 is :red def out(s, c = :green) z = {:green => 33, :red => 31}; %{\e[#{z[c] || c}m#{s}\e[0m} end # Colorize input green def green(s); out(s); end # Colorize input red def red(s); out(s, :red); end # Print error message def err(*args) x = args[0] # Pass :v or :vv to print more information about the error puts x.backtrace.join("\n") if args.include?(:vv) puts x.message if args.include?(:v) # Normally just print the first line in the message x.backtrace.first.match(/(\/.+\/.*.rb):(\d{1,9}):/) stop(%{#{x.message}\n=> ~/#{$1.split('/')[3..-1].join('/')}}, nil, $2) if $1 and $2 # Print more if the backtrace doesn't match stop(%{#{x.message}\n=> #{x.backtrace[0..60].join("\n")}}) end # Get the line number def line(q) q.first.split(':')[1] end end end