Class Configatron::Configuration
In: lib/configatron/configuration.rb
Parent: Object

The central class for managing the configurations.


Included Modules

Singleton Configatron::Helpers


nil_for_missing  [RW]  If nil_for_missing is set to true nil will be returned if the configuration parameter doesn‘t exist. If set to false, default, then a NoMethodError exception will be raised.

Public Instance methods

Yields a new Configatron::Store class.


    # File lib/configatron/configuration.rb, line 18
18:     def configure
19:       storage =
20:       yield storage
21:       unless storage.parameters.empty?
22:         @_storage_list << storage
23:         load_methods(storage)
24:       end
25:     end

Used to load configuration settings from a Hash.


    # File lib/configatron/configuration.rb, line 28
28:     def configure_from_hash(parameters)
29:       storage =
30:       @_storage_list << storage
31:       load_methods(storage)
32:     end

Used to load configuration settings from a YAML file.


    # File lib/configatron/configuration.rb, line 35
35:     def configure_from_yaml(path)
36:       begin
37:         storage =
38:         @_storage_list << storage
39:         load_methods(storage)
40:       rescue Errno::ENOENT => e
41:         puts e.message
42:         # file doesn't exist.
43:       end
44:     end

Replays the history of configurations.


    # File lib/configatron/configuration.rb, line 47
47:     def reload
48:       @_storage_list.each do |storage|
49:         storage.reload
50:         load_methods(storage)
51:       end
52:     end

All methods are undefined.


    # File lib/configatron/configuration.rb, line 64
64:     def reset
65:       @_storage_list.each do |storage|
66:         storage.parameters.each do |k,v|
67:           Configatron::Configuration.instance_eval do
68:             begin
69:               undef_method(k)
70:             rescue NameError => e
71:             end
72:           end
73:         end
74:       end
75:     end

Does a hard reset of the Configatron::Configuration class. All methods are undefined, the list of configuration parameters is emptied, and the nil_for_missing method gets reset to false.


    # File lib/configatron/configuration.rb, line 57
57:     def reset!
58:       reset
59:       self.nil_for_missing = false
60:       @_storage_list = []
61:     end

Peels back n number of configuration parameters.


    # File lib/configatron/configuration.rb, line 78
78:     def revert(step = 1)
79:       reset
80:       step.times {@_storage_list.pop}
81:       reload
82:     end


    # File lib/configatron/configuration.rb, line 88
88:     def to_hash
89:       @_storage_list.inject({}) { |acc, storage| acc.merge(storage.to_hash) }
90:     end
