# TODO: May need to add Entity casting to Any if entities need to be handled # TODO: HQMF OIDS - Specifically RelatedPerson # ! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'nokogiri' require 'active_support/all' require 'rails/generators' require 'erb' require 'json' require_relative './generators/custom_mongo/model_generator' require_relative './generator_helpers' ############################################################################### # Helpers ############################################################################### # Lookups for modelinfo 'element types' to Ruby+Mongoid types. TYPE_LOOKUP_RB = { 'System.DateTime': 'DateTime', 'System.Date': 'Date', 'System.Integer': 'Integer', 'System.Quantity': 'Quantity', 'System.Code': 'Code', 'QDM.Identifier': 'Identifier', 'System.Any': 'Any', 'interval': 'Interval', 'interval': 'Interval', 'list': 'Array', 'System.String': 'String', 'list': 'Array', 'list': 'Array', 'list': 'Array', 'list': 'Array', 'list': 'Array', 'list': 'Array', 'System.Decimal': 'Float', 'System.Time': 'Time', 'System.Concept': 'Any' }.stringify_keys! # Lookups for modelinfo 'element types' to JavaScript+Mongoose types. TYPE_LOOKUP_JS = { 'System.DateTime': 'DateTime', 'System.Date': 'QDMDate', 'System.Integer': 'Number', 'System.Quantity': 'Quantity', 'System.Code': 'Code', 'System.Any': 'Any', 'QDM.Identifier': 'IdentifierSchema', 'interval': 'Interval', 'interval': 'Interval', 'list': '[]', 'System.String': 'String', 'list': '[]', 'list': '[]', 'list': '[]', 'list': '[]', 'list': '[]', 'list': '[Code]', 'System.Decimal': 'Number', 'System.Time': 'DateTime', 'System.Concept': '{}' }.stringify_keys! ############################################################################### # Start of modelinfo file parsing ############################################################################### puts 'Parsing modelinfo file...' Dir.chdir ENV['TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR'] if ENV['CI'] puts Dir.pwd puts Dir.entries('.') # Open specified modelinfo file modelinfo_file = ARGV[0] raise 'Please provide a valid modelinfo file path and name.' if modelinfo_file.blank? || !File.file?(modelinfo_file) modelinfo = File.open(modelinfo_file) { |f| Nokogiri::XML(f) } # Open specified HQMF oid file oids_file = ARGV[1] raise 'Please provide a valid HQMF oid file path and name.' if oids_file.blank? || !File.file?(oids_file) oids = JSON.parse(File.read(oids_file)) # If this script was run with a third parameter of 'TEST', then generate the models in a # not standard location. This helps with testing. IS_TEST = (ARGV[2] == 'TEST') # Grab QDM version as defined in the modelinfo file qdm_version = modelinfo.xpath('//ns4:modelInfo').first.attributes['version'].value # Datatypes (keys are the datatype name, values are the datatype attributes) datatypes = {} # We will export a hqmfOid to datatype map hqmfOid_to_datatype_map = {} # Loop through each typeInfo node (each of these is a QDM datatype) modelinfo.xpath('//ns4:typeInfo').each do |type| # Grab the name of this QDM datatype datatype_name = type.attributes['name'].value.split('.').last # Reject irrelevant datatypes next if datatype_name.include?('Negative') || datatype_name.include?('Positive') || datatype_name.include?('QDMBaseType') # Grab the QDM attributes for this datatype attributes = [] type.xpath('./ns4:element').each do |attribute| # Grab the name of this QDM datatype attribute attribute_name = attribute.attributes['name'].value # Grab the type of this QDM datatype attribute attribute_type = if attribute.attributes['type'] attribute.attributes['type'].value else 'System.Any' end next if attribute_name.blank? || attribute_type.blank? # Store name and type attributes << { name: attribute_name, type: attribute_type } end # Add the label as qdmTitle qdm_title = type['label'] if qdm_title.nil? # If there's no label, check if there is a "positive" profile positive_profile = modelinfo.at_xpath("/ns4:modelInfo/ns4:typeInfo[@xsi:type='ns4:ProfileInfo'][@identifier='Positive#{datatype_name}']") qdm_title = positive_profile['label'] unless positive_profile.nil? end attributes << { name: 'qdmTitle', type: 'System.String', default: qdm_title } unless qdm_title.nil? # Add the extra info that is manually maintained in the "oids" file extra_info = oids[datatype_name.underscore] if extra_info.present? attributes << { name: 'hqmfOid', type: 'System.String', default: extra_info['hqmf_oid'] } if extra_info['hqmf_oid'].present? attributes << { name: 'qrdaOid', type: 'System.String', default: extra_info['qrda_oid'] } if extra_info['qrda_oid'].present? attributes << { name: 'qdmCategory', type: 'System.String', default: extra_info['qdm_category'] } if extra_info['qdm_category'].present? attributes << { name: 'qdmStatus', type: 'System.String', default: extra_info['qdm_status'] } if extra_info['qdm_status'].present? hqmfOid_to_datatype_map[extra_info['hqmf_oid']] = datatype_name if extra_info['hqmf_oid'].present? end # Add the qdmVersion attribute unless the base type is one that will provide it unless ['QDM.Entity', 'QDM.Component'].include? type['baseType'] attributes << { name: 'qdmVersion', type: 'System.String', default: qdm_version } end datatypes[datatype_name] = { attributes: attributes } end ############################################################################### # Start of model generation ############################################################################### puts 'Generating Ruby models...' # Do a quick sanity check on attribute types datatypes.each do |datatype, info| info[:attributes].each do |attribute| raise 'Unsupported type from modelinfo file for Ruby types: ' + attribute[:type] + 'from: ' + datatype if TYPE_LOOKUP_RB[attribute[:type]].blank? raise 'Unsupported type from modelinfo file for JavaScript types: ' + attribute[:type] + 'from: ' + datatype if TYPE_LOOKUP_JS[attribute[:type]].blank? end end # Create Ruby models base_module = 'QDM::' base_module = 'Test::QDM::' if IS_TEST datatypes.each do |datatype, info| name = base_module + datatype attributes = info[:attributes].map do |attribute| attribute = attribute.dup attribute[:type] = TYPE_LOOKUP_RB[attribute[:type]] attribute end generator_args = [name, attributes] Rails::Generators.invoke('custom_mongo:model', generator_args) end # Create require file (if not in test mode) unless IS_TEST model_template = File.read('templates/models_template.rb.erb') renderer = ERB.new(model_template, nil, '-') file_path = 'app/models/models.rb' File.open(file_path, 'w') { |file| file.puts renderer.result(binding) } end # Javascript PatientSchema for was renamed to QDMPatient since it just contains the QDM data if datatypes['Patient'] datatypes['QDMPatient'] = datatypes['Patient'] datatypes.delete('Patient') end puts 'Generating JavaScript models...' # Create JavaScript models template = File.read('templates/mongoose_template.js.erb') default_renderer = ERB.new(template, nil, '-') file_path = 'app/assets/javascripts/' file_path = 'tmp/' if IS_TEST datatype_custom_templates = { QDMPatient: 'templates/patient_template.js.erb', Identifier: 'templates/identifier_template.js.erb' } datatypes.each do |datatype, info| renderer = default_renderer if datatype_custom_templates.key?(datatype.to_sym) puts "using custom template for #{datatype}" renderer = ERB.new(File.read(datatype_custom_templates[datatype.to_sym]), nil, '-') end attrs_with_extras = info[:attributes] # this field gets used in the template # QDMPatients don't need _type unless datatype.to_s == 'QDMPatient' attrs_with_extras << { name: '_type', type: 'System.String', default: "QDM::#{datatype.underscore.camelize}" } # Add Class end puts ' ' + file_path + datatype + '.js' File.open(file_path + datatype + '.js', 'w') { |file| file.puts renderer.result(binding) } end # Create require file (if not in test mode) unless IS_TEST indtemplate = File.read('templates/index_template.js.erb') renderer = ERB.new(indtemplate, nil, '-') file_path = 'app/assets/javascripts/index.js' puts ' ' + file_path File.open(file_path, 'w') { |file| file.puts renderer.result(binding) } alltemplate = File.read('templates/all_data_elements_template.js.erb') renderer = ERB.new(alltemplate, nil, '-') file_path = 'app/assets/javascripts/AllDataElements.js' puts ' ' + file_path File.open(file_path, 'w') { |file| file.puts renderer.result(binding) } contents = File.read(file_path) contents.gsub!(%r{\/FacilityLocation.js}, '/attributes/FacilityLocation.js') contents.gsub!(%r{\/Component.js}, '/attributes/Component.js') contents.gsub!(%r{\/CarePartner.js}, '/attributes/CarePartner.js') contents.gsub!(%r{\/DiagnosisComponent.js}, '/attributes/DiagnosisComponent.js') contents.gsub!(%r{\/Entity.js}, '/attributes/Entity.js') contents.gsub!(%r{\/Organization.js}, '/attributes/Organization.js') contents.gsub!(%r{\/PatientEntity.js}, '/attributes/PatientEntity.js') contents.gsub!(%r{\/Practitioner.js}, '/attributes/Practitioner.js') contents.gsub!(%r{\/ResultComponent.js}, '/attributes/ResultComponent.js') contents.gsub!(%r{\/Identifier.js}, '/attributes/Identifier.js') File.open(file_path, 'w') { |file| file.puts contents } end ############################################################################### # Model post processing ############################################################################### puts 'Post processing...' # Ruby post processing ruby_models_path = 'app/models/qdm/' ruby_models_path = 'app/models/test/qdm/' if IS_TEST Dir.glob(ruby_models_path + '*.rb').each do |file_name| contents = File.read(file_name) # Cut out the 'Any' type placeholder (these attributes could point to anything). contents.gsub!(/, type: Any/, '') # Add default to [] for facilityLocations contents.gsub!(/field :facilityLocations, type: Array/, 'field :facilityLocations, type: Array, default: []') # Make facilityLocation of type QDM::FacilityLocation contents.gsub!(/field :facilityLocation, type: Code/, 'field :facilityLocation, type: QDM::FacilityLocation') # Make Entity subclasses of type QDM::Entity contents.gsub!(/field :participant/, "embeds_one :participant, class_name: 'QDM::Entity'") contents.gsub!(/field :sender/, "embeds_one :sender, class_name: 'QDM::Entity'") contents.gsub!(/field :recipient/, "embeds_one :recipient, class_name: 'QDM::Entity'") contents.gsub!(/field :recorder/, "embeds_one :recorder, class_name: 'QDM::Entity'") contents.gsub!(/field :performer/, "embeds_one :performer, class_name: 'QDM::Entity'") contents.gsub!(/field :requester/, "embeds_one :requester, class_name: 'QDM::Entity'") contents.gsub!(/field :prescriber/, "embeds_one :prescriber, class_name: 'QDM::Entity'") contents.gsub!(/field :dispenser/, "embeds_one :dispenser, class_name: 'QDM::Entity'") contents.gsub!(/field :identifier, type: Identifier/, "embeds_one :identifier, class_name: 'QDM::Identifier'") File.open(file_name, 'w') { |file| file.puts contents } end # JavaScript post processing js_models_path = 'app/assets/javascripts/' js_models_path = 'tmp/' if IS_TEST Dir.glob(js_models_path + '*.js').each do |file_name| contents = File.read(file_name) # Replace 'Any' type placeholder (these attributes could point to anything). contents.gsub!(/: Any/, ': Any') # Component, Facility, Diagnoses contents.gsub!(/facilityLocations: \[\]/, 'facilityLocations: [FacilityLocationSchema]') contents.gsub!(/facilityLocation: Code/, 'facilityLocation: FacilityLocationSchema') contents.gsub!(/components: \[\]/, 'components: [ComponentSchema]') contents.gsub!(/component: Code/, 'component: ComponentSchema') contents.gsub!(/diagnoses: \[\]/, 'diagnoses: [DiagnosisComponentSchema]') contents.gsub!(/sender: Any/, 'sender: AnyEntity') contents.gsub!(/recipient: Any/, 'recipient: AnyEntity') contents.gsub!(/participant: Any/, 'participant: AnyEntity') contents.gsub!(/recorder: Any/, 'recorder: AnyEntity') contents.gsub!(/performer: Any/, 'performer: AnyEntity') contents.gsub!(/requester: Any/, 'requester: AnyEntity') contents.gsub!(/prescriber: Any/, 'prescriber: AnyEntity') contents.gsub!(/dispenser: Any/, 'dispenser: AnyEntity') contents.gsub!(/relatedTo: \[\]/, 'relatedTo: [String]') File.open(file_name, 'w') { |file| file.puts contents } end # Inject Ruby Patient model extensions GeneratorHelpers.inject_extension('templates/patient_extension.rb.erb', ruby_models_path + 'patient.rb') # Inject Ruby Entity model extensions if datatypes['Entity'] GeneratorHelpers.inject_extension('templates/entity_extension.rb.erb', ruby_models_path + 'entity.rb') end # Make sure Ruby models are in the correct module ruby_models_path = 'app/models/qdm/' ruby_models_path = 'app/models/test/qdm/' if IS_TEST Dir.glob(ruby_models_path + '*.rb').each do |file_name| contents = File.read(file_name) contents.gsub!('Qdm', 'QDM') contents.gsub!('Code', 'QDM::Code') contents.gsub!('Date\n', 'QDM::Date\n') # \n so DateTime does not get overwritten contents.gsub!(' Identifier', ' QDM::Identifier') contents.gsub!('Interval', 'QDM::Interval') contents.gsub!('Quantity', 'QDM::Quantity') File.open(file_name, 'w') { |file| file.puts contents } end types_not_inherited_by_data_element = ['/patient.rb', '/identifier.rb', '/component.rb', '/facility_location.rb', '/entity.rb', '/organization.rb', '/patient_entity.rb', '/practitioner.rb', '/care_partner.rb', '/diagnosis_component.rb', '/result_component.rb'] types_inherited_by_attribute = ['/component', '/facility_location', '/entity', '/diagnosis_component', '/identifier'] types_inherited_by_entity = ['/patient_entity', '/care_partner', '/practitioner', '/organization'] types_inherited_by_component = ['/result_component'] # Set embedded in for datatypes Dir.glob(ruby_models_path + '*.rb').each do |file_name| contents = File.read(file_name) if ['entity.rb', 'organization.rb', 'patient_entity.rb', 'practitioner.rb', 'care_partner.rb'].any? { |sub_string| sub_string.include?(File.basename(file_name)) } contents.gsub!(/ include Mongoid::Document\n/, " include Mongoid::Document\n embedded_in :data_element\n") File.open(file_name, 'w') { |file| file.puts contents } end # TODO: Might be able to make this list by finding baseType="System.Any" in model info file instead of hard-coding. next if types_not_inherited_by_data_element.any? { |sub_string| sub_string.include?(File.basename(file_name)) } contents.gsub!(/ include Mongoid::Document\n/, " include Mongoid::Document\n embedded_in :patient\n") File.open(file_name, 'w') { |file| file.puts contents } end # Make sure Ruby datatypes models have the correct inheritance Dir.glob(ruby_models_path + '*.rb').each do |file_name| contents = '' File.open(file_name).each_line.with_index do |line, index| line.gsub!("\n", " < DataElement\n") if index.zero? && types_not_inherited_by_data_element.none? { |sub_string| file_name.include?(sub_string) } line.gsub!("\n", " < Attribute\n") if index.zero? && types_inherited_by_attribute.any? { |sub_string| file_name.include?(sub_string) } line.gsub!("\n", " < Entity\n") if index.zero? && types_inherited_by_entity.any? { |sub_string| file_name.include?(sub_string) } line.gsub!("\n", " < Component\n") if index.zero? && types_inherited_by_component.any? { |sub_string| file_name.include?(sub_string) } contents += "module QDM\n # #{file_name}\n #{line.gsub('QDM::', '')}" if index.zero? contents += ' ' unless index.zero? || line.blank? contents += line unless index.zero? end contents += 'end' File.open(file_name, 'w') { |file| file.puts contents } end puts 'Moving Attribute Schemas To Their Own Directory' # Create ruby attributes directory if it doesn't exist, directory won't exist in test mode if IS_TEST Dir.mkdir(ruby_models_path + 'attributes') Dir.mkdir(js_models_path + 'attributes') end attribute_list = types_inherited_by_attribute + types_inherited_by_component + types_inherited_by_entity existing_types_moving_to_attributes = attribute_list.select { |sub_string| File.exist?(ruby_models_path + sub_string + '.rb') } existing_types_moving_to_attributes.each do |type| modified_name = type[1..-1] File.rename ruby_models_path + modified_name + '.rb', ruby_models_path + 'attributes/' + modified_name + '.rb' File.rename js_models_path + modified_name.camelize + '.js', js_models_path + 'attributes/' + modified_name.camelize + '.js' end puts 'Create hqmfOid to datatype map as json file' f = File.open('app/models/hqmfOid_to_datatype_map.json', 'w') f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(hqmfOid_to_datatype_map)) f.close puts 'Done.'