require "test_helper" class Edition def update_in_search_index end end class EditionTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def setup @artefact = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact) end def template_answer(version_number = 1) artefact = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact, kind: "answer", name: "Foo bar", # primary_section: "test-section", # sections: ["test-section"], owning_app: "publisher") AnswerEdition.create(state: "ready", slug: "childcare", panopticon_id:, title: "Child care stuff", body: "Lots of info", version_number: version_number) end def template_published_answer(version_number = 1) answer = template_answer(version_number) answer.publish!! answer end def template_transaction artefact = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact) TransactionEdition.create(title: "One", introduction: "introduction", more_information: "more info", panopticon_id:, slug: "childcare") end def template_unpublished_answer(version_number = 1) template_answer(version_number) end def draft_second_edition_from(published_edition) published_edition.build_clone(AnswerEdition).tap { |edition| edition.body = "Test Body 2" edition.reload } end test "it must have a title" do a = refute a.valid? assert a.errors[:title].any? end test "it is not in beta by default" do refute end test "it can be in beta" do assert, in_beta: true).in_beta? end test "it should give a friendly (legacy supporting) description of its format" do a = assert_equal "LocalTransaction", a.format end test "it should be able to find its siblings" do artefact2 = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact) g1 = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, version_number: 1) g2 = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, version_number: 1) g3 = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, version_number: 2) assert_equal [], g2.siblings.to_a assert_equal [g3], g1.siblings.to_a end test "it should be able to find its previous siblings" do artefact2 = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact) g1 = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, version_number: 1) g2 = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, version_number: 1) g3 = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, version_number: 2) assert_equal [], g1.previous_siblings.to_a assert_equal [g1], g3.previous_siblings.to_a end test "subsequent and previous siblings are in order" do g4 = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, version_number: 4) g2 = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, version_number: 2) g1 = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, version_number: 1) g3 = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, version_number: 3) assert_equal [g2, g3, g4], g1.subsequent_siblings.to_a assert_equal [g1, g2, g3], g4.previous_siblings.to_a end test "A programme should have default parts" do programme = FactoryGirl.create(:programme_edition, panopticon_id: assert_equal, ProgrammeEdition::DEFAULT_PARTS.length end context "link validation" do should "not be done when the edition is created" do assert_difference 'AnswerEdition.count', 1 do FactoryGirl.create(:answer_edition, body: 'abc [foobar]( "hover")') end end should "be done when an existing edition is updated" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:answer_edition, body: 'abc [foobar]( "hover")') edition.body += "some update" refute edition.valid? assert_includes edition.errors.full_messages, %q<Body ["Don't include hover text in links. Delete the text in quotation marks eg \\"This appears when you hover over the link.\\""]> end should "allow archiving an edition with invalid links" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:answer_edition, state: 'published', body: 'abc [foobar]( "hover")') assert_difference 'AnswerEdition.archived.count', 1 do edition.archive! end end end context "change note" do should "be a minor change by default" do refute end should "not be valid for major changes with a blank change note" do edition = true, change_note: "") refute edition.valid? assert edition.errors.has_key?(:change_note) end should "be valid for major changes with a change note" do edition = "Edition", version_number: 1, panopticon_id: 123, major_change: true, change_note: "Changed") assert edition.valid? end should "be valid when blank for minor changes" do edition = "Edition", version_number: 1, panopticon_id: 123, change_note: "") assert edition.valid? end should "be valid when populated for minor changes" do edition = "Edition", version_number: 1, panopticon_id: 123, change_note: "Changed") assert edition.valid? end end test "reviewer cannot be the assignee" do user = FactoryGirl.create(:user) edition = "Edition", version_number: 1, panopticon_id: 123, state: "in_review", review_requested_at:, assigned_to: user) edition.reviewer = refute edition.valid? assert edition.errors.has_key?(:reviewer) end test "it should build a clone" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, state: "published", panopticon_id:, version_number: 1, overview: "I am a test overview") clone_edition = edition.build_clone assert_equal "I am a test overview", clone_edition.overview assert_equal 2, clone_edition.version_number end test "cloning can only occur from a published edition" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, version_number: 1) assert_raise(RuntimeError) do edition.build_clone end end test "cloning can only occur from a published edition with no subsequent in progress siblings" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "published", version_number: 1) FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "draft", version_number: 2) assert_raise(RuntimeError) do edition.build_clone end end test "cloning from an earlier edition should give you a safe version number" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, state: "published", panopticon_id:, version_number: 1) edition_two = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, state: "published", panopticon_id:, version_number: 2) clone1 = edition.build_clone assert_equal 3, clone1.version_number end # test cloning into different edition types Edition.subclasses.permutation(2).each do |source_class, destination_class| test "it should be possible to clone from a #{source_class} to a #{destination_class}" do # Note that the new edition won't necessarily be valid - for example the # new type might have required fields that the old just doesn't have. # This is OK because when Publisher saves the clone, it already skips # validations. The user will then be required to populate those values # before they save the edition again. source_edition = FactoryGirl.create(:edition, _type: source_class.to_s, state: "published") assert_nothing_raised do new_edition = source_edition.build_clone(destination_class) end end end test "Cloning from GuideEdition into AnswerEdition" do edition = FactoryGirl.create( :guide_edition, state: "published", panopticon_id:, version_number: 1, overview: "I am a test overview", video_url: "" ) new_edition = edition.build_clone AnswerEdition assert_equal AnswerEdition, new_edition.class assert_equal 2, new_edition.version_number assert_equal, new_edition.panopticon_id assert_equal "draft", new_edition.state assert_equal "I am a test overview", new_edition.overview assert_equal edition.whole_body, new_edition.whole_body end test "Cloning from LicenceEdition into AnswerEdition" do edition = FactoryGirl.create( :licence_edition, state: "published", panopticon_id:, version_number: 1, licence_overview: "I am a test overview", licence_identifier: "Test identifier", licence_short_description: "I am a test short description", will_continue_on: "test will continue on", continuation_link: "" ) new_edition = edition.build_clone AnswerEdition assert_equal AnswerEdition, new_edition.class assert_equal 2, new_edition.version_number assert_equal, new_edition.panopticon_id assert_equal "draft", new_edition.state assert_match /#{edition.licence_overview}/, new_edition.body assert_match /#{edition.licence_short_description}/, new_edition.body assert_equal edition.whole_body, new_edition.body end test "Cloning from ProgrammeEdition into AnswerEdition" do edition = FactoryGirl.create( :programme_edition, state: "published", panopticon_id:, version_number: 1, overview: "I am a test overview" ) new_edition = edition.build_clone AnswerEdition assert_equal AnswerEdition, new_edition.class assert_equal 2, new_edition.version_number assert_equal, new_edition.panopticon_id assert_equal "draft", new_edition.state assert_equal "I am a test overview", new_edition.overview assert_equal edition.whole_body, new_edition.whole_body end test "Cloning from TransactionEdition into AnswerEdition" do edition = FactoryGirl.create( :transaction_edition, state: "published", panopticon_id:, version_number: 1, overview: "I am a test overview", more_information: "More information", alternate_methods: "Alternate methods" ) new_edition = edition.build_clone AnswerEdition assert_equal AnswerEdition, new_edition.class assert_equal 2, new_edition.version_number assert_equal, new_edition.panopticon_id assert_equal "draft", new_edition.state assert_equal "I am a test overview", new_edition.overview assert_equal edition.whole_body, new_edition.whole_body end test "Cloning from SimpleSmartAnswerEdition into AnswerEdition" do edition = FactoryGirl.create( :simple_smart_answer_edition, state: "published", panopticon_id:, version_number: 1, overview: "I am a test overview", ) new_edition = edition.build_clone AnswerEdition assert_equal AnswerEdition, new_edition.class assert_equal 2, new_edition.version_number assert_equal, new_edition.panopticon_id assert_equal "draft", new_edition.state assert_equal "I am a test overview", new_edition.overview assert_equal edition.whole_body, new_edition.whole_body end test "Cloning from AnswerEdition into TransactionEdition" do edition = FactoryGirl.create( :answer_edition, state: "published", panopticon_id:, version_number: 1, overview: "I am a test overview", body: "Test body" ) new_edition = edition.build_clone TransactionEdition assert_equal TransactionEdition, new_edition.class assert_equal 2, new_edition.version_number assert_equal, new_edition.panopticon_id assert_equal "draft", new_edition.state assert_equal "I am a test overview", new_edition.overview assert_equal "Test body", new_edition.more_information end test "Cloning from AnswerEdition into SimpleSmartAnswerEdition" do edition = FactoryGirl.create( :answer_edition, state: "published", panopticon_id:, version_number: 1, overview: "I am a test overview", body: "Test body" ) new_edition = edition.build_clone SimpleSmartAnswerEdition assert_equal SimpleSmartAnswerEdition, new_edition.class assert_equal 2, new_edition.version_number assert_equal, new_edition.panopticon_id assert_equal "draft", new_edition.state assert_equal "I am a test overview", new_edition.overview assert_equal "Test body", new_edition.body end test "Cloning from GuideEdition into TransactionEdition" do edition = FactoryGirl.create( :guide_edition, state: "published", panopticon_id:, version_number: 1, overview: "I am a test overview", video_url: "" ) new_edition = edition.build_clone TransactionEdition assert_equal TransactionEdition, new_edition.class assert_equal 2, new_edition.version_number assert_equal, new_edition.panopticon_id assert_equal "draft", new_edition.state assert_equal "I am a test overview", new_edition.overview assert_equal edition.whole_body, new_edition.more_information end test "Cloning from ProgrammeEdition into TransactionEdition" do edition = FactoryGirl.create( :programme_edition, state: "published", panopticon_id:, version_number: 1, overview: "I am a test overview", ) new_edition = edition.build_clone TransactionEdition assert_equal TransactionEdition, new_edition.class assert_equal 2, new_edition.version_number assert_equal, new_edition.panopticon_id assert_equal "draft", new_edition.state assert_equal "I am a test overview", new_edition.overview assert_equal edition.whole_body, new_edition.more_information end test "Cloning from AnswerEdition into GuideEdition" do edition = FactoryGirl.create( :answer_edition, state: "published", panopticon_id:, version_number: 1, overview: "I am a test overview", ) new_edition = edition.build_clone GuideEdition assert_equal GuideEdition, new_edition.class assert_equal 2, new_edition.version_number assert_equal, new_edition.panopticon_id assert_equal "draft", new_edition.state assert_equal "I am a test overview", new_edition.overview end test "Cloning between types with parts" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:programme_edition_with_multiple_parts, panopticon_id:, state: "published", version_number: 1, overview: "I am a shiny programme", ) new_edition = edition.build_clone GuideEdition assert_equal( {|part| part.title }, {|part| part.title }) assert_equal 7, #there are 5 'default' parts plus an additional two created by the factory end test "knows the common fields of two edition subclasses" do to_copy =[:introduction, :need_to_know, :more_information]) result = assert to_copy.proper_subset?(result) end # Mongoid 2.x marks array fields as dirty whenever they are accessed. # See # This behaviour has been patched in lib/mongoid/monkey_patches.rb # in order to prevent workflow validation failures for editions # with array fields. # test "editions with array fields should accurately track changes" do bs = FactoryGirl.create(:business_support_edition, sectors: []) assert_empty bs.changes bs.sectors assert_empty bs.changes bs.sectors << 'manufacturing' assert_equal ['sectors'], bs.changes.keys end test "edition finder should return the published edition when given an empty edition parameter" do dummy_publication = template_published_answer second_publication = template_unpublished_answer(2) assert dummy_publication.published? assert_equal dummy_publication, Edition.find_and_identify("childcare", "") end test "edition finder should return the latest edition when asked" do dummy_publication = template_published_answer second_publication = template_unpublished_answer(2) assert_equal 2, Edition.where(slug: dummy_publication.slug).count found_edition = Edition.find_and_identify("childcare", "latest") assert_equal second_publication.version_number, found_edition.version_number end test "a publication should not have a video" do dummy_publication = template_published_answer assert !dummy_publication.has_video? end test "should create a publication based on data imported from panopticon" do artefact = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact, slug: "foo-bar", kind: "answer", name: "Foo bar", owning_app: "publisher", )! a = Artefact.find( user = User.create publication = Edition.find_or_create_from_panopticon_data(, user) assert_kind_of AnswerEdition, publication assert_equal, publication.title assert_equal, publication.panopticon_id.to_s end test "should not change edition metadata if archived" do FactoryGirl.create(:live_tag, tag_id: "test-section", title: "Test section", tag_type: "section") artefact = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact, slug: "foo-bar", kind: "answer", name: "Foo bar", primary_section: "test-section", sections: ["test-section"], owning_app: "publisher", ) guide = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, title: "Original title", slug: "original-title", state: "archived" ) artefact.slug = "new-slug" assert_not_equal "new-slug", guide.reload.slug end test "should scope publications by assignee" do stub_request(:get, %r{http://panopticon\.test\.gov\.uk/artefacts/.*\.js}). to_return(status: 200, body: "{}", headers: {}) a, b = { FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id: } alice, bob, charlie = %w[ alice bob charlie ].map { |s| FactoryGirl.create(:user, name: s) } alice.assign(a, bob) alice.assign(a, charlie) alice.assign(b, bob) assert_equal [b], Edition.assigned_to(bob).to_a end test "cannot delete a publication that has been published" do dummy_answer = template_published_answer loaded_answer = AnswerEdition.where(slug: "childcare").first assert_equal loaded_answer, dummy_answer assert ! dummy_answer.can_destroy? assert_raise (Workflow::CannotDeletePublishedPublication) do dummy_answer.destroy end end test "cannot delete a published publication with a new draft edition" do dummy_answer = template_published_answer new_edition = dummy_answer.build_clone new_edition.body = "Two" assert_raise (Edition::CannotDeletePublishedPublication) do dummy_answer.destroy end end test "can delete a publication that has not been published" do dummy_answer = template_unpublished_answer dummy_answer.destroy loaded_answer = AnswerEdition.where(slug: dummy_answer.slug).first assert_nil loaded_answer end test "deleting a newer draft of a published edition removes sibling information" do user1 = FactoryGirl.create(:user) edition = AnswerEdition.find_or_create_from_panopticon_data(, user1) edition.update_attribute(:state, "published") second_edition = edition.build_clone! edition.reload assert edition.sibling_in_progress second_edition.destroy edition.reload assert_nil edition.sibling_in_progress end test "the latest edition should remove sibling_in_progress details if it is present" do user1 = FactoryGirl.create(:user) edition = AnswerEdition.find_or_create_from_panopticon_data(, user1) edition.update_attribute(:state, "published") # simulate a document having a newer edition destroyed (previous behaviour). edition.sibling_in_progress = 2 false) assert edition.can_create_new_edition? end test "should also delete associated artefact" do FactoryGirl.create(:live_tag, tag_id: "test-section", title: "Test section", tag_type: "section") user1 = FactoryGirl.create(:user) edition = AnswerEdition.find_or_create_from_panopticon_data(, user1) assert_difference "Artefact.count", -1 do edition.destroy end end test "should not delete associated artefact if there are other editions of this publication" do FactoryGirl.create(:live_tag, tag_id: "test-section", title: "Test section", tag_type: "section") user1 = FactoryGirl.create(:user) edition = AnswerEdition.find_or_create_from_panopticon_data(, user1) edition.update_attribute(:state, "published") edition.reload second_edition = edition.build_clone! assert_no_difference "Artefact.count" do second_edition.destroy end end test "should scope publications assigned to nobody" do stub_request(:get, %r{http://panopticon\.test\.gov\.uk/artefacts/.*\.js}). to_return(status: 200, body: "{}", headers: {}) a, b = { |i| FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id: } alice, bob, charlie = %w[ alice bob charlie ].map { |s| FactoryGirl.create(:user, name: s) } alice.assign(a, bob) a.reload assert_equal bob, a.assigned_to alice.assign(a, charlie) a.reload assert_equal charlie, a.assigned_to assert_equal 2, Edition.count assert_equal [b], Edition.assigned_to(nil).to_a assert_equal [], Edition.assigned_to(bob).to_a assert_equal [a], Edition.assigned_to(charlie).to_a end test "given multiple editions, can return the most recent published edition" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, slug: "hedgehog-topiary", state: "published") second_edition = edition.build_clone edition.update_attribute(:state, "archived") second_edition.update_attribute(:state, "published") third_edition = second_edition.build_clone third_edition.update_attribute(:state, "draft") assert_equal edition.published_edition, second_edition end test "editions, by default, return their title for use in the admin-interface lists of publications" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "ready") assert_equal edition.title, edition.admin_list_title end test "editions can have notes stored for the history tab" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "ready") user = assert edition.new_action(user, "note", comment: "Something important") end test "status should not be affected by notes" do user = User.create(name: "bob") edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "ready") edition.new_action(user, Action::APPROVE_REVIEW) edition.new_action(user, Action::NOTE, comment: "Something important") assert_equal Action::APPROVE_REVIEW, edition.latest_status_action.request_type end test "should have no assignee by default" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "ready") assert_nil edition.assigned_to end test "should be assigned to the last assigned recipient" do alice = FactoryGirl.create(:user, name: "alice") bob = FactoryGirl.create(:user, name: "bob") edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "ready") alice.assign(edition, bob) assert_equal bob, edition.assigned_to end test "new edition should have an incremented version number" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "published") new_edition = edition.build_clone assert_equal edition.version_number + 1, new_edition.version_number end test "new edition should have an empty list of actions" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "published") new_edition = edition.build_clone assert_equal [], new_edition.actions end test "new editions should have the same text when created" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition_with_two_parts, panopticon_id:, state: "published") new_edition = edition.build_clone original_text = {|p| p.body }.join(" ") new_text = {|p| p.body }.join(" ") assert_equal original_text, new_text end test "changing text in a new edition should not change text in old edition" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition_with_two_parts, panopticon_id:, state: "published") new_edition = edition.build_clone = "Some other version text" original_text = {|p| p.body }.join(" ") new_text = {|p| p.body }.join(" ") assert_not_equal original_text, new_text end test "a new guide has no published edition" do guide = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "ready") assert_nil GuideEdition.where(state: "published", panopticon_id: guide.panopticon_id).first end test "an edition of a guide can be published" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "ready") edition.publish assert_not_nil GuideEdition.where(state: "published", panopticon_id: edition.panopticon_id).first end test "should archive older editions, even if there are validation errors, when a new edition is published" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition_with_two_parts, panopticon_id:, state: "ready") user = User.create name: "bob" publish(user, edition, "First publication") second_edition = edition.build_clone second_edition.state = "ready"! publish(user, second_edition, "Second publication") # simulate link validation errors in published edition, "[register your vehicle](registering-an-imported-vehicle)") third_edition = second_edition.build_clone # fix link validation error in cloned edition by appending a '/' to the relative url = "[register your vehicle](/registering-an-imported-vehicle)" third_edition.state = "ready"! publish(user, third_edition, "Third publication") edition.reload assert edition.archived? second_edition.reload assert second_edition.archived? assert_equal 2, GuideEdition.where(panopticon_id: edition.panopticon_id, state: "archived").count end test "when an edition is published, publish_at is cleared" do user = FactoryGirl.create(:user) edition = FactoryGirl.create(:edition, :scheduled_for_publishing) publish(user, edition, "First publication") assert_nil edition.reload.publish_at end test "edition can return latest status action of a specified request type" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "draft") user = User.create(name: "George") request_review(user, edition) assert_equal edition.actions.size, 1 assert edition.latest_status_action(Action::REQUEST_REVIEW).present? end test "a published edition can't be edited" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "published") edition.title = "My New Title" assert ! assert_equal ["Published editions can't be edited"], edition.errors[:base] end test "edition's publish history is recorded" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "ready") user = User.create name: "bob" publish(user, edition, "First publication") second_edition = edition.build_clone second_edition.update_attribute(:state, "ready")! publish(user, second_edition, "Second publication") third_edition = second_edition.build_clone third_edition.update_attribute(:state, "ready")! publish(user, third_edition, "Third publication") edition.reload assert edition.actions.where("request_type" => "publish") second_edition.reload assert second_edition.actions.where("request_type" => "publish") third_edition.reload assert third_edition.actions.where("request_type" => "publish") assert third_edition.published? end test "a series with all editions published should not have siblings in progress" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "ready") user = User.create name: "bob" publish(user, edition, "First publication") new_edition = edition.build_clone new_edition.state = "ready"! publish(user, new_edition, "Second publication") edition = edition.reload assert_nil edition.sibling_in_progress end test "a series with one published and one draft edition should have a sibling in progress" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "ready")! user = User.create name: "bob" publish(user, edition, "First publication") new_edition = edition.build_clone! edition = edition.reload assert_not_nil edition.sibling_in_progress assert_equal new_edition.version_number, edition.sibling_in_progress end test "a part's slug must be of the correct format" do edition_one = "One", slug: "one", panopticon_id: title: "Part One", body:"Never gonna give you up", slug: "part-One-1"![0].slug = "part one" assert_raise (Mongoid::Errors::Validations) do! end end test "parts can be sorted by the order field using a scope" do edition = "One", slug: "one", panopticon_id: title: "Biscuits", body:"Never gonna give you up", slug: "biscuits", order: 2 title: "Cookies", body:"NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN", slug: "cookies", order: 1! edition.reload assert_equal "Cookies", assert_equal "Biscuits", end test "user should not be able to review an edition they requested review for" do user = User.create(name: "Mary") edition = ProgrammeEdition.create(title: "Childcare", slug: "childcare", panopticon_id: assert edition.can_request_review? request_review(user, edition) refute request_amendments(user, edition) end test "a published publication with a draft edition is in progress" do dummy_answer = template_published_answer assert !dummy_answer.has_sibling_in_progress? edition = dummy_answer.build_clone dummy_answer.reload assert dummy_answer.has_sibling_in_progress? end test "a draft edition cannot be published" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "draft") refute edition.can_publish? end test "a draft edition can be emergency published" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "draft") assert edition.can_emergency_publish? end # test denormalisation test "should denormalise an edition with an assigned user and action requesters" do user1 = FactoryGirl.create(:user, name: "Morwenna") user2 = FactoryGirl.create(:user, name: "John") user3 = FactoryGirl.create(:user, name: "Nick") edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "archived") edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "archived", assigned_to_id: edition.actions.create request_type: Action::CREATE, requester: user2 edition.actions.create request_type: Action::PUBLISH, requester: user3 edition.actions.create request_type: Action::ARCHIVE, requester: user1! and edition.reload assert_equal, edition.assignee assert_equal, edition.creator assert_equal, edition.publisher assert_equal, edition.archiver end test "should denormalise an assignee's name when an edition is assigned" do user1 = FactoryGirl.create(:user) user2 = FactoryGirl.create(:user) edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "draft") user1.assign edition, user2 assert_equal user2, edition.assigned_to assert_equal, edition.assignee end test "should denormalise a creator's name when an edition is created" do user = FactoryGirl.create(:user) FactoryGirl.create(:live_tag, tag_id: "test-section", title: "Test section", tag_type: "section") artefact = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact, slug: "foo-bar", kind: "answer", name: "Foo bar", primary_section: "test-section", sections: ["test-section"], owning_app: "publisher", ) edition = AnswerEdition.find_or_create_from_panopticon_data(, user) assert_equal, edition.creator end test "should denormalise a publishing user's name when an edition is published" do user = FactoryGirl.create(:user) edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "ready") publish(user, edition, "First publication") assert_equal, edition.publisher end test "should set siblings in progress to nil for new editions" do user = FactoryGirl.create(:user) edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "ready") published_edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "published") assert_equal 1, edition.version_number assert_nil edition.sibling_in_progress end test "should update previous editions when new edition is added" do user = FactoryGirl.create(:user) edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "archived") published_edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "published") new_edition = published_edition.build_clone! published_edition.reload assert_equal 3, new_edition.version_number assert_equal 3, published_edition.sibling_in_progress end test "should update previous editions when new edition is published" do user = FactoryGirl.create(:user) edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "archived") published_edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "published") new_edition = published_edition.build_clone! new_edition.update_attribute(:state, "ready") publish(user, new_edition, "First publication") assert_equal 3, new_edition.version_number assert_nil new_edition.sibling_in_progress assert_nil published_edition.reload.sibling_in_progress end test "all subclasses should provide a working whole_body method for diffing" do Edition.subclasses.each do |klass| assert klass.instance_methods.include?(:whole_body), "#{klass} doesn't provide a whole_body" assert_nothing_raised do end end end test "should convert a GuideEdition to an AnswerEdition" do guide_edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "published") answer_edition = guide_edition.build_clone(AnswerEdition) assert_equal guide_edition.whole_body, answer_edition.whole_body end test "should convert an AnswerEdition to a GuideEdition" do answer_edition = template_published_answer guide_edition = answer_edition.build_clone(GuideEdition) expected = "# Part One\n\n" + answer_edition.whole_body assert_equal expected, guide_edition.whole_body end test "should not allow any changes to an edition with an archived artefact" do artefact = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact) guide_edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, state: 'draft', panopticon_id: artefact.state = 'archived' assert_raise(RuntimeError) do guide_edition.title = "Error this"! end end test "should return related artefact" do assert_equal "Foo bar", end context "validating version_number" do should "be required" do ed =, :panopticon_id => ed.version_number = nil assert ! ed.valid?, "Expected edition not to be valid with no version_number" end should "be unique" do ed1 = FactoryGirl.create(:edition, :panopticon_id => ed2 =, :panopticon_id => ed2.version_number = ed1.version_number assert ! ed2.valid?, "Expected edition not to be valid with conflicting version_number" end should "allow editions belonging to different artefacts to have matching version_numbers" do ed1 = FactoryGirl.create(:edition, :panopticon_id => ed2 =, :panopticon_id => FactoryGirl.create(:artefact).id) ed2.version_number = ed1.version_number assert ed2.valid?, "Expected edition to be valid" end should "have a database-level constraint on the uniqueness" do ed1 = FactoryGirl.create(:edition, :panopticon_id => ed2 =, :panopticon_id => ed2.version_number = ed1.version_number assert_raises Mongo::Error::OperationFailure do! validate: false end end end context "indexable_content" do context "editions with a 'body'" do should "include the body with markup removed" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:answer_edition, body: "## Title", panopticon_id: FactoryGirl.create(:artefact).id) assert_equal "Title", edition.indexable_content end end context "for a single part thing" do should "have an empty string for an edition with no body" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, :state => 'ready', :title => 'one part thing', panopticon_id: FactoryGirl.create(:artefact).id) edition.publish assert_equal "", edition.indexable_content end end context "for a multi part thing" do should "have the normalised content of all parts" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition_with_two_parts, :state => 'ready', panopticon_id: FactoryGirl.create(:artefact).id) edition.publish assert_equal "PART ! This is some version text. PART !! This is some more version text.", edition.indexable_content end end context "indexable_content would contain govspeak" do should "convert it to plaintext" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition_with_two_govspeak_parts, :state => 'ready', panopticon_id: FactoryGirl.create(:artefact).id) edition.publish expected = "Some Part Title! This is some version text. Another Part Title This is link text." assert_equal expected, edition.indexable_content end end end context "Tagging to collections" do setup do @edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition) end should "allow tagging to browse pages" do sample_browse_pages = [ 'education/school-admissions-transport', 'driving/drivers-lorries-buses' ] @edition.browse_pages = sample_browse_pages!; @edition.reload assert_equal sample_browse_pages, @edition.browse_pages end should "allow tagging to a primary topic" do sample_primary_topic = 'oil-and-gas/carbon-capture-and-storage' @edition.primary_topic = sample_primary_topic!; @edition.reload assert_equal sample_primary_topic, @edition.primary_topic end should "allow tagging to multiple additional topics" do sample_additional_topics = [ 'oil-and-gas/fields-and-wells', 'oil-and-gas/licensing' ] @edition.additional_topics = sample_additional_topics!; @edition.reload assert_equal sample_additional_topics, @edition.additional_topics end should "validates topics" do assert_includes, TopicValidator end should "validates browse pages" do assert_includes, BrowsePageValidator end should "retain collections across new editions" do edition = FactoryGirl.create(:guide_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "published", primary_topic: 'oil-and-gas/carbon-capture-and-storage', additional_topics: [ 'oil-and-gas/fields-and-wells', 'oil-and-gas/licensing' ], browse_pages: [ 'education/school-admissions-transport', 'driving/drivers-lorries-buses' ] ) new_edition = edition.build_clone assert_equal edition.primary_topic, new_edition.primary_topic assert_equal edition.additional_topics, new_edition.additional_topics assert_equal edition.browse_pages, new_edition.browse_pages end end context "#latest_major_update" do should 'return the most recent published edition with a major change' do edition1 = FactoryGirl.create(:answer_edition, major_change: true, change_note: 'published', state: 'published', version_number: 1) edition2 = edition1.build_clone edition2.update_attributes!(major_change: true, change_note: 'changed', state: 'published') edition1.update_attributes!(state: 'archived') edition3 = edition2.build_clone assert_equal, end end context "#latest_change_note" do should 'return the change note of the latest major update' do edition1 = FactoryGirl.create(:answer_edition, major_change: true, change_note: 'a change note', state: 'published') edition2 = edition1.build_clone assert_equal 'a change note', edition2.latest_change_note end should 'return nil if there is no major update in the edition series' do edition1 = FactoryGirl.create(:answer_edition, major_change: false, state: 'published') assert_equal nil, edition1.latest_change_note end end context '#public_updated_at' do should 'return the updated_at timestamp of the latest major update' do edition1 = FactoryGirl.create(:answer_edition, major_change: true, change_note: 'a change note', updated_at: 1.minute.ago, state: 'published') edition2 = edition1.build_clone assert_in_delta edition1.updated_at, edition2.public_updated_at, 1.second end should 'return the timestamp of the first published edition when there are no major updates' do edition1 = FactoryGirl.create(:answer_edition, major_change: false, updated_at: 2.minute.ago, state: 'published') edition2 = edition1.build_clone Timecop.freeze(1.minute.ago) do #added to allow significant amount of time between edition updated_at values edition2.update_attributes!(state: 'published', major_change: false) end edition1.update_attributes!(state: 'archived', major_change: false) assert_in_delta edition1.updated_at, edition2.public_updated_at, 1.second assert_not_in_delta edition2.updated_at, edition2.public_updated_at, 1.second end should 'return nil if there are no major updates and no published editions' do edition1 = FactoryGirl.create(:answer_edition, major_change: false, updated_at: 1.minute.ago, state: 'draft') assert_equal nil, edition1.public_updated_at end end context '#has_ever_been_published?' do should 'return true if any edition has a published state' do edition1 = FactoryGirl.create(:answer_edition, major_change: false, updated_at: 2.minute.ago, state: 'published') edition2 = edition1.build_clone edition2.update_attributes!(state: 'archived', major_change: false) edition4 = FactoryGirl.create(:answer_edition, major_change: false, updated_at: 2.minute.ago, state: 'draft') assert_equal true, edition1.has_ever_been_published? assert_equal true, edition2.has_ever_been_published? assert_equal false, edition4.has_ever_been_published? end end context '#first_edition_of_published' do should 'return the first edition of a series that has at least one edition state published' do edition1 = FactoryGirl.create(:answer_edition, major_change: false, updated_at: 2.minute.ago, state: 'published') edition2 = edition1.build_clone edition1.update_attributes!(state: 'archived', major_change: false) edition2.update_attributes!(state: 'published', major_change: false) edition3 = edition2.build_clone edition3.update_attributes!(state: 'archived', major_change: false) assert_equal edition1, edition1.first_edition_of_published assert_equal edition1, edition2.first_edition_of_published assert_equal edition1, edition3.first_edition_of_published end end end