# cups.h
# {https://www.cups.org/doc/cupspm.html Programming Manual}
# {https://github.com/apple/cups/blob/master/cups/cups.h cups.h source}
module Cups
extend FFI::Library
# Get the current encryption settings.
# @return [Integer] encryption settings
# {https://www.cups.org/doc/cupspm.html#cupsEncryption}
attach_function 'cupsEncryption', [], :int, blocking: true
# Check that the option and value are supported by the destination.
# @overload cupsCheckDestSupported(pointer, pointer, pointer, string, string)
# @param http [Pointer]
# @param destination [Pointer]
# @param dinfo [Pointer]
# @param option [String]
# @param value [String]
# @return [Integer] 1 if supported, 0 otherwise
# {https://www.cups.org/doc/cupspm.html#cupsCheckDestSupported}
attach_function 'cupsCheckDestSupported', [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :string, :string], :int, blocking: true
# Get the supported values/capabilities for the destination.
# @overload cupsCopyDestInfo(pointer, pointer)
# @param http [Pointer]
# @param dest [Pointer]
# @return [Pointer] Destination information
# {https://www.cups.org/doc/cupspm.html#cupsCopyDestInfo}
attach_function 'cupsCopyDestInfo', [:pointer, :pointer], :pointer, blocking: true
# Get the named destination from the list.
# @overload cupsGetDest(string, string, int, pointer)
# @param name [String]
# @param instance [String] instance name or NULL
# @param num_dests [Integer] number of destinations
# @param destinations [Pointer]
# @return [Pointer, NULL] destination or NULL
# {https://www.cups.org/doc/cupspm.html#cupsGetDest}
attach_function 'cupsGetDest', [:string, :string, :int, :pointer], :pointer, blocking: true
# Get the list of destinations from the specified server.
# @overload cupsGetDests2(pointer, pointer)
# @param pointer [Pointer] to http connection for server or CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT
# @param pointer [Pointer] to destinations
# @return [Integer] number of destinations
# {https://www.cups.org/doc/cupspm.html#cupsGetDests2}
attach_function 'cupsGetDests2', [:pointer, :pointer], :int, blocking: true
# Free the memory used by the list of destinations.
# @overload cupsFreeDests(int, pointer)
# @param number [Integer] of destinations
# @param pointer [Pointer] to destinations
# {https://www.cups.org/doc/cupspm.html#cupsFreeDests}
attach_function 'cupsFreeDests', [:int, :pointer], :void, blocking: true
# Prints a File
# @overload cupsPrintFile(string, string, string, int, pointer)
# @param name [String] of the printer
# @param name [String] of the file
# @param title [String] of the job
# @param number [Integer] of options
# @param pointer [Pointer] to a CupsOptionS struct
# @return [Integer] job number or 0 on error
attach_function 'cupsPrintFile', [ :string, :string, :string, :int, :pointer ], :int, blocking: true
# Prints a file from a specific connection
# @overload cupsPrintFile2(pointer, string, string, string, int, pointer)
# @param pointer [Pointer] to an http connection
# @param name [String] of the printer
# @param name [String] of the file
# @param title [String] of the title
# @param number [Integer] of options
# @param pointer [Pointer] to a CupsOptionS struct
# @return [Integer] number of the job or 0 on error
attach_function 'cupsPrintFile2', [ :pointer, :string, :string, :string, :int, :pointer ], :int, blocking: true
# Returns the last error in string format
# @return [String] error
attach_function 'cupsLastErrorString', [], :string, blocking: true
# Cancel a job on a destination.
# @overload cupsCancelDestJob(string, int)
# @param connection [Pointer] to a http server
# @param pointer [Pointer] to a destination
# @param id [Integer] of the job
# @return [Integer] IPP status
# {https://www.cups.org/doc/cupspm.html#cupsCancelDestJob}
attach_function 'cupsCancelDestJob', [:string, :int], :void, blocking: true
# Cancel a job on a destination name
# @overload cupsCancelJob(string, int)
# @param name [String] of the destination
# @param id [Ingeger] of the job
# @return [Integer] 1 if canceled, 0 otherwise
attach_function 'cupsCancelJob', [:string, :int], :int, blocking: true
# Cancel a job on a destination
# @overload cupsCancelJob2(pointer, string, int)
# @param pointer [Pointer] of the http connection
# @param name [String] of the destination
# @param id [Ingeger] of the job
# @param purge [Integer] 1 to purge, 0 to cancel
# @return [Enum] Cups::Enun::IPP::Status
attach_function 'cupsCancelJob2', [:pointer, :string, :int, :int], Cups::Enum::IPP::Status, blocking: true
# Get the jobs from a connection
# @overload cupsGetJobs2(pointer, pointer, string, int, int)
# @param pointer [Pointer] to a http connection object
# @param pointer [Pointer] to Cups::Struct::Job
# @param name [String] of the printer
# @param number [Integer] of type of job (0 == all users, 1 == mine)
# @return [Integer] number of jobs
# {https://www.cups.org/doc/cupspm.html#cupsGetJobs2}
attach_function 'cupsGetJobs2', [:pointer, :pointer, :string, :int, :int], :int, blocking: true
# Get the jobs
# @overload cupsGetJobs(pointer, string, int, int)
# @param pointer [Pointer] to Cups::Struct::Job to populate
# @param name [String] of the printer
# @param number [Integer] of type of job (0 == all users, 1 == mine)
# @return [Integer] number of jobs
attach_function 'cupsGetJobs', [:pointer, :string, :int, :int], :int, blocking: true
# Free memory used by job data.
# @overload cupsFreeJobs(int, pointer)
# @param number [Integer] of jobs
# @param pointer [Pointer] to the first Cups::Struct::Job to free
# {https://www.cups.org/doc/cupspm.html#cupsFreeJobs}
attach_function 'cupsFreeJobs', [:int, :pointer ], :void, blocking: true
# Create a job on a destination.
# @overload cupsCreateJob(pointer, string, string, int, pointer)
# @param pointer [Pointer] to http connection to server or CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT
# @param name [String] of the printer
# @param title [String] of the job
# @param number [Integer] of options
# @param pointer [Pointer] to a Cups::Struct::Option object
# @return [Integer] job number or 0 on error
attach_function 'cupsCreateJob', [:pointer, :string, :string, :int, :pointer], :int, blocking: true
# Start a document
# @overload cupsStartDocument(pointer, string, int, string, string, int)
# @param pointer [Pointer] to http connection to server or CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT
# @param name [String] of the printer
# @param id [Integer] of the job
# @param name [String] of the document
# @param mime_type [String] format of the document
# @param number [Integer] of the last document (1 for last document in job, 0 otherwise)
# @return [Cups::Enum::HTTP::Status] HttpStatus
# {https://www.cups.org/doc/cupspm.html#submitting-a-print-job}
attach_function 'cupsStartDocument', [:pointer, :string, :int, :string, :string, :int], Cups::Enum::HTTP::Status, blocking: true
# @overload cupsWriteRequestData(pointer, pointer, bytesize)
# @param pointer [Pointer] to http connection to server or CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT
# @param data [Pointer] in a character string pointer
# @param length [Byte] of data
# @return [Cups::Enum::HTTP::Status] HttpStatus
attach_function 'cupsWriteRequestData', [:pointer, :pointer, :size_t], Cups::Enum::HTTP::Status, blocking: true
# @overload cupsFinishDocument(pointer, string)
# @param pointer [Pointer] to http connection to server or CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT
# @param name [String] of the printer
# @return [Cups::Enum::IPP::Status] IppStatus
attach_function 'cupsFinishDocument', [:pointer, :string], Cups::Enum::IPP::Status, blocking: true
# Add an option to an option array.
# @overload cupsAddOption(string, string, int, pointer)
# @param name [String] of option
# @param value [String] of option
# @param number [Integer] of options
# @param pointer [Pointer] to options
# @return [Integer] number of options
# {https://www.cups.org/doc/cupspm.html#cupsAddOption}
attach_function 'cupsAddOption', [:string, :string, :int, :pointer], :int, blocking: true
# Free all memory used by options.
# @overload cupsFreeOptions(int, pointer)
# @param number [Integer] of options
# @param pointer [Pointer] to options
# {https://www.cups.org/doc/cupspm.html#cupsFreeOptions}
attach_function 'cupsFreeOptions', [:int, :pointer], :void, blocking: true