require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../test_helper') describe HammerCLI::Options::Normalizers do describe 'abstract' do let(:formatter) { } it "should raise exception on format" do proc { formatter.format(nil) }.must_raise NotImplementedError end end describe 'default' do let(:formatter) { } it "should not change any value" do formatter.format('value').must_equal 'value' end it "should not change nil value" do formatter.format(nil).must_be_nil end it "has empty description" do formatter.description.must_equal '' end it "has empty completion" do formatter.complete('test').must_equal [] end end describe 'list' do let(:formatter) { } it "should return empty array on nil" do formatter.format(nil).must_equal [] end it "should return empty array on empty string" do formatter.format("").must_equal [] end it "should parse a string" do formatter.format("a").must_equal ['a'] end it "should parse a comma separated string" do formatter.format("a,b,c").must_equal ['a', 'b', 'c'] end it "should parse a comma separated string with values including comma" do formatter.format('a,b,"c,d"').must_equal ['a', 'b', 'c,d'] end it "should parse a comma separated string with values including comma (doublequotes)" do formatter.format("a,b,'c,d'").must_equal ['a', 'b', 'c,d'] end it "should parse a comma separated string containig double quotes" do formatter.format('a,b,\"c\"').must_equal ['a', 'b', '"c"'] end it "should catch quoting errors" do proc { formatter.format('1,"3,4""s') }.must_raise ArgumentError end end describe 'key_value_list' do let(:formatter) { } it "should return empty array on nil" do formatter.format(nil).must_equal({}) end it "should return empty array on empty string" do formatter.format("").must_equal({}) end it "should parse a string" do proc { formatter.format("a") }.must_raise ArgumentError end describe 'key=value format' do it "should parse a comma separated string" do formatter.format("a=1,b=2,c=3").must_equal({'a' => '1', 'b' => '2', 'c' => '3'}) end it "should parse a comma separated string with spaces" do formatter.format("a= 1 , b = 2 ,c =3").must_equal({'a' => '1', 'b' => '2', 'c' => '3'}) end it "should parse a comma separated string with spaces using single quotes" do formatter.format("a= ' 1 ' , b =' 2',c ='3'").must_equal({'a' => ' 1 ', 'b' => ' 2', 'c' => '3'}) end it "should parse a comma separated string with spaces using double quotes" do formatter.format("a= \" 1 \" , b =\" 2\",c =\"3\"").must_equal({'a' => ' 1 ', 'b' => ' 2', 'c' => '3'}) end it "should deal with equal sign in value" do formatter.format("a=1,b='2=2',c=3").must_equal({'a' => '1', 'b' => '2=2', 'c' => '3'}) end it "should parse arrays" do formatter.format("a=1,b=[1,2,3],c=3").must_equal({'a' => '1', 'b' => ['1', '2', '3'], 'c' => '3'}) end it "should parse arrays with spaces" do formatter.format("a=1,b=[1, 2, 3],c=3").must_equal({'a' => '1', 'b' => ['1', '2', '3'], 'c' => '3'}) end it "should parse arrays with spaces using by single quotes" do formatter.format("a=1,b=['1 1', ' 2 ', ' 3 3'],c=3").must_equal({'a' => '1', 'b' => ['1 1', ' 2 ', ' 3 3'], 'c' => '3'}) end it "should parse arrays with spaces using by double quotes" do formatter.format("a=1,b=[\"1 1\", \" 2 \", \" 3 3\"],c=3").must_equal({'a' => '1', 'b' => ['1 1', ' 2 ', ' 3 3'], 'c' => '3'}) end it "should parse array with one item" do formatter.format("a=1,b=[abc],c=3").must_equal({'a' => '1', 'b' => ['abc'], 'c' => '3'}) end it "should parse empty array" do formatter.format("a=1,b=[],c=3").must_equal({'a' => '1', 'b' => [], 'c' => '3'}) end it "should parse a comma separated string 2" do proc { formatter.format("a=1,b,c=3") }.must_raise ArgumentError end end describe 'json format' do it 'parses arrays' do formatter.format('["a", "b", 1]').must_equal(['a', 'b', 1]) end it 'parses objects' do formatter.format('{"a": ["b", 1]}').must_equal({'a' => ['b', 1]}) end end end describe 'number' do let(:formatter) { } it "should return number on numeric values" do formatter.format("1").must_equal 1 end it "should raise ArgumentError on non-numeric values" do proc { formatter.format("a") }.must_raise ArgumentError end end describe 'bool' do let(:formatter) { } it "should return true on true" do formatter.format("true").must_equal(true) formatter.format("TRUE").must_equal(true) end it "should return true on t" do formatter.format("t").must_equal(true) formatter.format("T").must_equal(true) end it "should return true on yes" do formatter.format("yes").must_equal(true) formatter.format("YES").must_equal(true) end it "should return true on y" do formatter.format("y").must_equal(true) formatter.format("Y").must_equal(true) end it "should return true on 1" do formatter.format("1").must_equal(true) end it "should return false on false" do formatter.format("false").must_equal(false) formatter.format("FALSE").must_equal(false) end it "should return false on f" do formatter.format("f").must_equal(false) formatter.format("F").must_equal(false) end it "should return false on no" do formatter.format("no").must_equal(false) formatter.format("NO").must_equal(false) end it "should return false on n" do formatter.format("n").must_equal(false) formatter.format("N").must_equal(false) end it "should return false on 0" do formatter.format("0").must_equal(false) end it "should raise exception on nil" do proc { formatter.format(nil) }.must_raise ArgumentError end it "should raise exception on other values" do proc { formatter.format('unknown') }.must_raise ArgumentError end end describe 'json input' do let(:formatter) { } it "should return a hash on valid json file" do file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../fixtures/json_input/valid.json') formatter.format(file).must_equal({ "units" => [ { "name" => "zip", "version" => "10.0" }, { "name" => "zap", "version" => "9.0" }] }) end it "should raise exception on invalid json file contents" do file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../fixtures/json_input/invalid.json') proc { formatter.format(file) }.must_raise ArgumentError end it "should return a hash on valid json string" do json_string = '{ "units":[{ "name":"zip", "version":"10.0" }, { "name":"zap", "version":"9.0" }] }' formatter.format(json_string).must_equal({ "units" => [ { "name" => "zip", "version" => "10.0" }, { "name" => "zap", "version" => "9.0" }] }) end it "should raise exception on invalid json string" do json_string = "{ units:[{ name:zip, version:10.0 }, { name:zap, version:9.0 }] }" proc { formatter.format(json_string) }.must_raise ArgumentError end end describe 'enum' do let(:formatter) { ['a', 'b'] } it "should return return value when in the list" do formatter.format("a").must_equal("a") end it "should rise argument error when the value is nil" do proc { formatter.format(nil) }.must_raise ArgumentError end it "should rise argument error when the value is not in the list" do proc { formatter.format("c") }.must_raise ArgumentError end it "should list allowed values in description" do formatter.description.must_equal("Possible value(s): 'a', 'b'") end end describe 'enumlist' do let (:formatter) { ['1', '2', 'a', 'b'] } it "should return array of values when the values are allowed" do formatter.format("a,b,1").must_equal(['a', 'b', '1']) end it "should raise argument error when any of the values isn't in the list" do proc { formatter.format("c,d") }.must_raise ArgumentError proc { formatter.format('1,x') }.must_raise ArgumentError end it "should remove duplicate values" do formatter.format("a,a,a,a,a").must_equal ['a'] end it "should not change order of the values" do formatter.format("a,b,2,1").must_equal ['a', 'b', '2', '1'] end it "should return empty array on nil" do formatter.format(nil).must_equal [] end it "should return empty array on empty string" do formatter.format("").must_equal [] end it "should list allowed values in description" do formatter.description.must_equal("Any combination (comma separated list) of ''1', '2', 'a', 'b''") end end describe 'datetime' do let(:formatter) { } it "should raise argument error when the value is nil" do proc { formatter.format(nil) }.must_raise ArgumentError end it "should raise argument error when the value is not a date" do proc { formatter.format("not a date") }.must_raise ArgumentError end it "should accept and parse iso8601" do formatter.format("1986-01-01T08:30:20").must_equal("1986-01-01T08:30:20+00:00") end it "should accept and parse YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" do formatter.format("1986-01-01 08:30:20").must_equal("1986-01-01T08:30:20+00:00") end it "should accept and parse YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS" do formatter.format("1986/01/01 08:30:20").must_equal("1986-01-01T08:30:20+00:00") end end end