class Plugins::Ecommerce::CouponDecorator < CamaleonCms::TermTaxonomyDecorator delegate_all # return the code of the coupon def the_code object.slug.to_s.upcase end # return humanized the amount/value of the coupon def the_amount opts = object.options case opts[:discount_type] when 'percent' "#{opts[:amount].to_f}%" when 'money' h.e_parse_price(opts[:amount].to_f) else I18n.t('plugins.ecommerce.table.free_shipping', default: 'Free Shipping') end end # return the html text status of the coupon def the_status opts = object.options if "#{opts[:expirate_date]} 23:59:59".to_datetime.to_i < "#{I18n.t('plugins.ecommerce.table.expired')} " elsif object.status.to_s.to_bool "#{I18n.t('')} " else "#{I18n.t('plugins.ecommerce.not_active')} " end end end