#!/usr/bin/perl # # Main authors: # Christian Schulte # # Copyright: # Christian Schulte, 2005 # # Last modified: # $Date: 2006-07-18 17:36:47 +0200 (Tue, 18 Jul 2006) $ by $Author: schulte $ # $Revision: 3393 $ # # This file is part of Gecode, the generic constraint # development environment: # http://www.gecode.org # # See the file "LICENSE" for information on usage and # redistribution of this file, and for a # DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # print <) { LINE: next if ($l =~ /^\#/); if ($l =~ /^\[RELEASE\]/) { # Print previous if (!$first) { $sid = "PageChanges_$version"; $sid =~ s|\.|_|g; $versions = $versions . "\n - \\ref $sid \"Gecode $version ($date)\""; print "\\page $sid Changes in Version $version ($date)\n\n"; print "$info\n\n"; foreach $mod (@modorder) { if ($hastext{$mod}) { print " - " . $modclear{$mod} . "\n"; $hastext{$mod} = 0; foreach $what (@whatorder) { if (!($text{"$mod-$what"} eq "")) { print " - " . $whatclear{$what} . "\n"; print $text{"$mod-$what"}; $text{"$mod-$what"} = ""; print " .\n"; } } print " .\n"; } } print "\n\n"; } $first = 0; $version = ""; $info = ""; $date = ""; while (($l = <>) && !($l =~ /\[DESCRIPTION\]/)) { if ($l =~ /Version:[\t ]*(.*)$/) { $version = $1; } elsif ($l =~ /Date:[\t ]*(.*)$/) { $date = $1; } } while (($l = <>) && !($l =~ /\[ENTRY\]/)) { chop $l; $info = $info . " " . $l; } goto LINE; } if ($l =~ /^\[ENTRY\]/) { my $mod, $what, $rank, $bug, $desc, $thanks; $desc = ""; $bug = ""; $rank = ""; $what = ""; $mod = ""; $thanks = ""; while (($l = <>) && !($l =~ /\[DESCRIPTION\]/)) { if ($l =~ /Module:[\t ]*(.*)$/) { $mod = $1; } elsif ($l =~ /What:[\t ]*(.*)$/) { $what = $1; } elsif ($l =~ /Rank:[\t ]*(.*)$/) { $rank = $1; } elsif ($l =~ /Bug:[\t ]*(.*)$/) { $bug = $1; } elsif ($l =~ /Thanks:[\t ]*(.*)$/) { $thanks = $1; } } while (($l = <>) && !(($l =~ /\[ENTRY\]/) || ($l =~ /\[RELEASE\]/))) { chop $l; $desc = $desc . " " . $l; } $hastext{$mod} = 1; $rb = $rankclear{$rank}; if (!($bug eq "")) { $rb = $rb . ", bugzilla entry"; } if (!($thanks eq "")) { $rb = $rb . ", thanks to $thanks"; } $text{"$mod-$what"} = ($text{"$mod-$what"} . " - $desc (" . $rb . ")\n"); goto LINE; } } print <x.y.z change according to the following rules (of thumb): - when \\e z changes, the programming interfaces for \\ref TaskInt, \\ref TaskMiniModel, and \\ref TaskSearch remain stable and only minor additions or improvements are included. - when \\e y changes, the above mentioned interfaces might have changed and medium to major additions or improvements are included. - the change of \\e x is reserved for radical changes to %Gecode. EOF ; print "\n\n*/\n";