Description: The model generator creates stubs for a new model. The generator takes a model name as its argument. The model name may be given in CamelCase or under_score and should not be suffixed with 'Model'. As additional parameters, the generator will take attribute pairs described by name and type. These attributes will be used to prepopulate the migration to create the table for the model and give you a set of predefined fixture. You don't have to think up all attributes up front, but it's a good idea of adding just the baseline of what's needed to start really working with the resource. The generator creates a model class in app/models, a test suite in test/unit and test fixtures in test/fixtures/singular_name.yml. Examples: ./script/generate model account This will create an Account model: Model: app/models/account.rb Test: test/unit/account_test.rb Fixtures: test/fixtures/accounts.yml ./script/generate model post title:string created_on:date body:text published:boolean Creates post model with predefined attributes.