define("dojox/charting/themes/Renkoo", ["../Theme", "dojox/gfx/gradutils", "./common"], function(Theme, gradutils, themes){ // created by Tom Trenka var g = Theme.generateGradient, defaultFill = {type: "linear", space: "shape", x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 150}; themes.Renkoo = new Theme({ chart: { fill: "#123666", pageStyle: {backgroundColor: "#123666", backgroundImage: "none", color: "#95afdb"} }, plotarea: { fill: "#123666" }, axis:{ stroke: { // the axis itself color: "#95afdb", width: 1 }, tick: { // used as a foundation for all ticks color: "#95afdb", position: "center", font: "normal normal normal 7pt Lucida Grande, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif", // labels on axis fontColor: "#95afdb" // color of labels } }, series: { stroke: {width: 2.5, color: "#123666"}, outline: null, font: "normal normal normal 8pt Lucida Grande, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif", // labels on axis fontColor: "#95afdb" }, marker: { stroke: {width: 2.5, color: "#ccc"}, outline: null, font: "normal normal normal 8pt Lucida Grande, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif", // labels on axis fontColor: "#95afdb" }, seriesThemes: [ {fill: g(defaultFill, "#e7e391", "#f8f7de")}, {fill: g(defaultFill, "#ffb6b6", "#ffe8e8")}, {fill: g(defaultFill, "#bcda7d", "#eef7da")}, {fill: g(defaultFill, "#d5d5d5", "#f4f4f4")}, {fill: g(defaultFill, "#c1e3fd", "#e4f3ff")} ], markerThemes: [ {fill: "#fcfcf3", stroke: {color: "#e7e391"}}, {fill: "#fff1f1", stroke: {color: "#ffb6b6"}}, {fill: "#fafdf4", stroke: {color: "#bcda7d"}}, {fill: "#fbfbfb", stroke: {color: "#d5d5d5"}}, {fill: "#f3faff", stroke: {color: "#c1e3fd"}} ] }); = function(elementType, mixin, doPost){ if("slice,column,bar".indexOf(elementType) == -1){ // custom processing to substitute colors var s = this.seriesThemes[this._current % this.seriesThemes.length]; = "plot"; s.stroke = { width: 2, color: s.fill.colors[0].color}; if(elementType == "line" || elementType == "area"){ s.stroke.width = 4; } var theme =, arguments); // cleanup delete s.stroke; = "shape"; return theme; } return, arguments); }; = function(theme, elementType){ theme =, arguments); if((elementType == "slice" || elementType == "circle") && theme.series.fill && theme.series.fill.type == "radial"){ theme.series.fill = gradutils.reverse(theme.series.fill); } return theme; }; return themes.Renkoo; });