require 'bundler/gem_tasks' require 'yard' desc 'Generate API documentation' desc 'Download the latest schema and build a new client' task :build do sh 'curl -o schema.json -H "Accept: application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3"' sh 'bundle exec heroics-generate ./config/client-config.rb > lib/platform-api/client.rb' end desc 'Publish API documentation' task :publish_docs => [:build] do sh 'rake yard' sh 'cp -R doc /tmp/platform-api-doc' sh 'git checkout gh-pages' sh 'rm -rf *' sh 'cp -R /tmp/platform-api-doc/* .' sh 'rm -rf /tmp/platform-api-doc' sh 'git add -A .' sh 'git commit -am "Rebuild documentation"' sh 'git push origin gh-pages' sh 'git checkout master' end # After releasing publish the docs Rake::Task["release"].enhance do Rake::Task[:publish_docs].invoke end begin require "rspec/core/rake_task" task default: [:spec] rescue LoadError end