require 'time' module ASF class Base end class Committee < Base attr_accessor :info, :report, :roster, :established, :chairs, :schedule def initialize(*args) @info = [] @chairs = [] @roster = {} super end # mapping of committee names to canonical names (generally from ldap) # See also www/roster/committee.cgi @@aliases = {|hash, name| name} @@aliases.merge! \ 'community development' => 'comdev', 'conference planning' => 'concom', 'conferences' => 'concom', 'http server' => 'httpd', 'httpserver' => 'httpd', 'java community process' => 'jcp', 'logging services' => 'logging', '' => 'lucenenet', 'portable runtime' => 'apr', 'quetzalcoatl' => 'quetz', 'security team' => 'security', 'open climate workbench' => 'climate', 'c++ standard library' => 'stdcxx', 'travel assistance' => 'tac', 'traffic server' => 'trafficserver', 'web services' => 'ws', 'xml graphics' => 'xmlgraphics', 'incubating' => 'incubator' # special for index.html @@namemap = do |name| cname = @@aliases[name.sub(/\s+\(.*?\)/, '').downcase] cname end def self.load_committee_info board = ASF::SVN['private/committers/board'] file = "#{board}/committee-info.txt" return unless File.exist? file if @committee_info and File.mtime(file) == @committee_mtime return @committee_info end list = {|hash, name| hash[name] = find(name)} @committee_mtime = File.mtime(file) @@svn_change = Time.parse( `svn info #{file}`[/Last Changed Date: (.*) \(/, 1]).gmtime # Split the file on lines starting "* ", i.e. the start of each group in section 3 info =^\* /) # Extract the text before first entry in section 3 and split on section headers, # keeping sections 1 (COMMITTEES) and 2 (REPORTING). head, report = info.shift.split(/^\d\./)[1..2] # Drop lines which could match group entries head.gsub! /^\s+NAME\s+CHAIR\s*$/,'' # otherwise could match an entry with no e-mail # extract the committee chairs (e-mail address is required here) # Note: this includes the non-PMC entries head.scan(/^[ \t]+(\w.*?)[ \t][ \t]+(.*)[ \t]+<(.*?)@apache\.org>/). each do |committee, name, id| list[committee].chairs << {name: name, id: id} end # Extract the non-PMC committees (e-mail address may be absent) # first drop leading text so we only match non-PMCs @nonpmcs = head.sub(/.*?also has /m,''). scan(/^[ \t]+(\w.*?)(?:[ \t][ \t]|[ \t]?$)/).flatten.uniq. map {|name| list[name]} # for each committee in section 3 info.each do |roster| # extract the committee name and canonicalise committee = list[[/(\w.*?)\s+\(/,1])] # get the start date committee.established = roster[/\(est\. (.*?)\)/, 1] # extract the availids (is this used?) = roster.scan(/<(.*?)@apache\.org>/).flatten # drop (chair) markers and extract 0: name, 1: availid, 2: [date], 3: date committee.roster = Hash[roster.gsub(/\(\w+\)/, ''). scan(/^\s*(.*?)\s*<(.*?)@apache\.org>\s+(\[(.*?)\])?/). map {|list| [list[1], {name: list[0], date: list[3]}]}] end # process report section report.scan(/^([^\n]+)\n---+\n(.*?)\n\n/m).each do |period, committees| committees.scan(/^ \s*(.*)/).each do |committee| committee, comment = committee.first.split(/\s+#\s+/,2) committee = list[committee] if comment = "#{period}: #{comment}" elsif period == 'Next month' = 'Every month' else committee.schedule = period end end end @committee_info = list.values.uniq end def self.nonpmcs @nonpmcs end def self.find(name) result = super( result.display_name = name if name =~ /[A-Z]/ result end def self.svn_change @@svn_change end def chair Committee.load_committee_info if @chairs.length >= 1 ASF::Person.find(@chairs.first[:id]) else nil end end def display_name Committee.load_committee_info @display_name || name end def display_name=(name) @display_name ||= name end def report @report || @schedule end def info=(list) @info = list end def names Committee.load_committee_info Hash[ {|id, info| [id, info[:name]]}] end def nonpmc? Committee.nonpmcs.include? self end end end