require 'engineyard/cli' require 'realweb' require 'rest_client' require 'open4' require 'stringio' module SpecHelpers module Given def given(name) include_examples name end end module Fixtures def fixture_recipes_tgz File.expand_path('../fixture_recipes.tgz', __FILE__) end def link_recipes_tgz(git_dir) system("ln -s #{fixture_recipes_tgz} #{git_dir.join('recipes.tgz')}") end end module IntegrationHelpers def run_ey(command_options, ey_options={}) if respond_to?(:extra_ey_options) # needed for ssh tests ey_options.merge!(extra_ey_options) end ey(command_to_run(command_options), ey_options) end def make_scenario(hash) # since nil will silently turn to empty string when interpolated, # and there's a lot of string matching involved in integration # testing, it would be nice to have early notification of typos. scenario = { |h,k| raise "Tried to get key #{k.inspect}, but it's missing!" } scenario.merge!(hash) end end module GitRepoHelpers def define_git_repo(name, &setup) # EY's ivars don't get cleared between examples, so we can keep # a git repo around longer (and thus make our tests faster) EY.define_git_repo(name, &setup) end def use_git_repo(repo_name) before(:all) do @_original_wd ||= [] @_original_wd << Dir.getwd Dir.chdir(EY.git_repo_dir(repo_name)) end after(:all) do Dir.chdir(@_original_wd.pop) end end end class UnexpectedExit < StandardError def initialize(stdout, stderr) super "Exited with an unexpected exit code\n---STDOUT---\n#{stdout}\n---STDERR---\n#{stderr}\n" end end NonzeroExitStatus = ZeroExitStatus = def ey_api @api ||='asdf') end def fast_ey(args) err, out =, capture_stderr_into(err) do capture_stdout_into(out) do with_env('DEBUG' => 'true') do EY::CLI.start(args) end end end ensure @err, @out = err.string, out.string @raw_ssh_commands, @ssh_commands = extract_ssh_commands(@out) end def fast_failing_ey(*args) begin fast_ey(*args) raise, @err) rescue SystemExit => exit_status # SystemExit typically indicates a bogus command, which we # here in expected-to-fail land are entirely happy with. nil rescue EY::Error => e more_err, more_out =, capture_stderr_into(more_err) do capture_stdout_into(more_out) do EY.ui.print_exception(e) end end @err << more_err.string @out << more_out.string end end def capture_stderr_into(stream) $stderr = stream yield ensure $stderr = STDERR end def capture_stdout_into(stream) $stdout = stream yield ensure $stdout = STDOUT end def ey(args = [], options = {}, &block) hide_err = options.has_key?(:hide_err) ? options[:hide_err] : options[:expect_failure] path_prepends = options[:prepend_to_path] ey_env = { 'DEBUG' => 'true', 'EYRC' => ENV['EYRC'], 'CLOUD_URL' => ENV['CLOUD_URL'], } if options.has_key?(:debug) ey_env['DEBUG'] = options[:debug] ? "true" : nil end if path_prepends tempdir = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "ey_test_cmds_#{}#{}_#{$$}") Dir.mkdir(tempdir) path_prepends.each do |name, contents|, name), 'w') do |f| f.write(contents) f.chmod(0755) end end ey_env['PATH'] = tempdir + ':' + ENV['PATH'] end eybin = File.expand_path('../bundled_ey', __FILE__) with_env(ey_env) do exit_status = Open4::open4("#{eybin} #{Escape.shell_command(args)}") do |pid, stdin, stdout, stderr| if block @out = @err = end if !exit_status.success? && !options[:expect_failure] raise, @err) elsif exit_status.success? && options[:expect_failure] raise, @err) end end @raw_ssh_commands, @ssh_commands = extract_ssh_commands(@out) puts @err unless @err.empty? || hide_err @out end def extract_ssh_commands(output) raw_ssh_commands = @out.split(/\n/).find_all do |line| line =~ /^bash -lc/ || line =~ /^ssh/ end ssh_commands = do |cmd| # Strip off everything up to and including user@host, leaving # just the command that the remote system would run # # XXX: this is a really icky icky. # engineyard gem was written as if shelling out to run serverside # and running an ssh command will always be the same. This is a nasty # hack to get it working with Net::SSH for now so we can repair 1.9.2. ssh_prefix_removed = cmd.gsub(/^bash -lc /, '').gsub(/^ssh .*?\w+@\S*\s*/, '') # Its arguments have been double-escaped: one layer is to get # them through our local shell and into ssh, and the other # layer is to get them through the remote system's shell. # # Strip off one layer by running it through the shell. just_the_remote_command = ssh_prefix_removed.gsub(/>\s*\/dev\/null.*$/, '') `echo #{just_the_remote_command}`.strip end [raw_ssh_commands, ssh_commands] end def api_scenario(scenario, remote = "") response = ::RestClient.put(EY.fake_awsm + '/scenario', {"scenario" => scenario, "remote" => remote}, {}) raise "Setting scenario failed: #{response.inspect}" unless response.code == 200 end def read_yaml(file) YAML.load( end def write_yaml(data, file), "w"){|f| YAML.dump(data, f) } end def read_eyrc read_yaml(ENV['EYRC']) end def write_eyrc(data) write_yaml(data, ENV['EYRC']) end def with_env(new_env_vars) raise ArgumentError, "with_env takes a block" unless block_given? old_env_vars = {} new_env_vars.each do |k, v| if ENV.has_key?(k) old_env_vars[k] = ENV[k] end ENV[k] = v end retval = yield new_env_vars.keys.each do |k| if old_env_vars.has_key?(k) ENV[k] = old_env_vars[k] else ENV.delete(k) end end retval end end