require 'English' require "thor" require 'rest_client' require 'thegarage/gitx' require 'thegarage/gitx/git' require 'thegarage/gitx/github' require 'thegarage/gitx/runner' module Thegarage module Gitx class CLI < Thor include Thor::Actions add_runtime_options! method_option :trace, :type => :boolean, :aliases => '-v' def initialize(*args) super(*args) RestClient.proxy = ENV['HTTPS_PROXY'] if ENV.has_key?('HTTPS_PROXY') RestClient.log = if options[:trace] end desc "reviewrequest", "Create or update a pull request on github" method_option :description, :type => :string, :aliases => '-d', :desc => 'pull request description' method_option :assignee, :type => :string, :aliases => '-a', :desc => 'pull request assignee' method_option :open, :type => :boolean, :aliases => '-o', :desc => 'open the pull request in a web browser' # @see def reviewrequest fail 'Github authorization token not found' unless github.authorization_token branch = pull_request = github.find_pull_request(branch) if pull_request.nil? git.update changelog = runner.run_cmd "git log #{Thegarage::Gitx::BASE_BRANCH}...#{branch} --no-merges --pretty=format:'* %s%n%b'" pull_request = github.create_pull_request(branch, changelog, options) say 'Pull request created: ' say pull_request['html_url'], :green end github.assign_pull_request(pull_request, options[:assignee]) if options[:assignee] runner.run_cmd "open #{pull_request['html_url']}" if options[:open] end desc 'update', 'Update the current branch with latest changes from the remote feature branch and master' def update git.update end desc 'cleanup', 'Cleanup branches that have been merged into master from the repo' def cleanup git.cleanup end desc 'track', 'set the current branch to track the remote branch with the same name' def track git.track end desc 'start', 'start a new git branch with latest changes from master' def start(branch_name = nil) until git.valid_new_branch_name?(branch_name) example_branch = %w{ api-fix-invalid-auth desktop-cleanup-avatar-markup share-form-add-edit-link }.sample branch_name = ask("What would you like to name your branch? (ex: #{example_branch})") end git.start branch_name end desc 'share', 'Share the current branch in the remote repository' def share git.share end desc 'integrate', 'integrate the current branch into one of the aggregate development branches' def integrate(target_branch = 'staging') git.integrate target_branch end desc 'nuke', 'nuke the specified aggregate branch and reset it to a known good state' method_option :destination, :type => :string, :aliases => '-d', :desc => 'destination branch to reset to' def nuke(bad_branch) good_branch = options[:destination] || ask("What branch do you want to reset #{bad_branch} to? (default: #{bad_branch})") good_branch = bad_branch if good_branch.length == 0 last_known_good_tag = git.current_build_tag(good_branch) return unless yes?("Reset #{bad_branch} to #{last_known_good_tag}? (y/n)", :green) git.nuke bad_branch, last_known_good_tag end desc 'release', 'release the current branch to production' def release return unless yes?("Release #{} to production? (y/n)", :green) git.release end desc 'buildtag', 'create a tag for the current Travis-CI build and push it back to origin' def buildtag git.buildtag end private def github @github ||=, shell) end def git @git ||=, runner) end def runner @runner ||=, options) end end end end