var ace; try { ace = require('./ace'); } catch (err) { // failed to load ace, no problem, we will fall back to plain text } var modeswitcher = require('./modeswitcher'); var util = require('./util'); // create a mixin with the functions for text mode var textmode = {}; var MAX_ERRORS = 3; // maximum number of displayed errors at the bottom /** * Create a text editor * @param {Element} container * @param {Object} [options] Object with options. available options: * {String} mode Available values: * "text" (default) * or "code". * {Number} indentation Number of indentation * spaces. 2 by default. * {function} onChange Callback method * triggered on change * {function} onModeChange Callback method * triggered after setMode * {Object} ace A custom instance of * Ace editor. * {boolean} escapeUnicode If true, unicode * characters are escaped. * false by default. * @private */ textmode.create = function (container, options) { // read options options = options || {}; this.options = options; // indentation if (options.indentation) { this.indentation = Number(options.indentation); } else { this.indentation = 2; // number of spaces } // grab ace from options if provided var _ace = options.ace ? options.ace : ace; // determine mode this.mode = (options.mode == 'code') ? 'code' : 'text'; if (this.mode == 'code') { // verify whether Ace editor is available and supported if (typeof _ace === 'undefined') { this.mode = 'text'; console.warn('Failed to load Ace editor, falling back to plain text mode. Please use a JSONEditor bundle including Ace, or pass Ace as via the configuration option `ace`.'); } } // determine theme this.theme = options.theme || 'ace/theme/jsoneditor'; var me = this; this.container = container; this.dom = {}; this.aceEditor = undefined; // ace code editor this.textarea = undefined; // plain text editor (fallback when Ace is not available) this.validateSchema = null; // create a debounced validate function this._debouncedValidate = util.debounce(this.validate.bind(this), this.DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL); this.width = container.clientWidth; this.height = container.clientHeight; this.frame = document.createElement('div'); this.frame.className = 'jsoneditor jsoneditor-mode-' + this.options.mode; this.frame.onclick = function (event) { // prevent default submit action when the editor is located inside a form event.preventDefault(); }; this.frame.onkeydown = function (event) { me._onKeyDown(event); }; // create menu = document.createElement('div'); = 'jsoneditor-menu'; this.frame.appendChild(; // create format button var buttonFormat = document.createElement('button'); buttonFormat.className = 'jsoneditor-format'; buttonFormat.title = 'Format JSON data, with proper indentation and line feeds (Ctrl+\\)';; buttonFormat.onclick = function () { try { me.format(); me._onChange(); } catch (err) { me._onError(err); } }; // create compact button var buttonCompact = document.createElement('button'); buttonCompact.className = 'jsoneditor-compact'; buttonCompact.title = 'Compact JSON data, remove all whitespaces (Ctrl+Shift+\\)';; buttonCompact.onclick = function () { try { me.compact(); me._onChange(); } catch (err) { me._onError(err); } }; // create mode box if (this.options && this.options.modes && this.options.modes.length) { var modeBox = modeswitcher.create(this, this.options.modes, this.options.mode);; this.dom.modeBox = modeBox; } this.content = document.createElement('div'); this.content.className = 'jsoneditor-outer'; this.frame.appendChild(this.content); this.container.appendChild(this.frame); if (this.mode == 'code') { this.editorDom = document.createElement('div'); = '100%'; // TODO: move to css = '100%'; // TODO: move to css this.content.appendChild(this.editorDom); var aceEditor = _ace.edit(this.editorDom); aceEditor.$blockScrolling = Infinity; aceEditor.setTheme(this.theme); aceEditor.setShowPrintMargin(false); aceEditor.setFontSize(13); aceEditor.getSession().setMode('ace/mode/json'); aceEditor.getSession().setTabSize(this.indentation); aceEditor.getSession().setUseSoftTabs(true); aceEditor.getSession().setUseWrapMode(true); aceEditor.commands.bindKey('Ctrl-L', null); // disable Ctrl+L (is used by the browser to select the address bar) aceEditor.commands.bindKey('Command-L', null); // disable Ctrl+L (is used by the browser to select the address bar) this.aceEditor = aceEditor; // TODO: deprecated since v5.0.0. Cleanup backward compatibility some day if (!this.hasOwnProperty('editor')) { Object.defineProperty(this, 'editor', { get: function () { console.warn('Property "editor" has been renamed to "aceEditor".'); return me.aceEditor; }, set: function (aceEditor) { console.warn('Property "editor" has been renamed to "aceEditor".'); me.aceEditor = aceEditor; } }); } var poweredBy = document.createElement('a'); poweredBy.appendChild(document.createTextNode('powered by ace')); poweredBy.href = ''; = '_blank'; poweredBy.className = 'jsoneditor-poweredBy'; poweredBy.onclick = function () { // TODO: this anchor falls below the margin of the content, // therefore the normal a.href does not work. We use a click event // for now, but this should be fixed.,; };; // register onchange event aceEditor.on('change', this._onChange.bind(this)); } else { // load a plain text textarea var textarea = document.createElement('textarea'); textarea.className = 'jsoneditor-text'; textarea.spellcheck = false; this.content.appendChild(textarea); this.textarea = textarea; // register onchange event if (this.textarea.oninput === null) { this.textarea.oninput = this._onChange.bind(this); } else { // oninput is undefined. For IE8- this.textarea.onchange = this._onChange.bind(this); } } this.setSchema(this.options.schema); }; /** * Handle a change: * - Validate JSON schema * - Send a callback to the onChange listener if provided * @private */ textmode._onChange = function () { // validate JSON schema (if configured) this._debouncedValidate(); // trigger the onChange callback if (this.options.onChange) { try { this.options.onChange(); } catch (err) { console.error('Error in onChange callback: ', err); } } }; /** * Event handler for keydown. Handles shortcut keys * @param {Event} event * @private */ textmode._onKeyDown = function (event) { var keynum = event.which || event.keyCode; var handled = false; if (keynum == 220 && event.ctrlKey) { if (event.shiftKey) { // Ctrl+Shift+\ this.compact(); this._onChange(); } else { // Ctrl+\ this.format(); this._onChange(); } handled = true; } if (handled) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } }; /** * Detach the editor from the DOM * @private */ textmode._delete = function () { // remove old ace editor if (this.aceEditor) { this.aceEditor.destroy(); } if (this.frame && this.container && this.frame.parentNode == this.container) { this.container.removeChild(this.frame); } }; /** * Compact the code in the formatter */ textmode.compact = function () { var json = this.get(); var text = JSON.stringify(json); this.setText(text); }; /** * Format the code in the formatter */ textmode.format = function () { var json = this.get(); var text = JSON.stringify(json, null, this.indentation); this.setText(text); }; /** * Set focus to the formatter */ textmode.focus = function () { if (this.textarea) { this.textarea.focus(); } if (this.aceEditor) { this.aceEditor.focus(); } }; /** * Resize the formatter */ textmode.resize = function () { if (this.aceEditor) { var force = false; this.aceEditor.resize(force); } }; /** * Set json data in the formatter * @param {Object} json */ textmode.set = function(json) { this.setText(JSON.stringify(json, null, this.indentation)); }; /** * Get json data from the formatter * @return {Object} json */ textmode.get = function() { var text = this.getText(); var json; try { json = util.parse(text); // this can throw an error } catch (err) { // try to sanitize json, replace JavaScript notation with JSON notation text = util.sanitize(text); // try to parse again json = util.parse(text); // this can throw an error } return json; }; /** * Get the text contents of the editor * @return {String} jsonText */ textmode.getText = function() { if (this.textarea) { return this.textarea.value; } if (this.aceEditor) { return this.aceEditor.getValue(); } return ''; }; /** * Set the text contents of the editor * @param {String} jsonText */ textmode.setText = function(jsonText) { if (this.options.escapeUnicode === true) { text = util.escapeUnicodeChars(jsonText); } else { text = jsonText; } if (this.textarea) { this.textarea.value = text; } if (this.aceEditor) { // prevent emitting onChange events while setting new text var originalOnChange = this.options.onChange; this.options.onChange = null; this.aceEditor.setValue(text, -1); this.options.onChange = originalOnChange; } // validate JSON schema this.validate(); }; /** * Validate current JSON object against the configured JSON schema * Throws an exception when no JSON schema is configured */ textmode.validate = function () { // clear all current errors if (this.dom.validationErrors) { this.dom.validationErrors.parentNode.removeChild(this.dom.validationErrors); this.dom.validationErrors = null; = ''; = ''; } var doValidate = false; var errors = []; var json; try { json = this.get(); // this can fail when there is no valid json doValidate = true; } catch (err) { // no valid JSON, don't validate } // only validate the JSON when parsing the JSON succeeded if (doValidate && this.validateSchema) { var valid = this.validateSchema(json); if (!valid) { errors = (error) { return util.improveSchemaError(error); }); } } if (errors.length > 0) { // limit the number of displayed errors var limit = errors.length > MAX_ERRORS; if (limit) { errors = errors.slice(0, MAX_ERRORS); var hidden = this.validateSchema.errors.length - MAX_ERRORS; errors.push('(' + hidden + ' more errors...)') } var validationErrors = document.createElement('div'); validationErrors.innerHTML = '
' + error + ' | ';
else {
message = '' + error.dataPath + ' | ' + '' + error.message + ' | '; } return '
' + message + ' |