module Fog module Compute class AWS class Real require 'fog/aws/parsers/compute/associate_address' # Associate an elastic IP address with an instance # # ==== Parameters # * instance_id<~String> - Id of instance to associate address with (conditional) # * public_ip<~String> - Public ip to assign to instance (conditional) # * network_interface_id<~String> - Id of a nic to associate address with (required in a vpc instance with more than one nic) (conditional) # * allocation_id<~String> - Allocation Id to associate address with (vpc only) (conditional) # * private_ip_address<~String> - Private Ip Address to associate address with (vpc only) # * allow_reassociation<~Boolean> - Allows an elastic ip address to be reassigned (vpc only) (conditional) # # ==== Returns # * response<~Excon::Response>: # * body<~Hash>: # * 'requestId'<~String> - Id of request # * 'return'<~Boolean> - success? # * 'associationId'<~String> - association Id for eip to node (vpc only) # # {Amazon API Reference}[] def associate_address(*args) if args.first.kind_of? Hash params = args.first else params = { :instance_id => args[0], :public_ip => args[1], :network_interface_id => args[2], :allocation_id => args[3], :private_ip_address => args[4], :allow_reassociation => args[5], } end # Cannot specify an allocation ip and a public IP at the same time. If you have an allocation Id presumably you are in a VPC # so we will null out the public IP params[:public_ip] = params[:allocation_id].nil? ? params[:public_ip] : nil request( 'Action' => 'AssociateAddress', 'AllocationId' => params[:allocation_id], 'InstanceId' => params[:instance_id], 'NetworkInterfaceId' => params[:network_interface_id], 'PublicIp' => params[:public_ip], 'PrivateIpAddress' => params[:private_ip_address], 'AllowReassociation' => params[:allow_reassociation], :idempotent => true, :parser => ) end end class Mock def associate_address(*args) if args.first.kind_of? Hash params = args.first else params = { :instance_id => args[0], :public_ip => args[1], :network_interface_id => args[2], :allocation_id => args[3], :private_ip_address => args[4], :allow_reassociation => args[5], } end params[:public_ip] = params[:allocation_id].nil? ? params[:public_ip] : nil response = response.status = 200 instance =[:instances][params[:instance_id]] # address =[:addresses][params[:public_ip]] address = params[:public_ip].nil? ? nil :[:addresses][params[:public_ip]] # This is a classic server, a VPC with a single network interface id or a VPC with multiple network interfaces one of which is specified if ((instance && address) || (instance && !params[:allocation_id].nil?) || (!params[:allocation_id].nil? && !network_interface_id.nil?)) if !params[:allocation_id].nil? allocation_ip = describe_addresses( 'allocation-id' => "#{params[:allocation_id]}").body['addressesSet'].first if !allocation_ip.nil? public_ip = allocation_ip['publicIp'] address = public_ip.nil? ? nil :[:addresses][public_ip] if instance['vpcId'] && vpc =[:vpcs].detect { |v| v['vpcId'] == instance['vpcId'] } if vpc['enableDnsHostnames'] instance['dnsName'] = Fog::AWS::Mock.dns_name_for(public_ip) end end end end if !address.nil? if current_instance =[:instances][address['instanceId']] current_instance['ipAddress'] = current_instance['originalIpAddress'] end address['instanceId'] = params[:instance_id] end # detach other address (if any) if[:addresses][instance['ipAddress']][:addresses][instance['ipAddress']]['instanceId'] = nil end if !params[:public_ip].nil? instance['ipAddress'] = params[:public_ip] instance['dnsName'] = Fog::AWS::Mock.dns_name_for(params[:public_ip]) end response.status = 200 if !params[:instance_id].nil? && !params[:public_ip].nil? response.body = { 'requestId' => Fog::AWS::Mock.request_id, 'return' => true } elsif !params[:allocation_id].nil? association_id = "eipassoc-#{Fog::Mock.random_hex(8)}" address['associationId'] = association_id response.body = { 'requestId' => Fog::AWS::Mock.request_id, 'return' => true, 'associationId' => association_id, } end response elsif !instance raise"You must specify either an InstanceId or a NetworkInterfaceID") elsif !address raise"AuthFailure => The address '#{public_ip}' does not belong to you.") elsif params[:network_interface_id].nil? && params[:allocation_id].nil? raise"You must specify an AllocationId when specifying a NetworkInterfaceID") else (!instance.nil? && params[:network_interface_id].nil?) || (params[:instance_id].nil? && !params[:network_interface_id].nil?) raise"You must specify either an InstanceId or a NetworkInterfaceID") end end end end end end