class Ahoy::Visit include Mongoid::Document # associations has_many :events, class_name: "Ahoy::Event" belongs_to :user, index: true<%= rails5? ? ", optional: true" : nil %> # required field :visit_token, type: String field :visitor_token, type: String # the rest are recommended but optional # simply remove the columns you don't want # standard field :ip, type: String field :user_agent, type: String field :referrer, type: String field :landing_page, type: String # traffic source field :referring_domain, type: String field :search_keyword, type: String # technology field :browser, type: String field :os, type: String field :device_type, type: String field :screen_height, type: Integer field :screen_width, type: Integer # location field :country, type: String field :region, type: String field :city, type: String # utm parameters field :utm_source, type: String field :utm_medium, type: String field :utm_term, type: String field :utm_content, type: String field :utm_campaign, type: String # native apps field :app_version, type: String field :os_version, type: String field :platform, type: String field :started_at, type: Time index({visit_token: 1}, {unique: true}) end