engine: ruby
cve: 2009-4124
osvdb: 60880
url: http://www.osvdb.org/show/osvdb/60880
title: Ruby string.c rb_str_justify() Function Overflow
date: 2009-12-07
description: |
  Heap-based buffer overflow in the rb_str_justify
  function in string.c in Ruby 1.9.1 before 1.9.1-p376 allows context-dependent attackers
  to execute arbitrary code via unspecified vectors involving (1) String#ljust, (2)
  String#center, or (3) String#rjust. NOTE: some of these details are obtained from
  third party information.
cvss_v2: 10.0
  - "~> 1.8.0"
  - ">="