module Papercat class Template < Document class Resolver < ActionView::Resolver include Singleton protected def find_templates(name, prefix, partial, details, cachekey) conditions = { :path => normalize_path(name, prefix), :locale => normalize_array(details[:locale])[0], :format => normalize_array(details[:formats])[0], :handler => normalize_array(details[:handlers])[0], :partial => partial } Template.get(conditions).map do |record| initialize_template(record) end end # Normalize name and prefix, so the tuple ["index", "users"] becomes # "users/index" and the tuple ["template", nil] becomes "template". def normalize_path(name, prefix) prefix.present? ? "#{prefix}/#{name}" : name end # Normalize arrays by converting all symbols to strings. def normalize_array(array) end # Initialize an ActionView::Template object based on the record found. def initialize_template(record) source = record.body identifier = "Template - #{} - #{record.path.inspect}" handler = ActionView::Template.registered_template_handler(record.handler) details = { :format => Mime[record.format], :updated_at => record.updated_at, :virtual_path => virtual_path(record.path, record.partial) }, identifier, handler, details) end # Make paths as "users/user" become "users/_user" for partials. def virtual_path(path, partial) return path unless partial path = path.gsub("_","") if index = path.rindex("/") path.insert(index + 1, "_") else "_#{path}" end end end store_accessor :data, :body, :format, :handler, :locale, :partial, :path validates :body, :path, presence: true validates :format, :inclusion => validates :locale, :inclusion => validates :handler, inclusion: after_save :clear_cache before_create :set_partial_false, if: 'partial.nil?' scope :partials, -> { get(partial: true) } def pathname self.path end def as_json options = {} super(options.update(methods: [:pathname, :body, :format, :handler, :locale, :partial, :path], except: [:data])) end private def clear_cache Resolver.instance.clear_cache end def set_partial_false self.partial = false true end end end