Using Simple Worker Getting Started =============== Configure SimpleWorker ---------------------- You really just need your access keys. SimpleWorker.configure do |config| config.access_key = ACCESS_KEY config.secret_key = SECRET_KEY end Write a Worker -------------- Here's an example worker that sends an email: require 'simple_worker' class EmailWorker < SimpleWorker::Base attr_accessor :to, :subject, :body # This is the method that will be run def run send_email(:to=>to, :subject=>subject, :body=>body) end def send_email # Put sending code here end end Test It Locally --------------- Let's say someone does something in your app and you want to send an email about it. worker = = worker.subject = "Here is your mail!" worker.body = "This is the body" **** Queue up your Worker -------------------- Let's say someone does something in your app and you want to send an email about it. worker = = worker.subject = "Here is your mail!" worker.body = "This is the body" **worker.queue** Schedule your Worker -------------------- There are two scenarios here, one is the scenario where you want something to happen due to a user action in your application. This is almost the same as queuing your worker. worker = = worker.subject = "Here is your mail!" worker.body = "This is the body" **worker.schedule(:start_at=>1.hours.since)** Schedule your Worker Recurring ------------------------------ The alternative is when you want to user it like Cron. In this case you'll probably want to write a script that will schedule, you don't want to schedule it everytime your app starts or anything so best to keep it external. Create a file called 'schedule_email_worker.rb' and add this: require 'simple_worker' worker = = worker.subject = "Here is your mail!" worker.body = "This is the body" worker.schedule(:start_at=>1.hours.since, :run_every=>3600) Now run it and your worker will be scheduled to run every hour. SimpleWorker on Rails --------------------- SimpleWorker only supports Rails 3+. Setup: - Make a workers directory at RAILS_ROOT/app/workers. - In application.rb, uncomment config.autoload_paths and put: config.autoload_paths += %W(#{}/workers) Now you can use your workers like their part of your app!