module MuckActivityHelper def activity_comments(activity) render :partial => 'activities/comments', :locals => { :activity => activity } end def activity_comment_link(activity, comment = nil) if MuckActivities.configuration.enable_activity_comments comment_form(activity, comment) end end def activity_scripts render( :partial => "activities/activity_scripts") time_scripts(I18n.locale) end # Renders an activity feed using the cache where possible # activities: the activities for the feed # limited: a value passed to each activity template which can result in a smaller amount of data # being rendered def cached_activities(activities, limited = false) return '' if activities.blank? render( :partial => "activities/cached_activities", :locals => {:activities => activities, :limited => limited}) end def has_comments_css(activity) if activity.has_comments? 'activity-has-comments' else 'activity-no-comments' end end # Renders an activity with only activities created by activities_object # activities_object: object to get activities for # limited: a value passed to each activity template which can result in a smaller amount of data # being rendered def limited_activity_feed_for(activities_object, limited = false) activities = activities_object.activities.by_latest.created_by(activities_object).is_public.find(:all, :include => ['comments']).paginate(:page => @page, :per_page => @per_page) render :partial => 'activities/activity_feed', :locals => { :activities_object => activities_object, :activities => activities, :limited => limited } end # Renders a full activity feed for activities_object # activities_object: object to get activities for # limited: a value passed to each activity template which can result in a smaller amount of data # being rendered def activity_feed_for(activities_object, limited = false) activities = get_activities(activities_object) render :partial => 'activities/activity_feed', :locals => { :activities_object => activities_object, :activities => activities, :limited => limited } end # Renders a status update form for activities_object def status_update(activities_object) render :partial => 'activities/status_update', :locals => { :activities_object => activities_object } end # Renders a status update form for activities_object that has photo and file upload as well as video sharing. def contribute(activities_object) render :partial => 'activities/contribute', :locals => { :activities_object => activities_object } end # Renders the last status update made by activities_object def current_status(activities_object) render :partial => 'activities/current_status_wrapper', :locals => { :activities_object => activities_object } end # Renders a delete button for an activity def delete_activity(activity, button_type = :button, button_text = t("muck.activities.clear")) render :partial => 'shared/delete', :locals => { :delete_object => activity, :button_type => button_type, :button_text => button_text, :form_class => 'activity-delete', :delete_path => activity_path(activity, :format => 'js') } end # Renders a delete button for a comment inside an activity feed def delete_activity_comment(comment, button_type = :button, button_text = t("muck.activities.delete")) render :partial => 'shared/delete', :locals => { :delete_object => comment, :button_type => button_type, :button_text => button_text, :form_class => 'comment-delete', :delete_path => comment_path(comment, :format => 'js') } end # Renders an activity feed filter. Filter items come from the name of the templates used to render the activities. # Pass in an array of templates to leave out as the second parameter def activity_filter(activities_object, *dont_include) dont_include = [dont_include] unless dont_include.is_a?(Array) activity_types = Activity.where(:id =>"DISTINCT(template)") #activity_types ="DISTINCT(activities.template)") filter_types = activity_types.find_all {|activity| !dont_include.include?(activity.template)} render :partial => 'activities/template_filter', :locals => { :activity_types => filter_types, :dont_include => dont_include } end def is_current_filter?(template) if params[:activity_filter] == template 'current' end end def no_filter? if params[:activity_filter].blank? 'current' end end def all_activities_url request.url.gsub(request.query_string, '') end def get_profile_activities(activities_object) if !params[:latest_activity_id].blank? activities_object.activities.by_latest.filter_by_template(params[:activity_filter]).after(params[:latest_activity_id]).is_public.created_by(activities_object).find(:all, :include => ['comments']).paginate(:page => @page, :per_page => @per_page) else activities_object.activities.by_latest.filter_by_template(params[:activity_filter]).is_public.created_by(activities_object).find(:all, :include => ['comments']).paginate(:page => @page, :per_page => @per_page) end end def get_activities(activities_object) if !params[:latest_activity_id].blank? activities_object.activities.by_latest.filter_by_template(params[:activity_filter]).after(params[:latest_activity_id]).find(:all, :include => ['comments']).paginate(:page => @page, :per_page => @per_page) else activities_object.activities.by_latest.filter_by_template(params[:activity_filter]).find(:all, :include => ['comments']).paginate(:page => @page, :per_page => @per_page) end end # Render an activity using a block and the given activity. # options: # activity_css_class - css class to attach to the given activity def activity_for(activity, options = {}, &block) block_to_partial('activity_templates/generic', options.merge(:activity => activity), &block) end end