module ActsAsStarable #:nodoc: module Starer def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def acts_as_starer has_many :stars, as: :starer, dependent: :destroy include ActsAsStarable::Starer::InstanceMethods include ActsAsStarable::StarerLib end end module InstanceMethods # Creates a new star record for this instance to star the passed object. # Does not allow duplicate records to be created. def star(starable) if self != starable self.stars.find_or_create_by(starable_id:, starable_type: parent_class_name(starable)) end end # Deletes the star record if it exists. def unstar(starable) if star = get_star_from(starable) star.destroy end end # Returns true if this instance has starred the object passed as an argument. def starred?(starable) self.stars.for_starable(starable).first.present? end # Returns the number of objects this instance has starred. def stars_count self.stars.count end # returns the star records to the current instance def stars_scoped self.stars.includes(:starable) end # Returns the star records related to this instance by type. def stars_by_type(starable_type, options={}) stars_scope = stars_scoped.for_starable_type(starable_type) stars_scope = apply_options_to_scope(stars_scope, options) end # Returns the actual records of a particular type which this record has starred. def starred_by_type(starable_type, options={}) stars_by_type(starable_type, options).collect { |f| f.starable } end # Returns the star records related to this instance with the starable included. def all_stars(options={}) apply_options_to_scope(stars_scoped, options) end # Returns the actual records which this instance has starred. def all_starred(options={}) all_stars(options).collect { |f| f.starable } end # Returns a star record for the current instance and starable object. def get_star_from(starable) self.stars.for_starable(starable).first end end end end