# CocoaPods Acknowledgements A CocoaPods plugin that generates a plist which includes the installation metadata. It supports generating two styles of dependency information. * **Settings.bundle compatible plist** - This format is supported by a [large amount of pods](https://cocoapods.org/?q=acknow) and works with Apple's Settings.app. * **Full Podspec metadata plist** - This format provides more information to the app allowing for deeper introspection, currently only [CPDAcknowledgements](https://github.com/cocoapods/CPDAcknowledgements) works with this format. ### Installation Install via `gem install cocoapods-acknowledgements` you need to be using at least CocoaPods `0.36` and add `plugin 'cocoapods-acknowledgements'` to your `Podfile`. See below for examples: ### Example usage For showing your own UI inside your application: ``` ruby plugin 'cocoapods-acknowledgements' ``` For embedding a `Settings.bundle` compatible plist ``` ruby plugin 'cocoapods-acknowledgements', :settings_bundle => true ``` With a Settings.bundle compatible plist, offering the chance to run post-processing on the plist ( to add non-CocoaPods dependencies for example ) ``` ruby plugin 'cocoapods-acknowledgements', :settings_bundle => true , :settings_post_process => Proc.new { |settings_plist_path, umbrella_target| puts settings_plist_path puts umbrella_target.cocoapods_target_label } ``` The plugin will search through your project files to find a `Settings.bundle` file, and add the file to the bundle. If this is not enough for you, we'd love a PR. You can exclude some dependencies so they won't be added to the generated plists. This is useful when you don't want to add private dependencies. ```ruby plugin 'cocoapods-acknowledgements', :settings_bundle => true, :exclude => 'PrivateKit' plugin 'cocoapods-acknowledgements', :settings_bundle => true, :exclude => ['PrivateKit', 'SecretLib'] ``` You can also specify a list of targets for which to generate acknowledgements. This can be useful to exclude test or extension targets. ``` ruby plugin 'cocoapods-acknowledgements', :targets => ['MyApp'] ``` ### Location The plist generated by this plugin is located under the root of your ```Pods``` directory.