# Module to apply QAQC checks to a model module OpenstudioStandards module QAQC # @!group HVAC # Check the air loop and zone operational vs. sizing temperatures and make sure everything is coordinated. # This identifies problems caused by sizing to one set of conditions and operating at a different set. # # @param category [String] category to bin this check into # @param max_sizing_temp_delta [Double] threshold for throwing an error for design sizing temperatures # @param max_operating_temp_delta [Double] threshold for throwing an error on operating temperatures # @param name_only [Boolean] If true, only return the name of this check # @return [OpenStudio::Attribute] OpenStudio Attribute object containing check results def self.check_air_loop_temperatures(category, max_sizing_temp_delta: 2.0, max_operating_temp_delta: 5.0, name_only: false) # summary of the check check_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('name', 'Air System Temperatures') check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('category', category) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('description', 'Check that air system sizing and operation temperatures are coordinated.') # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true results = [] check_elems.each do |elem| results << elem.valueAsString end return results end begin # get the weather file run period (as opposed to design day run period) ann_env_pd = nil @sql = @model.sqlFile.get @sql.availableEnvPeriods.each do |env_pd| env_type = @sql.environmentType(env_pd) if env_type.is_initialized && (env_type.get == OpenStudio::EnvironmentType.new('WeatherRunPeriod')) ann_env_pd = env_pd break end end # only try to get the annual timeseries if an annual simulation was run if ann_env_pd.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', 'Cannot find the annual simulation run period, cannot check equipment part load ratios.') return check_elems end @model.getAirLoopHVACs.sort.each do |air_loop| supply_outlet_node_name = air_loop.supplyOutletNode.name.to_s design_cooling_sat = air_loop.sizingSystem.centralCoolingDesignSupplyAirTemperature design_cooling_sat = OpenStudio.convert(design_cooling_sat, 'C', 'F').get design_heating_sat = air_loop.sizingSystem.centralHeatingDesignSupplyAirTemperature design_heating_sat = OpenStudio.convert(design_heating_sat, 'C', 'F').get # check if the system is a unitary system is_unitary_system = OpenstudioStandards::HVAC.air_loop_hvac_unitary_system?(air_loop) is_direct_evap = OpenstudioStandards::HVAC.air_loop_hvac_direct_evap?(air_loop) if is_unitary_system && !is_direct_evap unitary_system_name = nil unitary_system_type = '' unitary_min_temp_f = nil unitary_max_temp_f = nil air_loop.supplyComponents.each do |component| obj_type = component.iddObjectType.valueName.to_s case obj_type when 'OS_AirLoopHVAC_UnitarySystem', 'OS_AirLoopHVAC_UnitaryHeatPump_AirToAir', 'OS_AirLoopHVAC_UnitaryHeatPump_AirToAir_MultiSpeed', 'OS_AirLoopHVAC_UnitaryHeatCool_VAVChangeoverBypass' unitary_system_name = component.name.to_s unitary_system_type = obj_type unitary_system_temps = OpenstudioStandards::HVAC.unitary_system_min_max_temperature_value(component) unitary_min_temp_f = unitary_system_temps['min_temp'] unitary_max_temp_f = unitary_system_temps['max_temp'] end end # set expected minimums for operating temperatures expected_min = unitary_min_temp_f.nil? ? design_cooling_sat : [design_cooling_sat, unitary_min_temp_f].min expected_max = unitary_max_temp_f.nil? ? design_heating_sat : [design_heating_sat, unitary_max_temp_f].max else # get setpoint manager spm_name = nil spm_type = '' spm_min_temp_f = nil spm_max_temp_f = nil @model.getSetpointManagers.each do |spm| if spm.setpointNode.is_initialized spm_node = spm.setpointNode.get if spm_node.name.to_s == supply_outlet_node_name spm_name = spm.name spm_type = spm.iddObjectType.valueName.to_s spm_temps_f = OpenstudioStandards::HVAC.setpoint_manager_min_max_temperature(spm) spm_min_temp_f = spm_temps_f['min_temp'] spm_max_temp_f = spm_temps_f['max_temp'] break end end end # check setpoint manager temperatures against design temperatures if spm_min_temp_f && ((spm_min_temp_f - design_cooling_sat).abs > max_sizing_temp_delta) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Minor Error: Air loop '#{air_loop.name}' sizing uses a #{design_cooling_sat.round(1)}F design cooling supply air temperature, but the setpoint manager operates down to #{spm_min_temp_f.round(1)}F.") end if spm_max_temp_f && ((spm_max_temp_f - design_heating_sat).abs > max_sizing_temp_delta) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Minor Error: Air loop '#{air_loop.name}' sizing uses a #{design_heating_sat.round(1)}F design heating supply air temperature, but the setpoint manager operates up to #{spm_max_temp_f.round(1)}F.") end # set expected minimums for operating temperatures expected_min = spm_min_temp_f.nil? ? design_cooling_sat : [design_cooling_sat, spm_min_temp_f].min expected_max = spm_max_temp_f.nil? ? design_heating_sat : [design_heating_sat, spm_max_temp_f].max # check zone sizing temperature against air loop design temperatures air_loop.thermalZones.each do |zone| # if this zone has a reheat terminal, get the reheat temp for comparison reheat_op_f = nil reheat_zone = false zone.equipment.each do |equipment| obj_type = equipment.iddObjectType.valueName.to_s case obj_type when 'OS_AirTerminal_SingleDuct_ConstantVolume_Reheat' term = equipment.to_AirTerminalSingleDuctConstantVolumeReheat.get reheat_op_f = OpenStudio.convert(term.maximumReheatAirTemperature, 'C', 'F').get reheat_zone = true when 'OS_AirTerminal_SingleDuct_VAV_HeatAndCool_Reheat' term = equipment.to_AirTerminalSingleDuctVAVHeatAndCoolReheat.get reheat_op_f = OpenStudio.convert(term.maximumReheatAirTemperature, 'C', 'F').get reheat_zone = true when 'OS_AirTerminal_SingleDuct_VAV_Reheat' term = equipment.to_AirTerminalSingleDuctVAVReheat.get reheat_op_f = OpenStudio.convert(term.maximumReheatAirTemperature, 'C', 'F').get reheat_zone = true when 'OS_AirTerminal_SingleDuct_ParallelPIU_Reheat', 'OS_AirTerminal_SingleDuct_SeriesPIU_Reheat' # reheat_op_f = # Not an OpenStudio input reheat_zone = true end end # get the zone heating and cooling SAT for sizing sizing_zone = zone.sizingZone zone_siz_htg_f = OpenStudio.convert(sizing_zone.zoneHeatingDesignSupplyAirTemperature, 'C', 'F').get zone_siz_clg_f = OpenStudio.convert(sizing_zone.zoneCoolingDesignSupplyAirTemperature, 'C', 'F').get # check cooling temperatures if (design_cooling_sat - zone_siz_clg_f).abs > max_sizing_temp_delta check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Minor Error: Air loop '#{air_loop.name}' sizing uses a #{design_cooling_sat.round(1)}F design cooling supply air temperature but the sizing for zone #{zone.name} uses a cooling supply air temperature of #{zone_siz_clg_f.round(1)}F.") end # check heating temperatures if reheat_zone && reheat_op_f if (reheat_op_f - zone_siz_htg_f).abs > max_sizing_temp_delta check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Minor Error: For zone '#{zone.name}', the reheat air temperature is set to #{reheat_op_f.round(1)}F, but the sizing for the zone is done with a heating supply air temperature of #{zone_siz_htg_f.round(1)}F.") end elsif reheat_zone && !reheat_op_f # reheat zone but no reheat temperature available from terminal object elsif (design_heating_sat - zone_siz_htg_f).abs > max_sizing_temp_delta check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Minor Error: Air loop '#{air_loop.name}' sizing uses a #{design_heating_sat.round(1)}F design heating supply air temperature but the sizing for zone #{zone.name} uses a heating supply air temperature of #{zone_siz_htg_f.round(1)}F.") end end end # get supply air temperatures for supply outlet node supply_temp_timeseries = @sql.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, 'Timestep', 'System Node Temperature', supply_outlet_node_name) if supply_temp_timeseries.empty? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Warning: No supply node temperature timeseries found for '#{air_loop.name}'") next else # convert to ruby array temperatures = [] supply_temp_vector = supply_temp_timeseries.get.values for i in (0..supply_temp_vector.size - 1) temperatures << supply_temp_vector[i] end end # get supply air flow rates for supply outlet node supply_flow_timeseries = @sql.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, 'Timestep', 'System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate', supply_outlet_node_name) if supply_flow_timeseries.empty? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Warning: No supply node temperature timeseries found for '#{air_loop.name}'") next else # convert to ruby array flowrates = [] supply_flow_vector = supply_flow_timeseries.get.values for i in (0..supply_flow_vector.size - 1) flowrates << supply_flow_vector[i] end end # check reasonableness of supply air temperatures when supply air flow rate is operating flow_tolerance = OpenStudio.convert(10.0, 'cfm', 'm^3/s').get operating_temperatures = temperatures.select.with_index { |_t, k| flowrates[k] > flow_tolerance } operating_temperatures = operating_temperatures.map { |t| ((t * 1.8) + 32.0) } next if operating_temperatures.empty? runtime_fraction = operating_temperatures.size.to_f / temperatures.size temps_out_of_bounds = operating_temperatures.select { |t| ((t < 40.0) || (t > 110.0) || ((t + max_operating_temp_delta) < expected_min) || ((t - max_operating_temp_delta) > expected_max)) } next if temps_out_of_bounds.empty? min_op_temp_f = temps_out_of_bounds.min max_op_temp_f = temps_out_of_bounds.max # avg_F = temps_out_of_bounds.inject(:+).to_f / temps_out_of_bounds.size err = [] err << 'Major Error:' err << "Expected supply air temperatures out of bounds for air loop '#{air_loop.name}'" err << "with #{design_cooling_sat.round(1)}F design cooling SAT" err << "and #{design_heating_sat.round(1)}F design heating SAT." unless is_unitary_system && !is_direct_evap err << "Air loop setpoint manager '#{spm_name}' of type '#{spm_type}' with a" err << "#{spm_min_temp_f.round(1)}F minimum setpoint temperature and" err << "#{spm_max_temp_f.round(1)}F maximum setpoint temperature." end if is_unitary_system && !is_direct_evap err << "Unitary system '#{unitary_system_name}' of type '#{unitary_system_type}' with" temp_str = unitary_min_temp_f.nil? ? 'no' : "#{unitary_min_temp_f.round(1)}F" err << "#{temp_str} minimum setpoint temperature and" temp_str = unitary_max_temp_f.nil? ? 'no' : "#{unitary_max_temp_f.round(1)}F" err << "#{temp_str} maximum setpoint temperature." end err << "Out of #{operating_temperatures.size}/#{temperatures.size} (#{(runtime_fraction * 100.0).round(1)}%) operating supply air temperatures" err << "#{temps_out_of_bounds.size}/#{operating_temperatures.size} (#{((temps_out_of_bounds.size.to_f / operating_temperatures.size) * 100.0).round(1)}%)" err << "are out of bounds with #{min_op_temp_f.round(1)}F min and #{max_op_temp_f.round(1)}F max." check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', err.join(' ').gsub(/\n/, '')) end rescue StandardError => e # brief description of ruby error check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Major Error: Error prevented QAQC check from running (#{e}).") # backtrace of ruby error for diagnostic use if @error_backtrace then check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', e.backtrace.join("\n").to_s) end end # add check_elms to new attribute check_elem = OpenStudio::Attribute.new('check', check_elems) return check_elem end # Check the fan power (W/cfm) for each air loop fan in the model to identify unrealistically sized fans. # # @param category [String] category to bin this check into # @param target_standard [String] standard template, e.g. '90.1-2013' # @param max_pct_delta [Double] threshold for throwing an error for percent difference # @param name_only [Boolean] If true, only return the name of this check # @return [OpenStudio::Attribute] OpenStudio Attribute object containing check results def self.check_air_loop_fan_power(category, target_standard, max_pct_delta: 0.3, name_only: false) # summary of the check check_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('name', 'Fan Power') check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('category', category) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('description', 'Check that fan power vs flow makes sense.') # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true results = [] check_elems.each do |elem| results << elem.valueAsString end return results end std = Standard.build(target_standard) begin # Check each air loop @model.getAirLoopHVACs.sort.each do |air_loop| # Set the expected W/cfm if air_loop.thermalZones.size.to_i == 1 # expect single zone systems to be lower expected_w_per_cfm = 0.5 else expected_w_per_cfm = 1.1 end # Check the W/cfm for each fan on each air loop air_loop.supplyComponents.each do |component| # Get the W/cfm for the fan obj_type = component.iddObjectType.valueName.to_s case obj_type when 'OS_Fan_ConstantVolume' actual_w_per_cfm = std.fan_rated_w_per_cfm(component.to_FanConstantVolume.get) when 'OS_Fan_OnOff' actual_w_per_cfm = std.fan_rated_w_per_cfm(component.to_FanOnOff.get) when 'OS_Fan_VariableVolume' actual_w_per_cfm = std.fan_rated_w_per_cfm(component.to_FanVariableVolume.get) else next # Skip non-fan objects end # Compare W/cfm to expected/typical values if ((expected_w_per_cfm - actual_w_per_cfm) / actual_w_per_cfm).abs > max_pct_delta check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "For #{component.name} on #{air_loop.name}, the actual fan power of #{actual_w_per_cfm.round(1)} W/cfm is more than #{(max_pct_delta * 100.0).round(2)}% different from the expected #{expected_w_per_cfm} W/cfm.") end end end rescue StandardError => e # brief description of ruby error check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Error prevented QAQC check from running (#{e}).") # backtrace of ruby error for diagnostic use if @error_backtrace then check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', e.backtrace.join("\n").to_s) end end # add check_elms to new attribute check_elem = OpenStudio::Attribute.new('check', check_elems) return check_elem end # checks the HVAC system type against 90.1 baseline system type # # @param category [String] category to bin this check into # @param target_standard [String] standard template, e.g. '90.1-2013' # @param name_only [Boolean] If true, only return the name of this check # @return [OpenStudio::Attribute] OpenStudio Attribute object containing check results def self.check_hvac_system_type(category, target_standard, name_only: false) # summary of the check check_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('name', 'Mechanical System Type') check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('category', category) # add ASHRAE to display of target standard if includes with 90.1 if target_standard.include?('90.1 2013') check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('description', 'Check against ASHRAE 90.1 2013 Tables G3.1.1 A-B. Infers the baseline system type based on the equipment serving the zone and their heating/cooling fuels. Only does a high-level inference; does not look for the presence/absence of required controls, etc.') else check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('description', 'Check against ASHRAE 90.1. Infers the baseline system type based on the equipment serving the zone and their heating/cooling fuels. Only does a high-level inference; does not look for the presence/absence of required controls, etc.') end # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true results = [] check_elems.each do |elem| results << elem.valueAsString end return results end std = Standard.build(target_standard) begin # Get the actual system type for all zones in the model act_zone_to_sys_type = {} @model.getThermalZones.each do |zone| act_zone_to_sys_type[zone] = std.thermal_zone_infer_system_type(zone) end # Get the baseline system type for all zones in the model climate_zone = std.model_get_building_properties(@model)['climate_zone'] req_zone_to_sys_type = std.model_get_baseline_system_type_by_zone(@model, climate_zone) # Compare the actual to the correct @model.getThermalZones.each do |zone| is_plenum = false zone.spaces.each do |space| if OpenstudioStandards::Space.space_plenum?(space) is_plenum = true end end next if is_plenum req_sys_type = req_zone_to_sys_type[zone] act_sys_type = act_zone_to_sys_type[zone] unless act_sys_type == req_sys_type if req_sys_type == '' then req_sys_type = 'Unknown' end check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "#{zone.name} baseline system type is incorrect. Supposed to be #{req_sys_type}, but was #{act_sys_type} instead.") end end rescue StandardError => e # brief description of ruby error check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Error prevented QAQC check from running (#{e}).") # backtrace of ruby error for diagnostic use if @error_backtrace then check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', e.backtrace.join("\n").to_s) end end # add check_elms to new attribute check_elem = OpenStudio::Attribute.new('check', check_elems) return check_elem end # Check mechanical equipment capacity against typical sizing # # @param category [String] category to bin this check into # @param target_standard [String] standard template, e.g. '90.1-2013' # @param name_only [Boolean] If true, only return the name of this check # @return [OpenStudio::Attribute] OpenStudio Attribute object containing check results def self.check_hvac_capacity(category, target_standard, name_only: false) # summary of the check check_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('name', 'Mechanical System Capacity') check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('category', category) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('description', 'Check HVAC capacity against ASHRAE rules of thumb for chiller max flow rate, air loop max flow rate, air loop cooling capciaty, and zone heating capcaity. Zone heating check will skip thermal zones without any exterior exposure, and thermal zones that are not conditioned.') # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true results = [] check_elems.each do |elem| results << elem.valueAsString end return results end std = Standard.build(target_standard) # Sizing benchmarks. Each option has a target value, min and max fractional tolerance, and units. # In the future climate zone specific targets may be in standards sizing_benchmarks = {} sizing_benchmarks['chiller_max_flow_rate'] = { 'min_error' => 1.5, 'min_warning' => 2.0, 'max_warning' => 3.0, 'max_error' => 3.5, 'units' => 'gal/ton*min' } sizing_benchmarks['air_loop_max_flow_rate'] = { 'min_error' => 0.2, 'min_warning' => 0.5, 'max_warning' => 2.0, 'max_error' => 4.0, 'units' => 'cfm/ft^2' } sizing_benchmarks['air_loop_cooling_capacity'] = { 'min_error' => 200.0, 'min_warning' => 300.0, 'max_warning' => 1500.0, 'max_error' => 2000.0, 'units' => 'ft^2/ton' } sizing_benchmarks['zone_heating_capacity'] = { 'min_error' => 4.0, 'min_warning' => 8.0, 'max_warning' => 30.0, 'max_error' => 60.0, 'units' => 'Btu/ft^2*h' } begin # check max flow rate of chillers in model @model.getPlantLoops.sort.each do |plant_loop| # next if no chiller on plant loop chillers = [] plant_loop.supplyComponents.each do |sc| if sc.to_ChillerElectricEIR.is_initialized chillers << sc.to_ChillerElectricEIR.get end end next if chillers.empty? # gather targets for chiller capacity chiller_max_flow_rate_min_error = sizing_benchmarks['chiller_max_flow_rate']['min_error'] chiller_max_flow_rate_min_warning = sizing_benchmarks['chiller_max_flow_rate']['min_warning'] chiller_max_flow_rate_max_warning = sizing_benchmarks['chiller_max_flow_rate']['max_warning'] chiller_max_flow_rate_max_error = sizing_benchmarks['chiller_max_flow_rate']['max_error'] chiller_max_flow_rate_units_ip = options['chiller_max_flow_rate']['units'] # get capacity of loop (not individual chiller but entire loop) total_cooling_capacity_w = std.plant_loop_total_cooling_capacity(plant_loop) total_cooling_capacity_ton = OpenStudio.convert(total_cooling_capacity_w, 'W', 'Btu/h').get / 12_000.0 # get the max flow rate (not individual chiller) maximum_loop_flow_rate = std.plant_loop_find_maximum_loop_flow_rate(plant_loop) maximum_loop_flow_rate_ip = OpenStudio.convert(maximum_loop_flow_rate, 'm^3/s', 'gal/min').get if total_cooling_capacity_ton < 0.01 check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Cooling capacity for #{plant_loop.name.get} is too small for flow rate #{maximum_loop_flow_rate_ip.round(2)} gal/min.") end # calculate the flow per tons of cooling model_flow_rate_per_ton_cooling_ip = maximum_loop_flow_rate_ip / total_cooling_capacity_ton # check flow rate per capacity if model_flow_rate_per_ton_cooling_ip < chiller_max_flow_rate_min_error check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Error: Flow Rate of #{model_flow_rate_per_ton_cooling_ip.round(2)} #{chiller_max_flow_rate_units_ip} for #{plant_loop.name.get} is below #{chiller_max_flow_rate_min_error.round(2)} #{chiller_max_flow_rate_units_ip}.") elsif model_flow_rate_per_ton_cooling_ip < chiller_max_flow_rate_min_warning check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Warning: Flow Rate of #{model_flow_rate_per_ton_cooling_ip.round(2)} #{chiller_max_flow_rate_units_ip} for #{plant_loop.name.get} is below #{chiller_max_flow_rate_min_warning.round(2)} #{chiller_max_flow_rate_units_ip}.") elsif model_flow_rate_per_ton_cooling_ip > chiller_max_flow_rate_max_warning check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Warning: Flow Rate of #{model_flow_rate_per_ton_cooling_ip.round(2)} #{chiller_max_flow_rate_units_ip} for #{plant_loop.name.get} is above #{chiller_max_flow_rate_max_warning.round(2)} #{chiller_max_flow_rate_units_ip}.") elsif model_flow_rate_per_ton_cooling_ip > chiller_max_flow_rate_max_error check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Error: Flow Rate of #{model_flow_rate_per_ton_cooling_ip.round(2)} #{chiller_max_flow_rate_units_ip} for #{plant_loop.name.get} is above #{chiller_max_flow_rate_max_error.round(2)} #{chiller_max_flow_rate_units_ip}.") end end # loop through air loops to get max flow rate and cooling capacity. @model.getAirLoopHVACs.sort.each do |air_loop| # skip DOAS systems for now sizing_system = air_loop.sizingSystem next if sizing_system.typeofLoadtoSizeOn.to_s == 'VentilationRequirement' # gather argument sizing_benchmarks for air_loop_max_flow_rate checks air_loop_max_flow_rate_min_error = sizing_benchmarks['air_loop_max_flow_rate']['min_error'] air_loop_max_flow_rate_min_warning = sizing_benchmarks['air_loop_max_flow_rate']['min_warning'] air_loop_max_flow_rate_max_warning = sizing_benchmarks['air_loop_max_flow_rate']['max_warning'] air_loop_max_flow_rate_max_error = sizing_benchmarks['air_loop_max_flow_rate']['max_error'] air_loop_max_flow_rate_units_ip = sizing_benchmarks['air_loop_max_flow_rate']['units'] # get values from model for air loop checks floor_area_served = std.air_loop_hvac_floor_area_served(air_loop) design_supply_air_flow_rate = std.air_loop_hvac_find_design_supply_air_flow_rate(air_loop) # check max flow rate of air loops in the model model_normalized_flow_rate_si = design_supply_air_flow_rate / floor_area_served model_normalized_flow_rate_ip = OpenStudio.convert(model_normalized_flow_rate_si, 'm^3/m^2*s', air_loop_max_flow_rate_units_ip).get if model_normalized_flow_rate_ip < air_loop_max_flow_rate_min_error check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Error: Flow Rate of #{model_normalized_flow_rate_ip.round(2)} #{air_loop_max_flow_rate_units_ip} for #{air_loop.name.get} is below #{air_loop_max_flow_rate_min_error.round(2)} #{air_loop_max_flow_rate_units_ip}.") elsif model_normalized_flow_rate_ip < air_loop_max_flow_rate_min_warning check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Warning: Flow Rate of #{model_normalized_flow_rate_ip.round(2)} #{air_loop_max_flow_rate_units_ip} for #{air_loop.name.get} is below #{air_loop_max_flow_rate_min_warning.round(2)} #{air_loop_max_flow_rate_units_ip}.") elsif model_normalized_flow_rate_ip > air_loop_max_flow_rate_max_warning check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Warning: Flow Rate of #{model_normalized_flow_rate_ip.round(2)} #{air_loop_max_flow_rate_units_ip} for #{air_loop.name.get} is above #{air_loop_max_flow_rate_max_warning.round(2)} #{air_loop_max_flow_rate_units_ip}.") elsif model_normalized_flow_rate_ip > air_loop_max_flow_rate_max_error check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Error: Flow Rate of #{model_normalized_flow_rate_ip.round(2)} #{air_loop_max_flow_rate_units_ip} for #{air_loop.name.get} is above #{air_loop_max_flow_rate_max_error.round(2)} #{air_loop_max_flow_rate_units_ip}.") end # loop through air loops to get max flow rate and cooling capacity. # check if DOAS, don't check airflow or cooling capacity if it is sizing_system = air_loop.sizingSystem next if sizing_system.typeofLoadtoSizeOn.to_s == 'VentilationRequirement' # gather argument options for air_loop_cooling_capacity checks air_loop_cooling_capacity_min_error = sizing_benchmarks['air_loop_cooling_capacity']['min_error'] air_loop_cooling_capacity_min_warning = sizing_benchmarks['air_loop_cooling_capacity']['min_warning'] air_loop_cooling_capacity_max_warning = sizing_benchmarks['air_loop_cooling_capacity']['max_warning'] air_loop_cooling_capacity_max_error = sizing_benchmarks['air_loop_cooling_capacity']['max_error'] air_loop_cooling_capacity_units_ip = sizing_benchmarks['air_loop_cooling_capacity']['units'] # check cooling capacity of air loops in the model floor_area_served = std.air_loop_hvac_floor_area_served(air_loop) capacity = std.air_loop_hvac_total_cooling_capacity(air_loop) model_normalized_capacity_si = capacity / floor_area_served model_normalized_capacity_ip = OpenStudio.convert(model_normalized_capacity_si, 'W/m^2', 'Btu/ft^2*h').get / 12_000.0 # want to display in tons/ft^2 so invert number and display for checks model_tons_per_area_ip = 1.0 / model_normalized_capacity_ip if model_tons_per_area_ip < air_loop_cooling_capacity_min_error check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Cooling Capacity of #{model_tons_per_area_ip.round} #{air_loop_cooling_capacity_units_ip} for #{air_loop.name.get} is below #{air_loop_cooling_capacity_min_error.round} #{air_loop_cooling_capacity_units_ip}.") elsif model_tons_per_area_ip < air_loop_cooling_capacity_min_warning check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Cooling Capacity of #{model_tons_per_area_ip.round} #{air_loop_cooling_capacity_units_ip} for #{air_loop.name.get} is below #{air_loop_cooling_capacity_min_warning.round} #{air_loop_cooling_capacity_units_ip}.") elsif model_tons_per_area_ip > air_loop_cooling_capacity_max_warning check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Cooling Capacity of #{model_tons_per_area_ip.round} #{air_loop_cooling_capacity_units_ip} for #{air_loop.name.get} is above #{air_loop_cooling_capacity_max_warning.round} #{air_loop_cooling_capacity_units_ip}.") elsif model_tons_per_area_ip > air_loop_cooling_capacity_max_error check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Cooling Capacity of #{model_tons_per_area_ip.round} #{air_loop_cooling_capacity_units_ip} for #{air_loop.name.get} is above #{air_loop_cooling_capacity_max_error.round} #{air_loop_cooling_capacity_units_ip}.") end end # check heating capacity of thermal zones in the model with exterior exposure report_name = 'HVACSizingSummary' table_name = 'Zone Sensible Heating' column_name = 'User Design Load per Area' min_error = sizing_benchmarks['zone_heating_capacity']['min_error'] min_warning = sizing_benchmarks['zone_heating_capacity']['min_warning'] max_warning = sizing_benchmarks['zone_heating_capacity']['max_warning'] max_error = sizing_benchmarks['zone_heating_capacity']['max_error'] units_ip = sizing_benchmarks['zone_heating_capacity']['units'] @model.getThermalZones.sort.each do |thermal_zone| next if thermal_zone.canBePlenum next if thermal_zone.exteriorSurfaceArea < 0.01 # check actual against target query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and TableName='#{table_name}' and RowName= '#{thermal_zone.name.get.upcase}' and ColumnName= '#{column_name}'" results = @sql.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query) model_zone_heating_capacity_ip = OpenStudio.convert(results.to_f, 'W/m^2', units_ip).get if model_zone_heating_capacity_ip < min_error check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Heating Capacity of #{model_zone_heating_capacity_ip.round(2)} Btu/ft^2*h for #{thermal_zone.name.get} is below #{min_error.round(1)} Btu/ft^2*h.") elsif model_zone_heating_capacity_ip < min_warning check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Heating Capacity of #{model_zone_heating_capacity_ip.round(2)} Btu/ft^2*h for #{thermal_zone.name.get} is below #{min_warning.round(1)} Btu/ft^2*h.") elsif model_zone_heating_capacity_ip > max_warning check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Heating Capacity of #{model_zone_heating_capacity_ip.round(2)} Btu/ft^2*h for #{thermal_zone.name.get} is above #{max_warning.round(1)} Btu/ft^2*h.") elsif model_zone_heating_capacity_ip > max_error check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Heating Capacity of #{model_zone_heating_capacity_ip.round(2)} Btu/ft^2*h for #{thermal_zone.name.get} is above #{max_error.round(1)} Btu/ft^2*h.") end end rescue StandardError => e # brief description of ruby error check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Error prevented QAQC check from running (#{e}).") # backtrace of ruby error for diagnostic use if @error_backtrace then check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', e.backtrace.join("\n").to_s) end end # add check_elms to new attribute check_elem = OpenStudio::Attribute.new('check', check_elems) return check_elem end # Check the mechanical system efficiencies against a standard # # @param category [String] category to bin this check into # @param target_standard [String] standard template, e.g. '90.1-2013' # @param min_pass_pct [Double] threshold for throwing an error for percent difference # @param max_pass_pct [Double] threshold for throwing an error for percent difference # @param name_only [Boolean] If true, only return the name of this check # @return [OpenStudio::Attribute] OpenStudio Attribute object containing check results def self.check_hvac_efficiency(category, target_standard, min_pass_pct: 0.3, max_pass_pct: 0.3, name_only: false) component_type_array = ['ChillerElectricEIR', 'CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed', 'CoilCoolingDXTwoSpeed', 'CoilHeatingDXSingleSpeed', 'BoilerHotWater', 'FanConstantVolume', 'FanVariableVolume', 'PumpConstantSpeed', 'PumpVariableSpeed'] # summary of the check check_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('name', 'Mechanical System Efficiency') check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('category', category) if target_standard.include?('90.1-2013') check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('description', "Check against #{target_standard} Tables 6.8.1 A-K for the following component types: #{component_type_array.join(', ')}.") else check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('description', "Check against #{target_standard} for the following component types: #{component_type_array.join(', ')}.") end # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true results = [] check_elems.each do |elem| results << elem.valueAsString end return results end std = Standard.build(target_standard) begin # check ChillerElectricEIR objects (will also have curve check in different script) @model.getChillerElectricEIRs.sort.each do |component| # eff values from model reference_cop = component.referenceCOP # get eff values from standards (if name doesn't have expected strings find object returns first object of multiple) standard_minimum_full_load_efficiency = std.chiller_electric_eir_standard_minimum_full_load_efficiency(component) # check actual against target if standard_minimum_full_load_efficiency.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Can't find target full load efficiency for #{component.name}.") elsif reference_cop < standard_minimum_full_load_efficiency * (1.0 - min_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "COP of #{reference_cop.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{min_pass_pct * 100} % below the expected value of #{standard_minimum_full_load_efficiency.round(2)}.") elsif reference_cop > standard_minimum_full_load_efficiency * (1.0 + max_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "COP of #{reference_cop.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{max_pass_pct * 100} % above the expected value of #{standard_minimum_full_load_efficiency.round(2)}.") end end # check CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed objects (will also have curve check in different script) @model.getCoilCoolingDXSingleSpeeds.each do |component| # eff values from model rated_cop = component.ratedCOP.get # get eff values from standards standard_minimum_cop = std.coil_cooling_dx_single_speed_standard_minimum_cop(component) # check actual against target if standard_minimum_cop.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Can't find target COP for #{component.name}.") elsif rated_cop < standard_minimum_cop * (1.0 - min_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The COP of #{rated_cop.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{min_pass_pct * 100} % below the expected value of #{standard_minimum_cop.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") elsif rated_cop > standard_minimum_cop * (1.0 + max_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The COP of #{rated_cop.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{max_pass_pct * 100} % above the expected value of #{standard_minimum_cop.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") end end # check CoilCoolingDXTwoSpeed objects (will also have curve check in different script) @model.getCoilCoolingDXTwoSpeeds.sort.each do |component| # eff values from model rated_high_speed_cop = component.ratedHighSpeedCOP.get rated_low_speed_cop = component.ratedLowSpeedCOP.get # get eff values from standards standard_minimum_cop = std.coil_cooling_dx_two_speed_standard_minimum_cop(component) # check actual against target if standard_minimum_cop.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Can't find target COP for #{component.name}.") elsif rated_high_speed_cop < standard_minimum_cop * (1.0 - min_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The high speed COP of #{rated_high_speed_cop.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{min_pass_pct * 100} % below the expected value of #{standard_minimum_cop.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") elsif rated_high_speed_cop > standard_minimum_cop * (1.0 + max_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The high speed COP of #{rated_high_speed_cop.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{max_pass_pct * 100} % above the expected value of #{standard_minimum_cop.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") end if standard_minimum_cop.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Can't find target COP for #{component.name}.") elsif rated_low_speed_cop < standard_minimum_cop * (1.0 - min_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The low speed COP of #{rated_low_speed_cop.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{min_pass_pct * 100} % below the expected value of #{standard_minimum_cop.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") elsif rated_low_speed_cop > standard_minimum_cop * (1.0 + max_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The low speed COP of #{rated_low_speed_cop.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{max_pass_pct * 100} % above the expected value of #{standard_minimum_cop.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") end end # check CoilHeatingDXSingleSpeed objects # @todo need to test this once json file populated for this data @model.getCoilHeatingDXSingleSpeeds.sort.each do |component| # eff values from model rated_cop = component.ratedCOP # get eff values from standards standard_minimum_cop = std.coil_heating_dx_single_speed_standard_minimum_cop(component) # check actual against target if standard_minimum_cop.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Can't find target COP for #{component.name}.") elsif rated_cop < standard_minimum_cop * (1.0 - min_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The COP of #{rated_cop.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{min_pass_pct * 100} % below the expected value of #{standard_minimum_cop.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") elsif rated_cop > standard_minimum_cop * (1.0 + max_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The COP of #{rated_cop.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{max_pass_pct * 100} % above the expected value of #{standard_minimum_cop.round(2)}. for #{target_standard}") end end # check BoilerHotWater @model.getBoilerHotWaters.sort.each do |component| # eff values from model nominal_thermal_efficiency = component.nominalThermalEfficiency # get eff values from standards standard_minimum_thermal_efficiency = std.boiler_hot_water_standard_minimum_thermal_efficiency(component) # check actual against target if standard_minimum_thermal_efficiency.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Can't find target thermal efficiency for #{component.name}.") elsif nominal_thermal_efficiency < standard_minimum_thermal_efficiency * (1.0 - min_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Nominal thermal efficiency of #{nominal_thermal_efficiency.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{min_pass_pct * 100} % below the expected value of #{standard_minimum_thermal_efficiency.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") elsif nominal_thermal_efficiency > standard_minimum_thermal_efficiency * (1.0 + max_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Nominal thermal efficiency of #{nominal_thermal_efficiency.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{max_pass_pct * 100} % above the expected value of #{standard_minimum_thermal_efficiency.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") end end # check FanConstantVolume @model.getFanConstantVolumes.sort.each do |component| # eff values from model motor_eff = component.motorEfficiency # get eff values from standards motor_bhp = std.fan_brake_horsepower(component) standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size = std.fan_standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size(component, motor_bhp)[0] # check actual against target if standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Can't find target motor efficiency for #{component.name}.") elsif motor_eff < standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size * (1.0 - min_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Motor efficiency of #{motor_eff.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{min_pass_pct * 100} % below the expected value of #{standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") elsif motor_eff > standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size * (1.0 + max_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Motor efficiency of #{motor_eff.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{max_pass_pct * 100} % above the expected value of #{standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") end end # check FanVariableVolume @model.getFanVariableVolumes.sort.each do |component| # eff values from model motor_eff = component.motorEfficiency # get eff values from standards motor_bhp = std.fan_brake_horsepower(component) standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size = std.fan_standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size(component, motor_bhp)[0] # check actual against target if standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Can't find target motor efficiency for #{component.name}.") elsif motor_eff < standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size * (1.0 - min_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Motor efficiency of #{motor_eff.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{min_pass_pct * 100} % below the expected value of #{standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") elsif motor_eff > standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size * (1.0 + max_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Motor efficiency of #{motor_eff.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{max_pass_pct * 100} % above the expected value of #{standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") end end # check PumpConstantSpeed @model.getPumpConstantSpeeds.sort.each do |component| # eff values from model motor_eff = component.motorEfficiency # get eff values from standards motor_bhp = std.pump_brake_horsepower(component) next if motor_bhp < 0.0001 # less than 1 watt standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size = std.pump_standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size(component, motor_bhp)[0] # check actual against target if standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Can't find target motor efficiency for #{component.name}.") elsif motor_eff < standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size * (1.0 - min_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Motor efficiency of #{motor_eff.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{min_pass_pct * 100} % below the expected value of #{standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") elsif motor_eff > standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size * (1.0 + max_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Motor efficiency of #{motor_eff.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{max_pass_pct * 100} % above the expected value of #{standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") end end # check PumpVariableSpeed @model.getPumpVariableSpeeds.sort.each do |component| # eff values from model motor_eff = component.motorEfficiency # get eff values from standards motor_bhp = std.pump_brake_horsepower(component) next if motor_bhp < 0.0001 # less than 1 watt standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size = std.pump_standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size(component, motor_bhp)[0] # check actual against target if standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Can't find target motor efficiency for #{component.name}.") elsif motor_eff < standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size * (1.0 - min_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Motor efficiency of #{motor_eff.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{min_pass_pct * 100} % below the expected value of #{standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") elsif motor_eff > standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size * (1.0 + max_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Motor efficiency of #{motor_eff.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{max_pass_pct * 100} % above the expected value of #{standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") end end rescue StandardError => e # brief description of ruby error check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Error prevented QAQC check from running (#{e}).") # backtrace of ruby error for diagnostic use if @error_backtrace then check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', e.backtrace.join("\n").to_s) end end # add check_elms to new attribute check_elem = OpenStudio::Attribute.new('check', check_elems) return check_elem end # Check the mechanical system part load efficiencies against a standard # # @param category [String] category to bin this check into # @param target_standard [String] standard template, e.g. '90.1-2013' # @param min_pass_pct [Double] threshold for throwing an error for percent difference # @param max_pass_pct [Double] threshold for throwing an error for percent difference # @param name_only [Boolean] If true, only return the name of this check # @return [OpenStudio::Attribute] OpenStudio Attribute object containing check results def self.check_hvac_part_load_efficiency(category, target_standard, min_pass_pct: 0.3, max_pass_pct: 0.3, name_only: false) component_type_array = ['ChillerElectricEIR', 'CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed', 'CoilCoolingDXTwoSpeed', 'CoilHeatingDXSingleSpeed'] # summary of the check check_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('name', 'Mechanical System Part Load Efficiency') check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('category', category) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('description', "Check 40% and 80% part load efficency against #{target_standard} for the following compenent types: #{component_type_array.join(', ')}. Checking EIR Function of Part Load Ratio curve for chiller and EIR Function of Flow Fraction for DX coils.") # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true results = [] check_elems.each do |elem| results << elem.valueAsString end return results end std = Standard.build(target_standard) # @todo add in check for VAV fan begin # @todo dynamically generate a list of possible options from the standards json chiller_air_cooled_condenser_types = ['WithCondenser', 'WithoutCondenser'] chiller_water_cooled_compressor_types = ['Reciprocating', 'Scroll', 'Rotary Screw', 'Centrifugal'] absorption_types = ['Single Effect', 'Double Effect Indirect Fired', 'Double Effect Direct Fired'] # check getChillerElectricEIRs objects (will also have curve check in different script) @model.getChillerElectricEIRs.sort.each do |component| # get curve and evaluate electric_input_to_cooling_output_ratio_function_of_plr = component.electricInputToCoolingOutputRatioFunctionOfPLR curve_40_pct = electric_input_to_cooling_output_ratio_function_of_plr.evaluate(0.4) curve_80_pct = electric_input_to_cooling_output_ratio_function_of_plr.evaluate(0.8) # find ac properties search_criteria = std.chiller_electric_eir_find_search_criteria(component) # extend search_criteria for absorption_type absorption_types.each do |absorption_type| if component.name.to_s.include?(absorption_type) search_criteria['absorption_type'] = absorption_type next end end # extend search_criteria for condenser type or compressor type if search_criteria['cooling_type'] == 'AirCooled' chiller_air_cooled_condenser_types.each do |condenser_type| if component.name.to_s.include?(condenser_type) search_criteria['condenser_type'] = condenser_type next end end # if no match and also no absorption_type then issue warning if (!search_criteria.key?('condenser_type') || search_criteria['condenser_type'].nil?) && (!search_criteria.key?('absorption_type') || search_criteria['absorption_type'].nil?) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Can't find unique search criteria for #{component.name}. #{search_criteria}") next # don't go past here end elsif search_criteria['cooling_type'] == 'WaterCooled' chiller_air_cooled_condenser_types.each do |compressor_type| if component.name.to_s.include?(compressor_type) search_criteria['compressor_type'] = compressor_type next end end # if no match and also no absorption_type then issue warning if (!search_criteria.key?('compressor_type') || search_criteria['compressor_type'].nil?) && (!search_criteria.key?('absorption_type') || search_criteria['absorption_type'].nil?) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Can't find unique search criteria for #{component.name}. #{search_criteria}") next # don't go past here end end # lookup chiller capacity_w = std.chiller_electric_eir_find_capacity(component) capacity_tons = OpenStudio.convert(capacity_w, 'W', 'ton').get chlr_props = std.model_find_object(std.standards_data['chillers'], search_criteria, capacity_tons, Date.today) if chlr_props.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Didn't find chiller for #{component.name}. #{search_criteria}") next # don't go past here in loop if can't find curve end # temp model to hold temp curve model_temp = OpenStudio::Model::Model.new # create temp curve target_curve_name = chlr_props['eirfplr'] if target_curve_name.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Can't find target eirfplr curve for #{component.name}") next # don't go past here in loop if can't find curve end temp_curve = std.model_add_curve(model_temp, target_curve_name) target_curve_40_pct = temp_curve.evaluate(0.4) target_curve_80_pct = temp_curve.evaluate(0.8) # check curve at two points if curve_40_pct < target_curve_40_pct * (1.0 - min_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The curve value at 40% of #{curve_40_pct.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{min_pass_pct * 100} % below the typical value of #{target_curve_40_pct.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") elsif curve_40_pct > target_curve_40_pct * (1.0 + max_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The curve value at 40% of #{curve_40_pct.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{max_pass_pct * 100} % above the typical value of #{target_curve_40_pct.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") end if curve_80_pct < target_curve_80_pct * (1.0 - min_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The curve value at 80% of #{curve_80_pct.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{min_pass_pct * 100} % below the typical value of #{target_curve_80_pct.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") elsif curve_80_pct > target_curve_80_pct * (1.0 + max_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The curve value at 80% of #{curve_80_pct.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{max_pass_pct * 100} % above the typical value of #{target_curve_80_pct.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") end end # check getCoilCoolingDXSingleSpeeds objects (will also have curve check in different script) @model.getCoilCoolingDXSingleSpeeds.sort.each do |component| # get curve and evaluate eir_function_of_flow_fraction_curve = component.energyInputRatioFunctionOfFlowFractionCurve curve_40_pct = eir_function_of_flow_fraction_curve.evaluate(0.4) curve_80_pct = eir_function_of_flow_fraction_curve.evaluate(0.8) # find ac properties search_criteria = std.coil_dx_find_search_criteria(component) capacity_w = std.coil_cooling_dx_single_speed_find_capacity(component) capacity_btu_per_hr = OpenStudio.convert(capacity_w, 'W', 'Btu/hr').get if std.coil_dx_heat_pump?(component) ac_props = std.model_find_object(std.standards_data['heat_pumps'], search_criteria, capacity_btu_per_hr, Date.today) else ac_props = std.model_find_object(std.standards_data['unitary_acs'], search_criteria, capacity_btu_per_hr, Date.today) end # temp model to hold temp curve model_temp = OpenStudio::Model::Model.new # create temp curve target_curve_name = ac_props['cool_eir_fflow'] if target_curve_name.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Can't find target cool_eir_fflow curve for #{component.name}") next # don't go past here in loop if can't find curve end temp_curve = std.model_add_curve(model_temp, target_curve_name) target_curve_40_pct = temp_curve.evaluate(0.4) target_curve_80_pct = temp_curve.evaluate(0.8) # check curve at two points if curve_40_pct < target_curve_40_pct * (1.0 - min_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The curve value at 40% of #{curve_40_pct.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{min_pass_pct * 100} % below the typical value of #{target_curve_40_pct.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") elsif curve_40_pct > target_curve_40_pct * (1.0 + max_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The curve value at 40% of #{curve_40_pct.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{max_pass_pct * 100} % above the typical value of #{target_curve_40_pct.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") end if curve_80_pct < target_curve_80_pct * (1.0 - min_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The curve value at 80% of #{curve_80_pct.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{min_pass_pct * 100} % below the typical value of #{target_curve_80_pct.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") elsif curve_80_pct > target_curve_80_pct * (1.0 + max_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The curve value at 80% of #{curve_80_pct.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{max_pass_pct * 100} % above the typical value of #{target_curve_80_pct.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") end end # check CoilCoolingDXTwoSpeed objects (will also have curve check in different script) @model.getCoilCoolingDXTwoSpeeds.sort.each do |component| # get curve and evaluate eir_function_of_flow_fraction_curve = component.energyInputRatioFunctionOfFlowFractionCurve curve_40_pct = eir_function_of_flow_fraction_curve.evaluate(0.4) curve_80_pct = eir_function_of_flow_fraction_curve.evaluate(0.8) # find ac properties search_criteria = std.coil_dx_find_search_criteria(component) capacity_w = std.coil_cooling_dx_two_speed_find_capacity(component) capacity_btu_per_hr = OpenStudio.convert(capacity_w, 'W', 'Btu/hr').get ac_props = std.model_find_object(std.standards_data['unitary_acs'], search_criteria, capacity_btu_per_hr, Date.today) # temp model to hold temp curve model_temp = OpenStudio::Model::Model.new # create temp curve target_curve_name = ac_props['cool_eir_fflow'] if target_curve_name.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Can't find target cool_eir_flow curve for #{component.name}") next # don't go past here in loop if can't find curve end temp_curve = std.model_add_curve(model_temp, target_curve_name) target_curve_40_pct = temp_curve.evaluate(0.4) target_curve_80_pct = temp_curve.evaluate(0.8) # check curve at two points if curve_40_pct < target_curve_40_pct * (1.0 - min_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The curve value at 40% of #{curve_40_pct.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{min_pass_pct * 100} % below the typical value of #{target_curve_40_pct.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") elsif curve_40_pct > target_curve_40_pct * (1.0 + max_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The curve value at 40% of #{curve_40_pct.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{max_pass_pct * 100} % above the typical value of #{target_curve_40_pct.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") end if curve_80_pct < target_curve_80_pct * (1.0 - min_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The curve value at 80% of #{curve_80_pct.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{min_pass_pct * 100} % below the typical value of #{target_curve_80_pct.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") elsif curve_80_pct > target_curve_80_pct * (1.0 + max_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The curve value at 80% of #{curve_80_pct.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{max_pass_pct * 100} % above the typical value of #{target_curve_80_pct.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") end end # check CoilCoolingDXTwoSpeed objects (will also have curve check in different script) @model.getCoilHeatingDXSingleSpeeds.sort.each do |component| # get curve and evaluate eir_function_of_flow_fraction_curve = component.energyInputRatioFunctionofFlowFractionCurve # why lowercase of here but not in CoilCoolingDX objects curve_40_pct = eir_function_of_flow_fraction_curve.evaluate(0.4) curve_80_pct = eir_function_of_flow_fraction_curve.evaluate(0.8) # find ac properties search_criteria = std.coil_dx_find_search_criteria(component) capacity_w = std.coil_heating_dx_single_speed_find_capacity(component) capacity_btu_per_hr = OpenStudio.convert(capacity_w, 'W', 'Btu/hr').get ac_props = std.model_find_object(std.standards_data['heat_pumps_heating'], search_criteria, capacity_btu_per_hr, Date.today) if ac_props.nil? target_curve_name = nil else target_curve_name = ac_props['heat_eir_fflow'] end # temp model to hold temp curve model_temp = OpenStudio::Model::Model.new # create temp curve if target_curve_name.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Can't find target curve for #{component.name}") next # don't go past here in loop if can't find curve end temp_curve = std.model_add_curve(model_temp, target_curve_name) # Ensure that the curve was found in standards before attempting to evaluate if temp_curve.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Can't find coefficients of curve called #{target_curve_name} for #{component.name}, cannot check part-load performance.") next end target_curve_40_pct = temp_curve.evaluate(0.4) target_curve_80_pct = temp_curve.evaluate(0.8) # check curve at two points if curve_40_pct < target_curve_40_pct * (1.0 - min_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The curve value at 40% of #{curve_40_pct.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{min_pass_pct * 100} % below the typical value of #{target_curve_40_pct.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") elsif curve_40_pct > target_curve_40_pct * (1.0 + max_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The curve value at 40% of #{curve_40_pct.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{max_pass_pct * 100} % above the typical value of #{target_curve_40_pct.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") end if curve_80_pct < target_curve_80_pct * (1.0 - min_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The curve value at 80% of #{curve_80_pct.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{min_pass_pct * 100} % below the typical value of #{target_curve_80_pct.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") elsif curve_80_pct > target_curve_80_pct * (1.0 + max_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The curve value at 80% of #{curve_80_pct.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{max_pass_pct * 100} % above the typical value of #{target_curve_80_pct.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") end end # check @model.getFanVariableVolumes.sort.each do |component| # skip if not on multi-zone system. if component.airLoopHVAC.is_initialized airloop = component.airLoopHVAC.get next unless airloop.thermalZones.size > 1.0 end # skip of brake horsepower is 0 next if std.fan_brake_horsepower(component) < 0.0001 # less than 1 wat # temp model for use by temp model and target curve model_temp = OpenStudio::Model::Model.new # get coeficents for fan model_fan_coefs = [] model_fan_coefs << component.fanPowerCoefficient1.get model_fan_coefs << component.fanPowerCoefficient2.get model_fan_coefs << component.fanPowerCoefficient3.get model_fan_coefs << component.fanPowerCoefficient4.get model_fan_coefs << component.fanPowerCoefficient5.get # make model curve model_curve = OpenStudio::Model::CurveQuartic.new(model_temp) model_curve.setCoefficient1Constant(model_fan_coefs[0]) model_curve.setCoefficient2x(model_fan_coefs[1]) model_curve.setCoefficient3xPOW2(model_fan_coefs[2]) model_curve.setCoefficient4xPOW3(model_fan_coefs[3]) model_curve.setCoefficient5xPOW4(model_fan_coefs[4]) curve_40_pct = model_curve.evaluate(0.4) curve_80_pct = model_curve.evaluate(0.8) # get target coefs target_fan = OpenStudio::Model::FanVariableVolume.new(model_temp) std.fan_variable_volume_set_control_type(target_fan, 'Multi Zone VAV with VSD and Static Pressure Reset') # get coeficents for fan target_fan_coefs = [] target_fan_coefs << target_fan.fanPowerCoefficient1.get target_fan_coefs << target_fan.fanPowerCoefficient2.get target_fan_coefs << target_fan.fanPowerCoefficient3.get target_fan_coefs << target_fan.fanPowerCoefficient4.get target_fan_coefs << target_fan.fanPowerCoefficient5.get # make model curve target_curve = OpenStudio::Model::CurveQuartic.new(model_temp) target_curve.setCoefficient1Constant(target_fan_coefs[0]) target_curve.setCoefficient2x(target_fan_coefs[1]) target_curve.setCoefficient3xPOW2(target_fan_coefs[2]) target_curve.setCoefficient4xPOW3(target_fan_coefs[3]) target_curve.setCoefficient5xPOW4(target_fan_coefs[4]) target_curve_40_pct = target_curve.evaluate(0.4) target_curve_80_pct = target_curve.evaluate(0.8) # check curve at two points if curve_40_pct < target_curve_40_pct * (1.0 - min_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The curve value at 40% of #{curve_40_pct.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{min_pass_pct * 100} % below the typical value of #{target_curve_40_pct.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") elsif curve_40_pct > target_curve_40_pct * (1.0 + max_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The curve value at 40% of #{curve_40_pct.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{max_pass_pct * 100} % above the typical value of #{target_curve_40_pct.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") end if curve_80_pct < target_curve_80_pct * (1.0 - min_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The curve value at 80% of #{curve_80_pct.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{min_pass_pct * 100} % below the typical value of #{target_curve_80_pct.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") elsif curve_80_pct > target_curve_80_pct * (1.0 + max_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The curve value at 80% of #{curve_80_pct.round(2)} for #{component.name} is more than #{max_pass_pct * 100} % above the typical value of #{target_curve_80_pct.round(2)} for #{target_standard}.") end end rescue StandardError => e # brief description of ruby error check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Error prevented QAQC check from running (#{e}).") # backtrace of ruby error for diagnostic use if @error_backtrace then check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', e.backtrace.join("\n").to_s) end end # add check_elms to new attribute check_elem = OpenStudio::Attribute.new('check', check_elems) return check_elem end # Check primary plant loop heating and cooling equipment capacity against coil loads to find equipment that is significantly oversized or undersized. # # @param category [String] category to bin this check into # @param target_standard [String] standard template, e.g. '90.1-2013' # @param max_pct_delta [Double] threshold for throwing an error for percent difference # @param name_only [Boolean] If true, only return the name of this check # @return [OpenStudio::Attribute] OpenStudio Attribute object containing check results def self.check_plant_loop_capacity(category, target_standard, max_pct_delta: 0.3, name_only: false) # summary of the check check_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('name', 'Plant Capacity') check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('category', category) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('description', 'Check that plant equipment capacity matches loads.') # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true results = [] check_elems.each do |elem| results << elem.valueAsString end return results end std = Standard.build(target_standard) begin # Check the heating and cooling capacity of the plant loops against their coil loads @model.getPlantLoops.sort.each do |plant_loop| # Heating capacity htg_cap_w = std.plant_loop_total_heating_capacity(plant_loop) # Cooling capacity clg_cap_w = std.plant_loop_total_cooling_capacity(plant_loop) # Sum the load for each coil on the loop htg_load_w = 0.0 clg_load_w = 0.0 plant_loop.demandComponents.each do |dc| obj_type = dc.iddObjectType.valueName.to_s case obj_type when 'OS_Coil_Heating_Water' coil = dc.to_CoilHeatingWater.get if coil.ratedCapacity.is_initialized htg_load_w += coil.ratedCapacity.get elsif coil.autosizedRatedCapacity.is_initialized htg_load_w += coil.autosizedRatedCapacity.get end when 'OS_Coil_Cooling_Water' coil = dc.to_CoilCoolingWater.get if coil.autosizedDesignCoilLoad.is_initialized clg_load_w += coil.autosizedDesignCoilLoad.get end end end # Don't check loops with no loads. These are probably SWH or non-typical loops that can't be checked by simple methods. # Heating if htg_load_w > 0 htg_cap_kbtu_per_hr = OpenStudio.convert(htg_cap_w, 'W', 'kBtu/hr').get.round(1) htg_load_kbtu_per_hr = OpenStudio.convert(htg_load_w, 'W', 'kBtu/hr').get.round(1) if ((htg_cap_w - htg_load_w) / htg_cap_w).abs > max_pct_delta check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "For #{plant_loop.name}, the total heating capacity of #{htg_cap_kbtu_per_hr} kBtu/hr is more than #{(max_pct_delta * 100.0).round(2)}% different from the combined coil load of #{htg_load_kbtu_per_hr} kBtu/hr. This could indicate significantly oversized or undersized equipment.") end end # Cooling if clg_load_w > 0 clg_cap_tons = OpenStudio.convert(clg_cap_w, 'W', 'ton').get.round(1) clg_load_tons = OpenStudio.convert(clg_load_w, 'W', 'ton').get.round(1) if ((clg_cap_w - clg_load_w) / clg_cap_w).abs > max_pct_delta check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "For #{plant_loop.name}, the total cooling capacity of #{clg_load_tons} tons is more than #{(max_pct_delta * 100.0).round(2)}% different from the combined coil load of #{clg_load_tons} tons. This could indicate significantly oversized or undersized equipment.") end end end rescue StandardError => e # brief description of ruby error check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Error prevented QAQC check from running (#{e}).") # backtrace of ruby error for diagnostic use if @error_backtrace then check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', e.backtrace.join("\n").to_s) end end # add check_elms to new attribute check_elem = OpenStudio::Attribute.new('check', check_elems) return check_elem end # Check the plant loop operational vs. sizing temperatures and make sure everything is coordinated. # This identifies problems caused by sizing to one set of conditions and operating at a different set. # # @param category [String] category to bin this check into # @param max_sizing_temp_delta [Double] threshold for throwing an error for design sizing temperatures # @param max_operating_temp_delta [Double] threshold for throwing an error on operating temperatures # @param name_only [Boolean] If true, only return the name of this check # @return [OpenStudio::Attribute] OpenStudio Attribute object containing check results def self.check_plant_loop_temperatures(category, max_sizing_temp_delta: 2.0, max_operating_temp_delta: 5.0, name_only: false) # summary of the check check_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('name', 'Plant Loop Temperatures') check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('category', category) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('description', 'Check that plant loop sizing and operation temperatures are coordinated.') # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true results = [] check_elems.each do |elem| results << elem.valueAsString end return results end begin # get the weather file run period (as opposed to design day run period) ann_env_pd = nil @sql.availableEnvPeriods.each do |env_pd| env_type = @sql.environmentType(env_pd) if env_type.is_initialized if env_type.get == OpenStudio::EnvironmentType.new('WeatherRunPeriod') ann_env_pd = env_pd break end end end # only try to get the annual timeseries if an annual simulation was run if ann_env_pd.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', 'Cannot find the annual simulation run period, cannot check equipment part load ratios.') return check_elems end # Check each plant loop in the model @model.getPlantLoops.sort.each do |plant_loop| supply_outlet_node_name = plant_loop.supplyOutletNode.name.to_s design_supply_temperature = plant_loop.sizingPlant.designLoopExitTemperature design_supply_temperature = OpenStudio.convert(design_supply_temperature, 'C', 'F').get design_temperature_difference = plant_loop.sizingPlant.loopDesignTemperatureDifference design_temperature_difference = OpenStudio.convert(design_temperature_difference, 'K', 'R').get # get min and max temperatures from setpoint manager spm_name = '' spm_type = '' spm_min_temp_f = nil spm_max_temp_f = nil spms = plant_loop.supplyOutletNode.setpointManagers unless spms.empty? spm = spms[0] # assume first setpoint manager is only setpoint manager spm_name = spm.name spm_type = spm.iddObjectType.valueName.to_s spm_temps_f = OpenstudioStandards::HVAC.setpoint_manager_min_max_temperature(spm) spm_min_temp_f = spm_temps_f['min_temp'] spm_max_temp_f = spm_temps_f['max_temp'] end # check setpoint manager temperatures against design temperatures case plant_loop.sizingPlant.loopType when 'Heating' if spm_max_temp_f && ((spm_max_temp_f - design_supply_temperature).abs > max_sizing_temp_delta) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Minor Error: #{plant_loop.name} sizing uses a #{design_supply_temperature.round(1)}F supply water temperature, but the setpoint manager operates up to #{spm_max_temp_f.round(1)}F.") end when 'Cooling' if spm_min_temp_f && ((spm_min_temp_f - design_supply_temperature).abs > max_sizing_temp_delta) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Minor Error: #{plant_loop.name} sizing uses a #{design_supply_temperature.round(1)}F supply water temperature, but the setpoint manager operates down to #{spm_min_temp_f.round(1)}F.") end end # get supply water temperatures for supply outlet node supply_temp_timeseries = @sql.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, 'Timestep', 'System Node Temperature', supply_outlet_node_name) if supply_temp_timeseries.empty? check[:items] << { type: 'warning', msg: "No supply node temperature timeseries found for '#{plant_loop.name}'" } next else # convert to ruby array temperatures = [] supply_temp_vector = supply_temp_timeseries.get.values for i in (0..supply_temp_vector.size - 1) temperatures << supply_temp_vector[i] end end # get supply water flow rates for supply outlet node supply_flow_timeseries = @sql.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, 'Timestep', 'System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate', supply_outlet_node_name) if supply_flow_timeseries.empty? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Warning: No supply node temperature timeseries found for '#{plant_loop.name}'") next else # convert to ruby array flowrates = [] supply_flow_vector = supply_flow_timeseries.get.values for i in (0..supply_flow_vector.size - 1) flowrates << supply_flow_vector[i].to_f end end # check reasonableness of supply water temperatures when supply water flow rate is operating operating_temperatures = temperatures.select.with_index { |_t, k| flowrates[k] > 1e-8 } operating_temperatures = operating_temperatures.map { |t| ((t * 1.8) + 32.0) } if operating_temperatures.empty? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Warning: Flowrates are all zero in supply node timeseries for '#{plant_loop.name}'") next end runtime_fraction = operating_temperatures.size / temperatures.size.to_f temps_out_of_bounds = [] case plant_loop.sizingPlant.loopType when 'Heating' design_return_temperature = design_supply_temperature - design_temperature_difference expected_max = spm_max_temp_f.nil? ? design_supply_temperature : [design_supply_temperature, spm_max_temp_f].max expected_min = spm_min_temp_f.nil? ? design_return_temperature : [design_return_temperature, spm_min_temp_f].min temps_out_of_bounds = (operating_temperatures.select { |t| (((t + max_operating_temp_delta) < expected_min) || ((t - max_operating_temp_delta) > expected_max)) }) when 'Cooling' design_return_temperature = design_supply_temperature + design_temperature_difference expected_max = spm_max_temp_f.nil? ? design_return_temperature : [design_return_temperature, spm_max_temp_f].max expected_min = spm_min_temp_f.nil? ? design_supply_temperature : [design_supply_temperature, spm_min_temp_f].min temps_out_of_bounds = (operating_temperatures.select { |t| (((t + max_operating_temp_delta) < expected_min) || ((t - max_operating_temp_delta) > expected_max)) }) when 'Condenser' design_return_temperature = design_supply_temperature + design_temperature_difference expected_max = spm_max_temp_f.nil? ? design_return_temperature : [design_return_temperature, spm_max_temp_f].max temps_out_of_bounds = (operating_temperatures.select { |t| ((t < 35.0) || (t > 100.0) || ((t - max_operating_temp_delta) > expected_max)) }) end next if temps_out_of_bounds.empty? min_op_temp_f = temps_out_of_bounds.min max_op_temp_f = temps_out_of_bounds.max # avg_F = temps_out_of_bounds.inject(:+).to_f / temps_out_of_bounds.size spm_min_temp_f = spm_min_temp_f.round(1) unless spm_min_temp_f.nil? spm_max_temp_f = spm_max_temp_f.round(1) unless spm_max_temp_f.nil? err = [] err << 'Major Error:' err << 'Expected supply water temperatures out of bounds for' err << "#{plant_loop.sizingPlant.loopType} plant loop '#{plant_loop.name}'" err << "with a #{design_supply_temperature.round(1)}F design supply temperature and" err << "#{design_return_temperature.round(1)}F design return temperature and" err << "a setpoint manager '#{spm_name}' of type '#{spm_type}' with a" err << "#{spm_min_temp_f}F minimum setpoint temperature and" err << "#{spm_max_temp_f}F maximum setpoint temperature." err << "Out of #{operating_temperatures.size}/#{temperatures.size} (#{(runtime_fraction * 100.0).round(1)}%) operating supply water temperatures" err << "#{temps_out_of_bounds.size}/#{operating_temperatures.size} (#{((temps_out_of_bounds.size.to_f / operating_temperatures.size) * 100.0).round(1)}%)" err << "are out of bounds with #{min_op_temp_f.round(1)}F min and #{max_op_temp_f.round(1)}F max." check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', err.join(' ').gsub(/\n/, '')) end rescue StandardError => e # brief description of ruby error check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Error prevented QAQC check from running (#{e}).") # backtrace of ruby error for diagnostic use if @error_backtrace then check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', e.backtrace.join("\n").to_s) end end # add check_elms to new attribute check_elem = OpenStudio::Attribute.new('check', check_elems) return check_elem end # Check the pumping power (W/gpm) for each pump in the model to identify unrealistically sized pumps. # # @param category [String] category to bin this check into # @param target_standard [String] standard template, e.g. '90.1-2013' # @param max_pct_delta [Double] threshold for throwing an error for percent difference # @param name_only [Boolean] If true, only return the name of this check # @return [OpenStudio::Attribute] OpenStudio Attribute object containing check results def self.check_pump_power(category, target_standard, max_pct_delta: 0.3, name_only: false) # summary of the check check_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('name', 'Pump Power') check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('category', category) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('description', 'Check that pump power vs flow makes sense.') # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true results = [] check_elems.each do |elem| results << elem.valueAsString end return results end std = Standard.build(target_standard) begin # Check each plant loop @model.getPlantLoops.sort.each do |plant_loop| # Set the expected/typical W/gpm loop_type = plant_loop.sizingPlant.loopType case loop_type when 'Heating', 'Condenser' expected_w_per_gpm = 19.0 when 'Cooling' expected_w_per_gpm = 22.0 end # Check the W/gpm for each pump on each plant loop plant_loop.supplyComponents.each do |component| # Get the W/gpm for the pump obj_type = component.iddObjectType.valueName.to_s case obj_type when 'OS_Pump_ConstantSpeed' actual_w_per_gpm = std.pump_rated_w_per_gpm(component.to_PumpConstantSpeed.get) when 'OS_Pump_VariableSpeed' actual_w_per_gpm = std.pump_rated_w_per_gpm(component.to_PumpVariableSpeed.get) when 'OS_HeaderedPumps_ConstantSpeed' actual_w_per_gpm = std.pump_rated_w_per_gpm(component.to_HeaderedPumpsConstantSpeed.get) when 'OS_HeaderedPumps_VariableSpeed' actual_w_per_gpm = std.pump_rated_w_per_gpm(component.to_HeaderedPumpsVariableSpeed.get) else next # Skip non-pump objects end # Compare W/gpm to expected/typical values if ((expected_w_per_gpm - actual_w_per_gpm) / actual_w_per_gpm).abs > max_pct_delta if plant_loop.name.get.to_s.downcase.include? 'service water loop' # some service water loops use just water main pressure and have a dummy pump check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Warning: For #{component.name} on #{plant_loop.name}, the pumping power is #{actual_w_per_gpm.round(1)} W/gpm.") else check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "For #{component.name} on #{plant_loop.name}, the actual pumping power of #{actual_w_per_gpm.round(1)} W/gpm is more than #{(max_pct_delta * 100.0).round(2)}% different from the expected #{expected_w_per_gpm} W/gpm for a #{loop_type} plant loop.") end end end end rescue StandardError => e # brief description of ruby error check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Error prevented QAQC check from running (#{e}).") # backtrace of ruby error for diagnostic use if @error_backtrace then check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', e.backtrace.join("\n").to_s) end end # add check_elms to new attribute check_elem = OpenStudio::Attribute.new('check', check_elems) return check_elem end # Check for excess simulataneous heating and cooling # # @param category [String] category to bin this check into # @param max_pass_pct [Double] threshold for throwing an error for percent difference # @param name_only [Boolean] If true, only return the name of this check # @return [OpenStudio::Attribute] OpenStudio Attribute object containing check results def self.check_simultaneous_heating_and_cooling(category, max_pass_pct: 0.1, name_only: false) # summary of the check check_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('name', 'Simultaneous Heating and Cooling') check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('category', category) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('description', 'Check for simultaneous heating and cooling by looping through all Single Duct VAV Reheat Air Terminals and analyzing hourly data when there is a cooling load. ') # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true results = [] check_elems.each do |elem| results << elem.valueAsString end return results end begin # get the weather file run period (as opposed to design day run period) ann_env_pd = nil @sql.availableEnvPeriods.each do |env_pd| env_type = @sql.environmentType(env_pd) if env_type.is_initialized && (env_type.get == OpenStudio::EnvironmentType.new('WeatherRunPeriod')) ann_env_pd = env_pd break end end # only try to get the annual timeseries if an annual simulation was run if ann_env_pd.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', 'Cannot find the annual simulation run period, cannot determine simultaneous heating and cooling.') return check_elem end # For each VAV reheat terminal, calculate # the annual total % reheat hours. @model.getAirTerminalSingleDuctVAVReheats.sort.each do |term| # Reheat coil heating rate rht_coil = term.reheatCoil key_value = rht_coil.name.get.to_s.upcase # must be in all caps. time_step = 'Hourly' # "Zone Timestep", "Hourly", "HVAC System Timestep" variable_name = 'Heating Coil Heating Rate' variable_name_alt = 'Heating Coil Air Heating Rate' rht_rate_ts = @sql.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, time_step, variable_name, key_value) # key value would go at the end if we used it. # try and alternate variable name if rht_rate_ts.empty? rht_rate_ts = @sql.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, time_step, variable_name_alt, key_value) # key value would go at the end if we used it. end if rht_rate_ts.empty? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Heating Coil (Air) Heating Rate Timeseries not found for #{key_value}.") else rht_rate_ts = rht_rate_ts.get.values # Put timeseries into array rht_rate_vals = [] for i in 0..(rht_rate_ts.size - 1) rht_rate_vals << rht_rate_ts[i] end # Zone Air Terminal Sensible Heating Rate key_value = "ADU #{term.name.get.to_s.upcase}" # must be in all caps. time_step = 'Hourly' # "Zone Timestep", "Hourly", "HVAC System Timestep" variable_name = 'Zone Air Terminal Sensible Cooling Rate' clg_rate_ts = @sql.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, time_step, variable_name, key_value) # key value would go at the end if we used it. if clg_rate_ts.empty? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Zone Air Terminal Sensible Cooling Rate Timeseries not found for #{key_value}.") else clg_rate_ts = clg_rate_ts.get.values # Put timeseries into array clg_rate_vals = [] for i in 0..(clg_rate_ts.size - 1) clg_rate_vals << clg_rate_ts[i] end # Loop through each timestep and calculate the hourly # % reheat value. ann_rht_hrs = 0 ann_clg_hrs = 0 ann_pcts = [] rht_rate_vals.zip(clg_rate_vals).each do |rht_w, clg_w| # Skip hours with no cooling (in heating mode) next if clg_w == 0 pct_overcool_rht = rht_w / (rht_w + clg_w) ann_rht_hrs += pct_overcool_rht # implied * 1hr b/c hrly results ann_clg_hrs += 1 ann_pcts << pct_overcool_rht.round(3) end # Calculate annual % reheat hours ann_pct_reheat = ((ann_rht_hrs / ann_clg_hrs) * 100).round(1) # Compare to limit if ann_pct_reheat > max_pass_pct * 100.0 check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "#{term.name} has #{ann_pct_reheat}% overcool-reheat, which is greater than the limit of #{max_pass_pct * 100.0}%. This terminal is in cooling mode for #{ann_clg_hrs} hours of the year.") end end end end rescue StandardError => e # brief description of ruby error check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Error prevented QAQC check from running (#{e}).") # backtrace of ruby error for diagnostic use if @error_backtrace then check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', e.backtrace.join("\n").to_s) end end # add check_elms to new attribute check_elem = OpenStudio::Attribute.new('check', check_elems) return check_elem end # Bin the hourly part load ratios into 10% bins # # @param hourly_part_load_ratios # @return [Array] Array of 11 integers for each bin def self.hourly_part_load_ratio_bins(hourly_part_load_ratios) bins = Array.new(11, 0) hourly_part_load_ratios.each do |plr| if plr <= 0 bins[0] += 1 elsif plr > 0 && plr <= 0.1 bins[1] += 1 elsif plr > 0.1 && plr <= 0.2 bins[2] += 1 elsif plr > 0.2 && plr <= 0.3 bins[3] += 1 elsif plr > 0.3 && plr <= 0.4 bins[4] += 1 elsif plr > 0.4 && plr <= 0.5 bins[5] += 1 elsif plr > 0.5 && plr <= 0.6 bins[6] += 1 elsif plr > 0.6 && plr <= 0.7 bins[7] += 1 elsif plr > 0.7 && plr <= 0.8 bins[8] += 1 elsif plr > 0.8 && plr <= 0.9 bins[9] += 1 elsif plr > 0.9 # add over-100% PLRs to final bin bins[10] += 1 end end # Convert bins from hour counts to % of operating hours. bins.each_with_index do |bin, i| bins[i] = bins[i] * 1.0 / hourly_part_load_ratios.size end return bins end # Checks part loads ratios for a piece of equipment using the part load timeseries # # @param sql [OpenStudio::SqlFile] OpenStudio SqlFile # @param ann_env_pd [String] EnvPeriod, typically 'WeatherRunPeriod' # @param time_step [String] timestep, typically 'Hourly' # @param variable_name [String] part load ratio variable name # @param equipment [OpenStudio::Model::ModelObject] OpenStudio ModelObject, usually an HVACComponent # @param design_power [Double] equipment design power, typically in watts # @param units [String] design_power units, typically 'W', default '' # @param expect_low_plr [Boolean] toggle for whether to expect very low part load ratios and not report a message if found # @return [String] string with error message, or nil if none def self.hvac_equipment_part_load_ratio_message(sql, ann_env_pd, time_step, variable_name, equipment, design_power, units: '', expect_low_plr: false) msg = nil key_value = equipment.name.get.to_s.upcase # must be in all caps ts = sql.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, time_step, variable_name, key_value) if ts.empty? msg = "Warning: #{variable_name} Timeseries not found for #{key_value}." return msg end if design_power.zero? return msg end # Convert to array ts = ts.get.values plrs = [] for i in 0..(ts.size - 1) plrs << (ts[i] / design_power.to_f) end # Bin part load ratios bins = OpenstudioStandards::HVAC.hourly_part_load_ratio_bins(plrs) frac_hrs_above_90 = bins[10] frac_hrs_above_80 = frac_hrs_above_90 + bins[9] frac_hrs_above_70 = frac_hrs_above_80 + bins[8] frac_hrs_above_60 = frac_hrs_above_70 + bins[7] frac_hrs_above_50 = frac_hrs_above_60 + bins[6] frac_hrs_zero = bins[0] pretty_bins = bins.map { |x| (x * 100).round(2) } # Check top-end part load ratio bins if expect_low_plr msg = "Warning: For #{equipment.name} with design size #{design_power.round(2)} #{units} is expected to have a low part load ratio. Bins of PLR [0%,0%-10%,...]: #{pretty_bins}." elsif frac_hrs_zero == 1.0 msg = "Warning: For #{equipment.name}, all hrs are zero; equipment never runs." elsif frac_hrs_above_50 < 0.01 msg = "Major Error: For #{equipment.name} with design size #{design_power.round(2)} #{units}, #{(frac_hrs_above_50 * 100).round(2)}% of hrs are above 50% part load. This indicates significantly oversized equipment. Bins of PLR [0%,0%-10%,...]: #{pretty_bins}." elsif frac_hrs_above_60 < 0.01 msg = "Minor Error: For #{equipment.name} with design size #{design_power.round(2)} #{units}, #{(frac_hrs_above_60 * 100).round(2)}% of hrs are above 60% part load. This indicates significantly oversized equipment. Bins of PLR [0%,0%-10%,...]: #{pretty_bins}." elsif frac_hrs_above_80 < 0.01 msg = "Warning: For #{equipment.name} with design size #{design_power.round(2)} #{units}, #{(frac_hrs_above_80 * 100).round(2)}% of hrs are above 80% part load. This indicates oversized equipment. Bins of PLR [0%,0%-10%,...]: #{pretty_bins}." elsif frac_hrs_above_90 > 0.05 msg = "Warning: For #{equipment.name} with design size #{design_power.round(2)} #{units}, #{(frac_hrs_above_90 * 100).round(2)}% of hrs are above 90% part load. This indicates undersized equipment. Bins of PLR [0%,0%-10%,...]: #{pretty_bins}." elsif frac_hrs_above_90 > 0.1 msg = "Minor Error: For #{equipment.name} with design size #{design_power.round(2)} #{units}, #{(frac_hrs_above_90 * 100).round(2)}% of hrs are above 90% part load. This indicates significantly undersized equipment. Bins of PLR [0%,0%-10%,...]: #{pretty_bins}." elsif frac_hrs_above_90 > 0.2 msg = "Major Error: For #{equipment.name} with design size #{design_power.round(2)} #{units}, #{(frac_hrs_above_90 * 100).round(2)}% of hrs are above 90% part load. This indicates significantly undersized equipment. Bins of PLR [0%,0%-10%,...]: #{pretty_bins}." end return msg end # Check primary heating and cooling equipment part load ratios to find equipment that is significantly oversized or undersized. # # @param category [String] category to bin this check into # @param name_only [Boolean] If true, only return the name of this check # @return [OpenStudio::Attribute] OpenStudio Attribute object containing check results def self.check_hvac_equipment_part_load_ratios(category, name_only: false) # summary of the check check_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('name', 'Part Load') check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('category', category) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('description', 'Check that equipment operates at reasonable part load ranges.') # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true results = [] check_elems.each do |elem| results << elem.valueAsString end return results end begin # Establish limits for % of operating hrs expected above 90% part load expected_pct_hrs_above_90 = 0.1 # get the weather file run period (as opposed to design day run period) ann_env_pd = nil @sql.availableEnvPeriods.each do |env_pd| env_type = @sql.environmentType(env_pd) if env_type.is_initialized && (env_type.get == OpenStudio::EnvironmentType.new('WeatherRunPeriod')) ann_env_pd = env_pd break end end # only try to get the annual timeseries if an annual simulation was run if ann_env_pd.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', 'Cannot find the annual simulation run period, cannot check equipment part load ratios.') return check_elem end # Boilers @model.getBoilerHotWaters.sort.each do |boiler| msg = OpenstudioStandards::HVAC.hvac_equipment_part_load_ratio_message(@sql, ann_env_pd, 'Hourly', 'Boiler Part Load Ratio', boiler, 1.0) unless msg.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', msg) end end # Chillers @model.getChillerElectricEIRs.sort.each do |chiller| msg = OpenstudioStandards::HVAC.hvac_equipment_part_load_ratio_message(@sql, ann_env_pd, 'Hourly', 'Chiller Part Load Ratio', chiller, 1.0) unless msg.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', msg) end end # Cooling Towers (Single Speed) @model.getCoolingTowerSingleSpeeds.sort.each do |cooling_tower| # Get the design fan power if cooling_tower.fanPoweratDesignAirFlowRate.is_initialized design_power = cooling_tower.fanPoweratDesignAirFlowRate.get elsif cooling_tower.autosizedFanPoweratDesignAirFlowRate.is_initialized design_power = cooling_tower.autosizedFanPoweratDesignAirFlowRate.get else check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Could not determine peak power for #{cooling_tower.name}, cannot check part load ratios.") next end msg = OpenstudioStandards::HVAC.hvac_equipment_part_load_ratio_message(@sql, ann_env_pd, 'Hourly', 'Cooling Tower Fan Electric Power', cooling_tower, design_power, units: 'W') unless msg.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', msg) end end # Cooling Towers (Two Speed) @model.getCoolingTowerTwoSpeeds.sort.each do |cooling_tower| # Get the design fan power if cooling_tower.highFanSpeedFanPower.is_initialized design_power = cooling_tower.highFanSpeedFanPower.get elsif cooling_tower.autosizedHighFanSpeedFanPower.is_initialized design_power = cooling_tower.autosizedHighFanSpeedFanPower.get else check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Could not determine peak power for #{cooling_tower.name}, cannot check part load ratios.") next end msg = OpenstudioStandards::HVAC.hvac_equipment_part_load_ratio_message(@sql, ann_env_pd, 'Hourly', 'Cooling Tower Fan Electric Power', cooling_tower, design_power, units: 'W') unless msg.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', msg) end end # Cooling Towers (Variable Speed) @model.getCoolingTowerVariableSpeeds.sort.each do |cooling_tower| # Get the design fan power if cooling_tower.designFanPower.is_initialized design_power = cooling_tower.designFanPower.get elsif cooling_tower.autosizedDesignFanPower.is_initialized design_power = cooling_tower.autosizedDesignFanPower.get else check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Could not determine peak power for #{cooling_tower.name}, cannot check part load ratios.") next end msg = OpenstudioStandards::HVAC.hvac_equipment_part_load_ratio_message(@sql, ann_env_pd, 'Hourly', 'Cooling Tower Fan Electric Power', cooling_tower, design_power, units: 'W') unless msg.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', msg) end end # DX Cooling Coils (Single Speed) @model.getCoilCoolingDXSingleSpeeds.sort.each do |dx_coil| # Get the design coil capacity if dx_coil.ratedTotalCoolingCapacity.is_initialized design_power = dx_coil.ratedTotalCoolingCapacity.get elsif dx_coil.autosizedRatedTotalCoolingCapacity.is_initialized design_power = dx_coil.autosizedRatedTotalCoolingCapacity.get else check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Could not determine capacity for #{dx_coil.name}, cannot check part load ratios.") next end msg = OpenstudioStandards::HVAC.hvac_equipment_part_load_ratio_message(@sql, ann_env_pd, 'Hourly', 'Cooling Coil Total Cooling Rate', dx_coil, design_power, units: 'W') unless msg.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', msg) end end # DX Cooling Coils (Two Speed) @model.getCoilCoolingDXTwoSpeeds.sort.each do |dx_coil| # Get the design coil capacity if dx_coil.ratedHighSpeedTotalCoolingCapacity.is_initialized design_power = dx_coil.ratedHighSpeedTotalCoolingCapacity.get elsif dx_coil.autosizedRatedHighSpeedTotalCoolingCapacity.is_initialized design_power = dx_coil.autosizedRatedHighSpeedTotalCoolingCapacity.get else check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Could not determine capacity for #{dx_coil.name}, cannot check part load ratios.") next end msg = OpenstudioStandards::HVAC.hvac_equipment_part_load_ratio_message(@sql, ann_env_pd, 'Hourly', 'Cooling Coil Total Cooling Rate', dx_coil, design_power, units: 'W') unless msg.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', msg) end end # DX Cooling Coils (Variable Speed) @model.getCoilCoolingDXVariableSpeeds.sort.each do |dx_coil| # Get the design coil capacity if dx_coil.grossRatedTotalCoolingCapacityAtSelectedNominalSpeedLevel.is_initialized design_power = dx_coil.grossRatedTotalCoolingCapacityAtSelectedNominalSpeedLevel.get elsif dx_coil.autosizedGrossRatedTotalCoolingCapacityAtSelectedNominalSpeedLevel.is_initialized design_power = dx_coil.autosizedGrossRatedTotalCoolingCapacityAtSelectedNominalSpeedLevel.get else check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Could not determine capacity for #{dx_coil.name}, cannot check part load ratios.") next end msg = OpenstudioStandards::HVAC.hvac_equipment_part_load_ratio_message(@sql, ann_env_pd, 'Hourly', 'Cooling Coil Total Cooling Rate', dx_coil, design_power, units: 'W') unless msg.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', msg) end end # Gas Heating Coils @model.getCoilHeatingGass.sort.each do |gas_coil| # Get the design coil capacity if gas_coil.nominalCapacity.is_initialized design_power = gas_coil.nominalCapacity.get elsif gas_coil.autosizedNominalCapacity.is_initialized design_power = gas_coil.autosizedNominalCapacity.get else check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Could not determine capacity for #{gas_coil.name}, cannot check part load ratios.") next end if (gas_coil.name.to_s.include? 'Backup') || (gas_coil.name.to_s.include? 'Supplemental') msg = OpenstudioStandards::HVAC.hvac_equipment_part_load_ratio_message(@sql, ann_env_pd, 'Hourly', 'Heating Coil Heating Rate', gas_coil, design_power, units: 'W', expect_low_plr: true) else msg = OpenstudioStandards::HVAC.hvac_equipment_part_load_ratio_message(@sql, ann_env_pd, 'Hourly', 'Heating Coil Heating Rate', gas_coil, design_power, units: 'W') end unless msg.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', msg) end end # Electric Heating Coils @model.getCoilHeatingElectrics.sort.each do |electric_coil| # Get the design coil capacity if electric_coil.nominalCapacity.is_initialized design_power = electric_coil.nominalCapacity.get elsif electric_coil.autosizedNominalCapacity.is_initialized design_power = electric_coil.autosizedNominalCapacity.get else check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Could not determine capacity for #{electric_coil.name}, cannot check part load ratios.") next end if (electric_coil.name.to_s.include? 'Backup') || (electric_coil.name.to_s.include? 'Supplemental') msg = OpenstudioStandards::HVAC.hvac_equipment_part_load_ratio_message(@sql, ann_env_pd, 'Hourly', 'Heating Coil Heating Rate', electric_coil, design_power, units: 'W', expect_low_plr: true) else msg = OpenstudioStandards::HVAC.hvac_equipment_part_load_ratio_message(@sql, ann_env_pd, 'Hourly', 'Heating Coil Heating Rate', electric_coil, design_power, units: 'W') end unless msg.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', msg) end end # DX Heating Coils (Single Speed) @model.getCoilHeatingDXSingleSpeeds.sort.each do |dx_coil| # Get the design coil capacity if dx_coil.ratedTotalHeatingCapacity.is_initialized design_power = dx_coil.ratedTotalHeatingCapacity.get elsif dx_coil.autosizedRatedTotalHeatingCapacity.is_initialized design_power = dx_coil.autosizedRatedTotalHeatingCapacity.get else check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Could not determine capacity for #{dx_coil.name}, cannot check part load ratios.") next end msg = OpenstudioStandards::HVAC.hvac_equipment_part_load_ratio_message(@sql, ann_env_pd, 'Hourly', 'Heating Coil Heating Rate', dx_coil, design_power, units: 'W') unless msg.nil? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', msg) end end rescue StandardError => e # brief description of ruby error check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Error prevented QAQC check from running (#{e}).") # backtrace of ruby error for diagnostic use if @error_backtrace then check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', e.backtrace.join("\n").to_s) end end # add check_elms to new attribute check_elem = OpenStudio::Attribute.new('check', check_elems) return check_elem end end end