module AsposeTasksCloud # class ExtendedAttributeDefinition < BaseObject attr_accessor :field_id, :field_name, :cf_type, :guid, :element_type, :max_multi_values, :user_def, :_alias, :secondary_pid, :auto_roll_down, :default_guid, :lookup_uid, :phonetics_alias, :rollup_type, :calculation_type, :formula, :restrict_values, :valuelist_sort_order, :append_new_values, :default, :value_list, :secondary_guid # attribute mapping from ruby-style variable name to JSON key def self.attribute_map { # :'field_id' => :'FieldId', # :'field_name' => :'FieldName', # :'cf_type' => :'CfType', # :'guid' => :'Guid', # :'element_type' => :'ElementType', # :'max_multi_values' => :'MaxMultiValues', # :'user_def' => :'UserDef', # :'_alias' => :'Alias', # :'secondary_pid' => :'SecondaryPid', # :'auto_roll_down' => :'AutoRollDown', # :'default_guid' => :'DefaultGuid', # :'lookup_uid' => :'LookupUid', # :'phonetics_alias' => :'PhoneticsAlias', # :'rollup_type' => :'RollupType', # :'calculation_type' => :'CalculationType', # :'formula' => :'Formula', # :'restrict_values' => :'RestrictValues', # :'valuelist_sort_order' => :'ValuelistSortOrder', # :'append_new_values' => :'AppendNewValues', # :'default' => :'Default', # :'value_list' => :'ValueList', # :'secondary_guid' => :'SecondaryGuid' } end # attribute type def self.swagger_types { :'field_id' => :'String', :'field_name' => :'String', :'cf_type' => :'String', :'guid' => :'String', :'element_type' => :'String', :'max_multi_values' => :'Integer', :'user_def' => :'BOOLEAN', :'_alias' => :'String', :'secondary_pid' => :'String', :'auto_roll_down' => :'BOOLEAN', :'default_guid' => :'String', :'lookup_uid' => :'String', :'phonetics_alias' => :'String', :'rollup_type' => :'String', :'calculation_type' => :'String', :'formula' => :'String', :'restrict_values' => :'BOOLEAN', :'valuelist_sort_order' => :'Integer', :'append_new_values' => :'BOOLEAN', :'default' => :'String', :'value_list' => :'Array', :'secondary_guid' => :'String' } end def initialize(attributes = {}) return if !attributes.is_a?(Hash) || attributes.empty? # convert string to symbol for hash key attributes = attributes.inject({}){|memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v; memo} if attributes[:'FieldId'] self.field_id = attributes[:'FieldId'] end if attributes[:'FieldName'] self.field_name = attributes[:'FieldName'] end if attributes[:'CfType'] self.cf_type = attributes[:'CfType'] end if attributes[:'Guid'] self.guid = attributes[:'Guid'] end if attributes[:'ElementType'] self.element_type = attributes[:'ElementType'] end if attributes[:'MaxMultiValues'] self.max_multi_values = attributes[:'MaxMultiValues'] end if attributes[:'UserDef'] self.user_def = attributes[:'UserDef'] end if attributes[:'Alias'] self._alias = attributes[:'Alias'] end if attributes[:'SecondaryPid'] self.secondary_pid = attributes[:'SecondaryPid'] end if attributes[:'AutoRollDown'] self.auto_roll_down = attributes[:'AutoRollDown'] end if attributes[:'DefaultGuid'] self.default_guid = attributes[:'DefaultGuid'] end if attributes[:'LookupUid'] self.lookup_uid = attributes[:'LookupUid'] end if attributes[:'PhoneticsAlias'] self.phonetics_alias = attributes[:'PhoneticsAlias'] end if attributes[:'RollupType'] self.rollup_type = attributes[:'RollupType'] end if attributes[:'CalculationType'] self.calculation_type = attributes[:'CalculationType'] end if attributes[:'Formula'] self.formula = attributes[:'Formula'] end if attributes[:'RestrictValues'] self.restrict_values = attributes[:'RestrictValues'] end if attributes[:'ValuelistSortOrder'] self.valuelist_sort_order = attributes[:'ValuelistSortOrder'] end if attributes[:'AppendNewValues'] self.append_new_values = attributes[:'AppendNewValues'] end if attributes[:'Default'] self.default = attributes[:'Default'] end if attributes[:'ValueList'] if (value = attributes[:'ValueList']).is_a?(Array) self.value_list = value end end if attributes[:'SecondaryGuid'] self.secondary_guid = attributes[:'SecondaryGuid'] end end end end